15-Hour Potatoes 2/100

Join @whisperofyum as she challenges herself to make potatoes 100 different ways! Day 2/100: 15-hour potatoes ????

Trying @amytasty and @poppy_cooks viral 15 hour potato recipe for #2. 98 more to go!

12 Replies to “15-Hour Potatoes 2/100”

  1. It always lies on this channel just showing visuals but zero techniques, you don't just plop the potato like this and just put it in the oven, this channel always never wants to show you techniques 90% of what you see you cannot recreate if you don't know all the secrets.

  2. Poppycooks does this, but she puts them in with care, makes them thicker and all round way better.

  3. I think air frying them instead of deep frying might produce the same or similar results

  4. Garlic powder has a (limited) place in a kitchen … small amounts in dry rubs maybe but not a tablespoon + in a pan of potatoes. That will be overwhelming and taste like budget processed food from the freezer case or fast food joint. For a sophisticated touch of garlic butter in this dish use 3-4 fresh cloves and steep them in the warm melted butter until they’re soft, then fish them out. You’ll have the perfect touch of fresh garlic butter that is not overwhelming and won’t leave everyone with garlic powder breath.

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