5 myths Fast Fashion brands want you to believe (SheIn, H&M, Zara, ASOS…)

Exposing 5 myths that the Fast Fashion industry would LOVE you to believe… Looking at the facts behind the greenwashing, from the likes of Shein, Zara, H&M, Primark and friends.

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Jewelry: https://bit.ly/2TngX9G

Manon’s video on fashion history up to today (in French): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEQiRsFjnPw&t=1s
McKinsey 2016: we buy more and more clothes: https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/sustainability/our-insights/style-thats-sustainable-a-new-fast-fashion-formula
Garments purchased & budget spent per year (U.S.): Euromonitor: https://fashionunited.com/global-fashion-industry-statistics
Eurostat / McKinsey 2021: Bangladesh dependent on fashion exports & cost of importing a t-shirt to Europe: https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/retail/our-insights/whats-next-for-bangladeshs-garment-industry-after-a-decade-of-growth
Fast fashion is disposed of within 1 year: McKinsey & Company 2016: Style that’s sustainable: A new fast-fashion formula.
Only a small share of textile waste is collected / recycled: Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2017: A New Textiles Economy: Redesigning Fashion’s Future.
National Geographic 2023: textile dump in Chile’s Atacama desert: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/chile-fashion-pollution
Greenpeace Germany: SheIn lab test November 2022: https://www.greenpeace.org/international/press-release/56979/taking-the-shine-off-shein-hazardous-chemicals-in-shein-products-break-eu-regulations-new-report-finds/
#FashionRevolutionWeek: how to get involved & learn more about the industry: https://www.fashionrevolution.org/frw-2023/?_kx=-3XoDDVQ3u-p0YTVB_Y–Ap4LLJje30rGkbRmDYALKs%3D.Rr88wj

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#fashion #fastfashion #shein #ethicalfashion

21 Replies to “5 myths Fast Fashion brands want you to believe (SheIn, H&M, Zara, ASOS…)”

  1. In an effort to find a dress I'd like for a wedding, I browsed all of those brands. Most styles were "cookie cutter", unflattering trendy thin and just looked like they'd fall apart in a few wears. Searching for sustainable fashion is made so difficult as to turn you away. I had to go through pages and pages of searching different keywords and most of those brands only end up having a very limited selection, or seasonal and I'm buying my dress early so I can tailor as needed! Frustrating and I would love to know where to actually get clothes, I will eventually make my own at this pace.

  2. This is why I buy 90% of my purchases from second hand stores; and I'm not just talking clothing… I buy towels and curtains there too.

  3. This is such a frustrating topic when you try to buy sustainably and you find these unethically produced clothes EVERYWHERE. I've gone to boutiques and small businesses to avoid supporting fast fashion brands and I'll find the same products at those stores priced higher! Same with shopping online. I'll avoid the big brands that I know are fast fashion brands but the online stores will have the same products priced higher!! It seems they buy from the fast fashion manufacturers to keep up or something. I'll keep looking! I hate what these fast fashion stores are doing.

  4. Prawda jest taka że przeciętnego mieszkańca nie stać na drozsze rzeczy.I tu się z Tobą nie zgodzę. Kiedy pochodzisz ze sredniej klasy rodziny albo jesteś bardzo dobrze wykształcona albo uzdolniona tak że nie musisz się zacharowywać cały czas żeby Ci starczyło od pierwszego do pierwszego czy oszczędzać na własny dom czy utrzymywać rodzinę to wtedy możesz tak powiedzieć. Koedy jesteś sama I pracujesz tylko na siebie to stać cie na dużo więcej. Czy przeciętnie zarabiająca mama wyda 10 razy tyle co jej pensją na jedną torebkę na całe życie która rozwali się po 2 latach???To torebka a gdzie reszta jak buty na każdą porę roku (w Polsce już nie ma 4 pór roku a jest ich 8 i na każdą z nich trzeba się ubrać w inny sposób bo inaczej albo zmarzniesz albonsie zapocisz)W Polsce jak jesteś raz w jednej sukience to już nie wypada pójść w niej nigdzie indziej (wiem ze to bez sensu ale tutaj tak jest i nie zmieni tego nic). Kiedy ja próbowałam chodzić cały czas w tej samej sukience na bale to usłyszałam, że mnie nie stać na nową sukienkę lub że jestem sknerą bo nie kupuje za każdym razem nowej a przecież można mieć różne dodatki do tej samej sukienki i przecież nie jest ona zniszczona, a jest jak nowa. Kupowanie drogichbu jakościowych rzeczy kiedy ma się małe dzieci to też się nie sprawdza.Nie wyobrażam sobie pójść nanplqc zabaw z moja najlepsza torebka ktora mogę zniszczyć bawiąc się w piasku z moim dzieckiem ????. Jolejna rzecz to gdybybwszyscy kupowali drogie i markowe rzeczy to wszyscy wyhladaliby tak samo.Czyz to nie nudne??? Fast fashion spowodowalo ze swietne rzemieslnicze marki pozamykaly sie ponoewaz nikt nie kupuje rzeczy na które go nie stać. Kolejna rzecz to jakosc produktow np chanell i nie rylko.Torevka za 100 tys zlotych niszczy sie po 2nlatach od slonca płowiejac? To jaka to jest jakość???Także punkt widzenia ciekawy ale nijak ma się do rzeczywistości.
    Bardzo chciałabym żebym mogła zrobić zakupy dobrej jakości rzeczy które starczyłyby mi na lata i w których czułaby się dobrze ale produkty jakosciowe to jiz bardzo trudno znaleźć teraz a jeszcze yakie które mają adekwatna cena do jakości oferowanej tym bardziej

  5. I just watched a video the other day of a couple where the husband was a garment worker and the wife wanted to go back to school so that she could get a better-paying job but they could not afford it. She became a YouTuber and made 5x what her husband made and she was only roughly making $1,000 USD a month. People don't understand that it's "paid" slave labour and its far-reaching effects on the individual and their family, country, and environment. Believe me, it's not helping people better themselves, only assuring we all go extinct faster.

  6. I hate how the argument for buying fast fashion like Shein is that it's affordable and some people may not be able to afford nicer and more ethical clothes. This effectively means that their imminent desire for more clothes is more important than the lives and wellbeing of the people who make the garments. I think people are so out of touch about where the clothes come from and what conditions these clothing factories are like. Unless your house burned down or you have had significant weight change, I don't think you NEED to buy new clothes. Some people buy clothes every month and honestly, that's not necessary at all. Alternatively, there are hundreds of garments to choose from secondhand.

  7. When I was a child the only garment a woman only expected to wear just once was her wedding dress, and often the most expensive garment she would ever own or even wear. Sounds very old fashioned now but it's scary how attitudes have changed only a few decades, and our behaviour manipulated. ????

  8. I personally stopped shopping fast fashion brands years ago. And avoid them like a plague. However, I think the evolution of fast fashion is akin to fast food. I’m afraid It’s here to stay. Fine dining/Luxury vs fast fashion/fast food. It has not become part of the norm, unfortunately. WholeFoods vs FoodMax. Organic vs non-organic.

  9. But you have no problem using gold and silver for your jewellery ???????????? hypocrite much?????

  10. My mother taught us to consider likely cost per wear. She always said "we aren't rich enough to buy cheap clothes." I still have (and wear) a pair of Fluevog boots from 1992 that I saved and saved for – and that my friends thought I was crazy to pay for. I always wonder how many cheap boots they've run through since then while my Fluevogs go on and on – albeit with new soles/heels every few years. That's another thing to look out for btw – does the brand enthusiastically support repair and maintenance of its products? I"m not affiliated with Fluevog, but I am proud to note that the company sells replacement parts – soles, laces etc so your 25+ year old pieces can look and perform as great as when you bought them.

  11. I wonder what part Marie Kondo and minimalism play in the clothing industry. It may be inadvertent but if you are encouraged to clean out clothing you don’t wear continually, you just have more reason to fill your closet.

  12. I just wanna say one simple thing, if you think buying clothes from those brands are helping poor people from my country (Bangladesh) in any way…. It's not. Poor people are still poor and will remain that way. Your money is going to the people who "own or manage" the factories. Who already have money.

  13. If you purchase a garment from ASOS and it’s not ASOS brand (e.g. Free People) would that still be considered fast fashion? ????

    I used to purchase clothes from ASOS, but decided to switch to Nordstrom. The last couple of time I placed ASOS orders, I ended up returning all the items because the quality just wasn’t there. I would rather spend more on something better.

  14. In my case i try to buy second hand as much as i can. I live in a southamerican country and when buying new clothes i can only afford fast fashion. So i started taking care of the clothes i alreafy own, being new or old, so i buy garments i i truly wear.

  15. Thank you for helping to draw attention to such an important aspect of fashion (and something that is part of our everyday living).

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