$5 Sushi Meal | But Cheaper

Most sushi boats are expensive…well what happens if you make it as cheaply as possible and actually put it to the test?

Get My Cookbook: http://bit.ly/JWCookbookAmazon

Additional Cookbook Options (other stores, international, etc.): https://bit.ly/TheJWCookbook

How to Make a Paper Boat: https://youtu.be/a6V09L6OZwc

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Recipe: https://www.joshuaweissman.com/post/Sushi-Boat-But-Cheaper

10 Replies to “$5 Sushi Meal | But Cheaper”

  1. Is no one gonna talk about how the tap in the bath isn't long enough to reach over the side of the bath???

  2. I wanna see Josh cook using all incredibly cheap tools and pans! Dollar store knives, $10 saucepans etc etc !!

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