10 Signs You’re More Attractive Than You Realize

Many people are much more attractive than they think. Perhaps you never realized your own good looks. Or maybe you never even considered it. So here are the signs that you are better looking than your mind usually tells you.


Why We Look at Pretty Faces

How Attractive People Affect the Brain

The Interrelationship Between Attractiveness and Emotional Expression

Physical Attractiveness Stereotyping as Projection of Interpersonal Goals

Why Meeting Another’s Gaze Is So Powerful

Chief Editor: Tristan Reed
Voice Over: Troy W. Hudson
For Troy: www.youtube.com/TroyWHudson
Music from Bensound.com

10 Replies to “10 Signs You’re More Attractive Than You Realize”

  1. "Many people are much more attractive than they think. Not you. Oh, no, hah. But other people, yeah, for sure."

    PS: "Magnetic" means you may be attractive to others. But it also might mean you're repulsive.

  2. The whole package thing is the reason why I won't date until I get my money right

  3. approaching people in public and people thingking your a magnet and staring at you does not happen. Maybee in the movies. The more attractive you are people get sard and avoid you.They can also be mean too you. Example and got looks every where I went. This was till about 2 years ago. But no compliments or no one trying to get to know you. They will go to the ends of the earth to pretend they dont notice you or dont ifnd you attractive. Like today Ever since I used the full best skin care. Pretty owmen and some guys dont even look in my direction. I know my looks are too attractive and that would scare me also. But I am not too good for them they need to relize. I feel ugilty and some what ranutized over the paind and desire that many people mostl girls have sufered. So I take a break from lets say going to starbucks where they know me…. and when I come in they act like tey dont see me and put up this wall of death thats sets a boundy…. thee thinking its too good to be true…I tell then dont be scared to look at me… I cant imagine how relived they are. And I dont wan to be any ones a obsestion where they act like im invisible when im on therre mind 24 7. As a matte rof fact these increadable looking young women hav not quit there job because of me… The think they will not see me again…. and I prooved this a few time… they are so nervous that they take a while to talk to me but once they do I get closer to them and they get closer to me saying goodbye happy ne wyeal or mnerry xmsas or any thing in general ( more than once ) thy are probab;y crying shortly after…. In my 20s eery head turned and lotts of attention…. the reason why that happened is because a tthatntime socisetywasmore confident and happy. When they walk by my and dont smile act like in not thre. That means they are madly in luv with me,,,, I stand in front of a mo=irror all the time. I can not get over my self.. Now at 58 I have made my money and are way mor atractive, young woman luv older men. Especially a man like me…. Illution of rejection needs to be adressed. I spent over 2 years meeting a you ng woman that acted like she was not interested… after my pep talks she finnaly broke and said she would go out on a date with me…. so I feel guilty and I feel saddend when I c people especially women doing there jobs and pretending I ma not there.. I some times apologize… 2 years ago wow lots of attention… but now I have eached the peek of how attractive I am .

    They cam eon to me sexually and I dnt have a geat smile. My teeth are messed up.. I keep my motuh shot, I have bags under my eyes that got worste,,and crows feet… Ok im not perfect , all that does not matter it actulay make s you lokk more attractive… Dark bags show that you work very hard anbd have money os thats it! sorry for typoes im racing to get through this post getting kicked out of computer room… no time to corect.

  4. I'm not looking to be more attractive, I've found people seeming to approach me more often during the past couple years since I was made really unhappy.

    I'm getting better but have been so surprised and touched at all the kindness and friendliness I've received from people during the past two years.

  5. But there is a distinction between very attractive and extremely attractive.
    All of these things apply to attractive to very attractive. For the extremely attractive; people act scared of you.

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