28 Replies to “Barbershop NIGHTMARE | A Fungus Among Us #shorts”

  1. Sadly it can look worse than that,it's cases that looks like boils!Which looks totally disgusting! Gotta be sanitary

  2. You can also use a dab of concentrated bleach on a cotton ball, and just rub that across the scalp where the ringworm is. In about 24 to 48 hours the bleach will kill the ringworm, and reduce it to mere dandruff, which you can brush off and will flake off the scalp.

  3. I went to a barber, and a couple of days later, my scalp broke out, and it took forever to get it cleared up

  4. I suffered from a condition identical to this. I was told by my GP that if I didn't cut my hair so low, I wouldn't suffer from the condition. She would always prescribe steroid based ointments, which did take down the swelling, but did not address the root cause. I started to do my own research and read that it was a fungle infection that could be eradicated by using sulfur. So I started using a shampoo called sulfur 8 and yes it worked miracles. I used it for a few years, as my go to shampoo, even though the issue had cleared up. Also, just to avoid embarrassment in the barbers chair, I have chosen to cut my own hair and have only visited a barber once since 2008….but I'm happy to say my scalp condition has never returned…

  5. Vinegar on a suabe works very well my wife has allergies to sulfates and we use vinegar it takes about a week to get rid of it, just soak the area and put a cotton pad and tape into place soaked in vinegar

  6. I’m so glad I shave my skull myself. However I’ve never cleaned my equipment. Holy Crap, I don’t want that.
    My god that looks weird. 🫣

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