12 Smart Psychological Tips You'd Better Learn

How to make people like you? Bright Side is sharing 12 tips that will work every time and can help you out in any situation and help you win another person’s trust.

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25 Replies to “12 Smart Psychological Tips You'd Better Learn”

  1. I often practice number one; copying other's body language when talk to them..yeah it works especially in a casual occasion

  2. what's up with the audio…

  3. Does anyone lose sound from 2:10 to 4 min mark? And then again at 5 minutes and doesn't come back? 🙁

  4. I gave the video a thumbs down to bring to your attention the audio drops 3 separate times for multiple minutes. The first time is in the first few moments of the video, and then returns. Other than that the information seemed like it could have been useful.

  5. Love the vid but would like to point it out I don’t know if it’s my phone but when it went to the staring truck the sound cut out for that trick and the next

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