【NERF】ダンボールでつくってみた!How to Make Guns with Cardboard


00:00 ダンボールでナーフのライフルをつくる|How to make NERF Rifle with Cardboard

07:58 ダンボールでナーフの銃をつくる|How to make NERF Gun with Cardboard

16:01 ダンボールでスナイパーライフルをつくる| How to Make Sniper Rifle with Cardboard

Hello, all the lovers of cardboard crafts! My name is DanCreator. Welcome to my video!! Today I share the videos of making 3 NURF blasters( and guns) from cardboard. Don’t take it lightly just because these are cardboard. They look super COOL! It was so fun to make them, also aim and shoot! I hope you will like them!


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25 Replies to “【NERF】ダンボールでつくってみた!How to Make Guns with Cardboard”

  1. 設置型の野球用ピッチングマシンも、作ったりするのかな??ww

  2. 裁断一つ一つの正確さがすごい!機械物の知識もすごいですね。

  3. Well I may at least the guns or rifles making it from cardboard are definitely fully functional and also very quite impressive..????????

  4. So cool I bet you could fusion gun that’s made of four cardboard guns put together just like the sword

  5. 概要に制作費を書いていただけると嬉しいですO(≧∇≦)o

  6. 毎回毎回楽しみにしてます


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