5 Habits That Make People Dislike You

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There are 5 personality types that people obsess over. And if you discover which one best matches your unique individual personality, you will be able to tap into the most confident and charismatic version of yourself.

But you have to be aware that each type comes with a common pitfall that can wind up pushing people away. So in this video you’ll find the type that best suits you AND learn exactly what pitfalls you need to avoid.


0:00 – Intro
0:23 – #1: The funny type
2:02 – #2: The energetic type
3:36 – #3: The empathetic type
4:59 – #4: The self-assured type
6:14 – #5: The authentic type


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25 Replies to “5 Habits That Make People Dislike You”

  1. This is just like what i was asking earlier.
    What's one thing all 7 billion people can agree on?

  2. I'm very confused, what are thr bad habits? This talked about great personality types

  3. I resonated most with the honest type first and empathetic type second. I was surprised at how much both pitfalls speak to some of my own social challenges, particularly the empathetic one. I guess it helps me focus on things I can work on.

  4. I think I'm the authentic type. I work in a makeup store, and just a few days ago my coworker was whispering about a client who was super "orange" with a very dark tan. I saw who she was talking about, went up to the client and announced, "Are you darker than last summer?!" I talked with both the client and my coworker, talking about how I found foundation to match her fake tan a few times. We both knew it was a fake tan because her palms and wrists were as white as I am (I also joke about being the color of paper to anyone with dark shin) Apparently, she gave up fake tanning because of maintenance, and was doing tanning bed once a week. Anyways, after the client left, my coworker told me she was worried about me at first, because she thought I was too blunt. I assured her that this was someone I've had plenty of interactions with.

    I think the hardest part of being "authentic" is that, especially in a work environment like the one above, you must learn to pull that honesty back, and let yourself build up a relationship before being free. Some people really respond to honesty, and clients have called me "efficient" because I'll tell them if a perfume smells bad or if a foundation is wrong for their skin type, and I don't focus on it and suggest something else. But I know it's off putting for some, even disrespectful, and my biggest weakness is reading other people's cues.

  5. "I was attacked by a lion-"

    "How big was it."

    "A full grown lio-"

    "So just a little cat. You were attacked by a cat. Let's move on."

    "No, it was traumatic and I went to the hosp-"

    "You went to the hospital over a few scratches from a little cat!?"

  6. A lot of people were saying that the tiff between Blunt and Brand was typical British humour. Good to know that wasn't the case.

  7. Believe it or not, Miss Manners has the best advice for the first type (funny), which is to remember that the only consistently safe subject of a joke is yourself. Learn to poke fun at yourself (without being self-deprecating) and you’ll charm the socks off people. The complimentary teasing suggested here works well too, as long as it doesn’t appear fake or ingratiating.

  8. I recognize a combo of all of these in personality . I find that people are drawn to me & enjoy having me around & I love people & enjoy being present, too. But I find too much socializing exhausting. I spend a lot of time alone doing “me” stuff, which is cool, too.

  9. "Oprah ~was a Master of this."
    *Frantically googles Oprah to make sure I didn't miss her passing
    She's alright, guys

  10. Oprah barely says anything profound but these fools eat it up like she's some god ????

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