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*Awesome new beauty site that I’m a part of! 🙂


  1. என்ன செய்வது?
    ஈசல் பூச்சிக்க
    1 நாள் தான்

  2. Hi Jessica, I've Been Blessed With This Video, And With Being In A Wheelchair For Life, And Transgendered, You've Encouraged Me So Much, Many People I had known for a Very Long Time And No Longer want to be Friends, Not Validated At All, but I'm doing better because of The Vibes of the Universe.

  3. I love this. Thank you so much. This is exactly what i needed to hear and what i'm moving towards xoxo

  4. You talk too fast so that I can't understando you well. Sorry. But you are good at what you do. Go ahead.

  5. Ashley Graint treats me bad I felt sad and she yells at I do not know want to I was complian about it to my mom I told her that I do not want to go to school I felt angry at her and the same way in elemantry school and she toke my friends away from and pour juice on me and push my under the basketball hoop and I felt sad and angry at her

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  7. this was beautiful….i always put other people before me,i never ever loved myself,i had alot of self issues,but after watching your videos i will try to change myself and start oving myself because yes iam worthy enough,i deserve to be respected and love and i deserve every fu@@@g happinesss…..thankyouuuuuuuu

  8. TRue, i lost couple of people . But, i feel good im starting to love myself more and more 😀 thanks for sharing!

  9. I'm always asking myself why do I let the other people make me feel uncomfortable and not confident and make me hate myself

  10. THANKS FOR THIS VIDEO DEAR!!!!!! AMAZING AND REALLY TRUE. I was so lost but just bcoz of this video I got to know about myself. I love myself and I m favorite of mine. lots of love:-)

  11. I really needed this. You have no idea how much this helped and impacted me. Thank you so much!

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