$2 Chicken Tikka Masala | But Cheaper

We love a good homemade curry.. especially when it’s cheap.

Skillet: https://amzn.to/3Q5YauT
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Full Recipe: https://www.joshuaweissman.com/post/2-chicken-tikka-masala-but-cheaper

15 Replies to “$2 Chicken Tikka Masala | But Cheaper”

  1. Hey Joshua, where do you get your ginger from? It looks big, beautiful, and so yellow! The one I get from HEB is sad and gray…

  2. I’ll try this recipe. I have all the base ingredients on hand for the Garam Marsala and other spices I bought for making other dishes. May as well, that stuff has a shelf life after all.

  3. I made this recipe and it got my desi friend’s approval. Indian and Middle Eastern food markets sell spices for extremely cheap prices (a 10 oz pack of Garam Masala goes for $3). However, living in California, I have no idea where you get such cheap chicken. Great recipe, I added some spicy curry mix to give it a bit more kick of heat.

  4. Only thing I recommend is using basmati rice. I worked at an Indian restaurant and that’s the rice of choice

  5. Please make a lentil curry!!!!! We poor up in here and can't afford no fancy chickens. Mine always turns out bland without any kick.

  6. Didn't catch it the first time, but the cost of Garam Masala first, 11g was $1.02, then 9g was $0.32. That math… doesn't add up :p

  7. This content has successfully turned into a series of TikTok shorts that have been combined to make one full feature video. I think it has been specifically designed to reach the lowest common denominator. This used to be a cooking show. But as long as Josh is in it I'll watch it.

  8. Why Americans always complain about blender? I imagine it would be much cheaper in contrast to our country (Turkey, whichc imports most of the parts and most people gets only minimum wage, and even then what's a blender costs 🤔) . If you don't want to purchase a blender, just say it. Cost won't explain the reasoning.

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