13 Habits That Probably Stop You from Losing Weight

In case all your attempts to get the perfect body fail, it’s not a reason to give up completely on your weight-loss goals. Check if you’re guilty of the following habits that will sabotage any diet and exercise plan.
Diets are just temporary measures you take to lose some extra weight, so you shouldn’t rely fully on them. Give yourself some time to get used to one new healthy habit at a time, and then keep going.
According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a good night’s rest helps you cut down on fats, carbs, and sugars. Lack of sleep, on the contrary, makes you eat way more than usual. Experts recommend taking small bites, chewing your food thoroughly, and practicing mindful eating. It means fully concentrating on your food, savoring its smell, taste, and even texture.
Desserts won’t hurt your weight loss plan at all, so anyone with a sweet tooth can now rejoice! Of course, moderation is key here, but if you stick to a “nothing-allowed” diet, you’re actually more prone to overeating.
A food diary will be your greatest ally on the road to weight loss. If all that writing sounds too tedious for you, you can simply take pictures to see exactly what you’ve been putting in your body.

Music: Staccato

You’re convinced that going on a diet will help you lose weight. 0:41
You’re into dressings and sauces. 1:35
You punish yourself for eating “prohibited” foods. 2:25
You’re afraid of being hungry. 3:22
You stick to juices and smoothies. 4:15
You underestimate the power of sleep. 5:06
You eat fast. 5:47
You go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. 6:30
You give up desserts completely. 7:22
You think fats are the enemy. 8:02
You rely too much on exercise. 8:45
You don’t keep a food diary. 9:28
You strive for perfection. 10:12

-The only way to lose and keep off unwanted pounds is to change your lifestyle. Make it a habit to always have breakfast, move more, and choose the right restaurants.
-Dipping veggies into a sauce, even a healthy one, can significantly ruin your diet. Add those calories to your food diary and don’t forget to count them in your daily allotted intake.
-If you punish yourself every time you eat something “wrong”, you risk falling into a habit of eating in response to your failure and gaining all the weight back.
-Being hungry stimulates cell renewal, improves digestion, and even regulates your blood sugar. Plus, when you’re hungry, your body produces ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates your memory and helps fight depression.
-An orange will, in fact, satisfy your hunger longer than a glass of juice will. As for healthy smoothies, one glass actually contains anywhere from 150 to 300 calories.
-If you want to shed excess weight, you’d better take an 8-hour journey to dreamland each night.
-If you eat faster than you should, you take in more calories than you need before you realize it’s time to stop.
-Have a meal or a healthy snack before going to the grocery store and don’t forget your shopping list. Otherwise, you’ll end up buying more high-calorie foods than low-calorie ones.
-You can allot only 20% of your daily calorie intake to satisfying your sweet tooth and still lose weight.
-Stick to unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, nuts, seeds, fish and avocados, instead of avoiding fats altogether.
-Physical activity burns only 10 to 30% of your energy. The rest depends on your diet, so that should be the main focus of your weight loss plan.
-Writing down everything that goes in your body keeps you aware of your portion sizes, food preferences, and meal and snack timing.
-Being too strict with yourself only encourages emotional eating, which leads to a vicious cycle. It’s totally fine if you’re not 100% perfect in following your diet plan.

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30 Replies to “13 Habits That Probably Stop You from Losing Weight”

  1. I was 71kg now 59kg in 5 month
    I love my self now more
    Abd having more confidence
    I changed my eating habits and life style with cardio

  2. I’ve always eaten fast lol, I eat a little slower now but still eat way faster than my little brother.

  3. As an underweight person I'll use this to gain weight because it's not healthy to be underweight

  4. "Yeah, I know I'm chubby. The women still love me. I send em to Waffle House at 3am for me."

    ~ Big Pooh from Little Brother

  5. Fasting is healthy. Just drink lots of water! Water is all you need to detox your body 💪💖The more you sleep, the less you eat💞

  6. Fun fact: if you want to lose weight just get braces you won’t eat anything for a week and lose 7 kg 😂 (at least that’s how I am ) ;-; ..

  7. Diets only make you more hungry just eat lots of veges and proteins and drink lots of water and walk a lot

  8. Thx a lot now u made me starve even more!!!!!!!! Don't waste ur time watching this.

  9. 1. I stopped caring about losing weight or exercise. I never felt better.
    All my physical pain has absolutely nothing to do with my weight or my lack of exercise.

  10. well, I can tell ya this much. I lost more than 10 pounds from my new entry level job I started 3 months ago. A very physical job works well!

  11. Hi guys. ? Do u have any advice for someone who works at nights 4 days a week.

  12. I will try your lost weight drink because it sound very promising

  13. You forgot when your exam is tomorrow
    You have no time to sleep but study

  14. Best ways to lose weight
    If you like dressing on your salads use balsamic viniger and eat brown bread

    You want a cupcake have a cupcake but don't eat all the frosting and don't have one once a day have it 2-3 times a week BEFORE LUNCH

  15. Anything that's worth while is only achievable with determination, time, repeated effort, and patience begin your own best friend hot worst enemy

  16. Dressings, sauces and don't forget the gravies…I fall in those traps daily😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  17. Them: You underestimate the power of sleep
    Me: It's 2:30 am,now you tell me this?

  18. Hi can someone advise me about dieting, I’m just 12 yrs. old but I want to do diet because I was being bullied. I’ve tried many diet but it doesn’t work to my body I just feel headache and I do some exercise but I just feel so tired and now I feel that I just gained weight. Pls help me pls I need some advice I don’t even know what to do pls somebody help me. I just wanted to lose weight.

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