Mermaid's Tail in Real Life! ????‍♀️ Extreme DIY Hacks How to Be a Mermaid by Teen Spot

Mermaid's Tail in Real Life! ????‍♀️ Extreme DIY Hacks How to Be a Mermaid by Teen Spot

????‍♀️???? Have you ever dreamed of having a mermaid’s tail in real life? In this video, we’ll show you some extreme DIY hacks on how to be a mermaid and make your dream come true! From creating a realistic mermaid tail to learning how to swim like a mermaid, we’ll demonstrate the steps to achieve a jaw-dropping transformation. Watch as we unveil the magic of mermaids and showcase the power of creativity and imagination. Join us as we witness the incredible journey of our mermaid transformation and discover the best DIY hacks to become a true queen of the sea. Get ready to be amazed by the power of transformation in the world of mermaids! ????‍♀️???? #MermaidsTailInRealLife #DIYHacks #HowToBeAMermaid #mermaidtransformation

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How to Keep an Indoor Plant Alive

How to Keep an Indoor Plant Alive

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Do plants wilt at the sight of you? With these tips, anyone can keep a houseplant alive – even you!

Step 1:
Pick a plant that’s tough to kill. Hardy varieties include spider, rubber, and snake plants, and pothos, aloe vera, and peace lilies.

Step 2:
Choose a good location. Plants do best in the light and temperature of their native environment. For instance, tropical plants like their surroundings bright and humid, while cacti need sunlight but very little water.

Put houseplants that thrive on humidity in the bathroom – the dampest room in the house.

Step 3:
Find out your plant’s foot-candle requirement, which is how many candles it would take to light the plant from one foot away. A plant that needs 250 or fewer candles is a low-light plant; one that needs more than 1,000 requires very bright light. If your plant didn’t come with this information, search for it online.

Step 4:
Poke the soil with your finger before watering. If it’s moist, leave it alone. Overwatering is the no. 1 killer of houseplants.

Step 5:
Fertilize a few times between the spring and fall. Low-light plants only require fertilization once or twice a year. Slow-growing plants need less fertilizer, while faster growing varieties need more. Choose a fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Water the soil before fertilizing to prevent fertilizer burn.

Watering your plants with the water in which you boiled vegetables or water from your fish tank gives them nutrients that help them grow.

Step 6:
Talk or sing to your plants. Some research has indicated this can help them thrive, as does playing certain kinds of music. Indian sitar music works best, followed by classical music. Stay away from heavy metal: Plants exposed to loud rock music died after a few weeks in one famous experiment.

Did You Know?
British media famously lampooned Prince Charles in 1986 after he said in a T.V. interview that it was very important to talk to plants, and that they respond to the human voice.

How to Roast Chestnuts in the Oven

How to Roast Chestnuts in the Oven

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For a delicious taste of the holidays, try this recipe for fresh chestnuts roasted in the oven.

Step 1: Preheat the oven
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Rinse the chestnuts, place them on a towel, and pat them dry.

Step 2: Carve an X
Use the paring knife to make an X on the flat side of each chestnut. This will allow steam to escape and prevent the chestnuts from exploding in the oven. Plus, it will make peeling them easier.

Make the incision about 1/8-inch deep — just into the flesh of the nut.

Step 3: Bake the chestnuts
Place the chestnuts in a single layer in the shallow baking pan. Bake for 20 minutes, turning them over after 10 minutes.

Step 4: Remove chestnuts to a bowl
Take the chestnuts out of the oven, put them in a bowl lined with a towel, and cover them for 10 minutes.

Step 5: Peel
Peel them while they’re still hot, but cool enough to touch, starting at the slit and pulling the shell and skin away from the nut meat.

Step 6: Serve
Serve them plain or sprinkled with cinnamon, or dip them in melted better.

Did You Know?
Chestnuts have a high water content and very little oil, making them virtually fat free.

VOS QUESTIONS à Hanaël Parks, Chercheuse indépendante, auteure et intuitive

VOS QUESTIONS à Hanaël Parks, Chercheuse indépendante, auteure et intuitive

VOS QUESTIONS à Hanaël Parks, Chercheuse indépendante, auteure et intuitive

Emission diffusée en direct le vendredi 18 août 2023 à 20h30

Le 18 août prochain, j’aurais le plaisir de recevoir Hanaël Parks pour un direct entièrement consacré aux questions que vous souhaitez lui poser ????
Vous pourrez les soumettre sur le tchat YouTube lors du live mais vous pouvez également m’envoyer vos questions jusqu’à la veille de l’émission par mail sur l’adresse en précisant bien “Question Hanaël Parks” dans le titre de votre message. Je pourrais ainsi sélectionner les questions qui me semblent les plus pertinentes et les présenter à mon invitée durant ce direct.

Auteure, chercheuse indépendante dans les domaines de la mythologie, de l’Histoire et de l’archéologie, sophrologue, médium et essayiste certifiée en littérature religieuse, histoire de la divination et histoire de la navigation, Hanael Parks porte en elle l’histoire de mondes antédiluviens qui l’habitent depuis l’enfance.

MERCI d’avance pour votre participation et à très vite ????


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Vous souhaitez commander les livres d’Hanael Parks ? Voici quelques liens utiles :

La Déesse cachée et l’Arbre de Vie
Silphium – Miracle d’une ancienne plante médicinale ressuscitée
Les Chroniques de la Maîtresse du Temple : l’Ombre de la Mère du Trône
Les Chroniques de la Maîtresse du Temple : Disgrâce & Rédemption
Les Chroniques de la Maîtresse du Temple : Trahison Royale
Du Plerome à la Matière
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Les Amis, Lorsque nous invitons un intervenant à s’exprimer sur Nuréa TV, c’est que nous estimons que celui-ci ou celle-ci est à même de partager avec nous des éléments cohérents, susceptibles de nous éclairer sur les mystères qui nous entourent et nous les remercions chaleureusement pour leur partage. Ceci étant dit, restez libre de vérifier et d’assembler les pièces du puzzle comme bon vous semble ! Nous ne vous rappellerons jamais assez que vous êtes les seuls maîtres à bord. Bonne route à toutes et à tous ! Nora & Guillaume

« Immersion Hypersensorielle dans les Crop Circles » avec Jean-Jacques Charbonier

« Immersion Hypersensorielle dans les Crop Circles » avec Jean-Jacques Charbonier

« Immersion Hypersensorielle dans les Crop Circles » avec Jean-Jacques Charbonier

Emission diffusée en direct le lundi 21 août 2023 à 20h30

Nous avions eu le plaisir d’accueillir Jean-Jacques Charbonier sur Nuréa TV il y’a quelques mois pour échanger avec lui sur ses travaux sur la Conscience Intuitive Extra-Neuronale et découvrir son approche fascinante de l’invisible. Si vous souvenez bien les Nuréens, il nous avait alors exposé son idée d’expérience en lien avec les Crop Circles et nous avait promis de venir nous en parler sur cette antenne. Jean-Jacques Charbonnier s’est rendu en Angleterre en juillet dernier pour mener à bien ce projet et, comme il s’y était engagé, nous retrouve une nouvelle fois le temps d’une émission en direct pour partager cette expérience avec nous.

Écrivain et conférencier, Jean-Jacques Charbonier a exercé en tant que médecin anesthésiste réanimateur durant 35. Il consacre désormais son activité professionnelle entièrement à l’hypnose. Étudiant depuis plus de 30 ans les expériences de mort imminente (EMI), il défend l’idée de l’existence d’une perception indépendante du cerveau qui permettrait de se connecter avec l’au-delà ou « Conscience Intuitive Extra-Neuronale ». Il a notamment dirigé deux thèses de doctorat en médecine consacrées à ce sujet.

Jean-Jacques Charbonier a animé des centaines de conférences sur l’hypnose, comme outil de pleine conscience pour entrer en contact avec les morts et a participé à de nombreux colloques internationaux pour présenter ses recherches. Depuis plus de 10 ans, il dirige des ateliers pour expérimenter l’hypnose et provoquer chez les expérimentateurs des expériences de connexion avec les défunts. Des milliers de personnes ont participé à ses séances appelées communément « ateliers TCH » ou « Trans Communication Hypnotique.

Il développe par la suite le concept d’Hyper-Immersion Géolocalisée Hypnotique surnommé HIGH-CONCEPT, un procédé qui permet aux expérimentateurs de s’élever sous hypnose vers leur Conscience Intuitive Extraneuronale (CIE) en étant portés par les imprégnations et ressentis d’un lieu réputé par ses énergies vibratoires. L’immersion sensorielle guidée vient stimuler et éveiller le corps et tous les sens dans un moment hors du temps. L’intégration de ces perceptions, des ressentis énergétiques et des expériences vibratoires entraine le décollage du corps et de l’âme en expansion de conscience.

C’est justement de ce type d’expérience pratiquée sur les lieux d’apparition de Crop Circles qui nous intéressera lors de cette émission !


Lien info HIGH Concept :

Vous souhaitez commander les livres de Jean-Jacques Charbonier ? Voici quelques liens utiles :
Devenir hyperconscient
Contacter nos défunts par l’hypnose
Les 7 bonnes raisons de croire à l’Au-Delà
Les preuves scientifiques d’une Vie après la vie
Hold-up sur la vérité
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Les Amis, Lorsque nous invitons un intervenant à s’exprimer sur Nuréa TV, c’est que nous estimons que celui-ci ou celle-ci est à même de partager avec nous des éléments cohérents, susceptibles de nous éclairer sur les mystères qui nous entourent et nous les remercions chaleureusement pour leur partage. Ceci étant dit, restez libre de vérifier et d’assembler les pièces du puzzle comme bon vous semble ! Nous ne vous rappellerons jamais assez que vous êtes les seuls maîtres à bord. Bonne route à toutes et à tous ! Nora & Guillaume

How to Make a Box Joint | Woodworking

How to Make a Box Joint | Woodworking

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Box joint is second only to dovetails, in terms of the amount of glue area you get. And it’s great for, that makes it great for drawers or anything that’s going to get a lot of force put on it.

So, the idea behind box joint, though, is, you can see, is it’s equal parts are taken out of each face of the wood. And so, you get this tabbed, slot design.

So, cutting these is usually done on a table saw or a router, where you’re removing a square chunk each time you make one of these. And the only hard part about it is keeping track of which boards go with which. Because the mating piece is offset by one tooth.

So, keeping track of the pieces is the hard part. Actually cutting it, pretty easy.

And, to do that we have the dado blades. What we do is we’re going to run these pieces of wood through the dado blade and space them out so that they come out evenly.

Now, there’s a trick to doing this and that’s what I’m going to show you here. We’ve added an extra piece of wood here on the fence. It’s going to become our jig to make this joint.

But, the first step in doing this is we have to set the blade height. And, the blade height for cutting out these notches. We want pieces to be sticking out slightly after they are glued up so that we can plane them down. And, in order to do that we have to set the saw blade slightly above the thickness of the wood.

So that’s what I’m doing now. I’m going to raise the blade up and just get it just above, a hair above, the top of this wood. Okay. Now that we’re set.

First step is we don’t even cut the wood, we’re going to start making the jig. And we have to cut a slot in the jig at that height. So, we’ll do that now.

This piece of wood, that we just cut a slot in, is going to become our jig. Now, we’re going to fit this part in here and that’s going to become an index that we’re going to key off of.

So, you can see how it works on this already cut one. And basically, we’re going to be setting of wood against that. And then we move it over every other cut. And, it positions the board in the right place to have the next slot cut.

The first step in cutting is we’ve got to offset that by a thickness, another thickness of wood. And we’ll lock that all down onto, onto the fence. Okay. Now we’re ready to start cutting.

And we can go. And now, we simply just take that, put it on top of the index and run the next one.

Alright. Now we’re ready to cut the mating piece. And there’s only one extra step we have to do. And that is just to offset the piece by that amount of the board’s thickness.

So, we’re putting this spacer in here to just set this board up. And now we can run it, start running through.

Alright. Okay. We’ve done with both pieces. And now they just mate up pretty nicely when you push them together.

So, here’s the finished product. Your joints fit snugly together. There should be slightly proud of the surface that they’re mating with so that you can just come across with a block plane and just shave them down.

How to Stop Your Puppy From Biting

How to Stop Your Puppy From Biting

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Earth Rated® Green Dispenser with Dog Waste Poop Bags:

Watch more Dog Training 101 videos:

Teaching your puppy to stop biting requires consistency and hard work. Save your fingers from future pain by training your dog at a young age that biting and chewing is bad behavior.

Step 1: Play with your puppy, bringing attention to your hands
Sit on the floor with your puppy and play. Bring their attention to your hands by tapping the floor in front of them and wiggling your fingers.

Don’t scare your dog by tapping their face. Teasing might cause them to instinctively bite out of self-defense.

Step 2: Yell “Ow!” and stop playing when puppy bites
Loudly and sharply yell “Ow!” when your puppy bites you too hard. Quickly pull your hands away and immediately stop playing.

Step 3: Play again and see if they continue to bite
Play with your puppy again after a few minutes have passed. Again, draw attention to your hands, and see if they bite.

Step 4: Offer a reward if they don’t bite
Offer a treat or other reward if your puppy doesn’t bite your hand, and continue playing with them.

Step 5: Yell “Ow!” again; ignore for 20 seconds if they bite
Yell “Ow!” again if they bite you. Then turn away and ignore the dog or put them in a designated time-out spot. Wait 20 to 30 seconds before turning to them and trying again.

Choose a “time-out” spot for your dog, like a small room away from people, toys, and other animals; use this spot as a means of punishment. Never hit your dog to punish them.

Step 6: Be consistent
Be consistent in your training, practicing in short, 15-minute bursts of time as often as you can. Your dog will quickly learn that biting is a quick way to bring an end to the fun.

Did You Know?
Like humans, dogs have two sets of teeth — baby teeth and adult teeth. Around four months old, a puppy’s baby teeth start to fall out and their adult teeth grow in.

Can This Pro Chef Turn A Chipotle Burrito Into Pasta?

Can This Pro Chef Turn A Chipotle Burrito Into Pasta?

Burritos or pasta? Why choose?! Chef Joe Sasto knows how to perfectly marry the two into deliciously spicy meatballs and cavatelli. Will special guest Alix Traeger approve the taste test?

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Alix Traeger
Joe Sasto

How to Take Care of Your New Tattoo

How to Take Care of Your New Tattoo

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Caring for a new tattoo will ensure your ink stays awesome for years to come.

Step 1: Remove bandage
Remove the bandage or plastic wrap placed over your tattoo two hours after receiving your art.

Step 2: Wash tattoo
Wash the tattoo with using a mild skin cleanser or soap every 20 minutes. This should be done for the first three to four hours after removing your bandage.

Step 3: Pat dry
Pat the tattoo dry with a soft cloth or towel after washing.

Tattoos will usually weep blood or plasma. Pat the tattoo dry between washings to get rid of excess fluids on the skin.

Step 4: Put on ointment
Rub antibiotic ointment onto the tattoo after each washing. After five minutes, blot any excess ointment or blood off with a soft cloth.

Continue to wash and spread ointment on the tattoo twice a day until the scab disappears.

Step 5: Resist the itch
Resist the urge to itch or pick at the scab that forms over the tattoo. Rub ointment or moisturizing skin lotion into the tattoo to help with the itch.

Step 6: Stay away from water
Stay away from water other than the shower or bath. This includes pools, hot tubs, lakes, and oceans.

Step 7: Limit your bath time
Limit your bath time to five or 10 minutes. Watch as your new artwork heals and show it off.

Did You Know?
In the Maori culture, a woman with blue, tattooed lips was considered the height of beauty.

How to Lose Weight with Water

How to Lose Weight with Water

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Whether it’s in you or you’re in it, water is a great way to lose weight.

Step 1: Understand that water has zero calories
Understand that drinking water fills up the stomach with a substance that has zero calories. It’s a great adjunct to a weight loss diet because, if you’re full of water, you will not eat as much.

Researchers in Germany have reported that water consumption increases the rate at which people burn calories. But the effect is very small.

Step 2: Drink, don’t eat
Know that people sometimes eat when they’re thirsty instead of drinking. If you don’t drink enough water during the day, you may consume calories instead.

Step 3: Drink water before meals
Drink two 8-ounce glasses of water before meals if you want to lose weight.

A study found that people who drank water before meals ate an average of 75 fewer calories at that meal.

Step 4: Get in the swim
Swim or do water aerobics to aid your weight loss. Even treading water can burn up to 11 calories per minute. But try to avoid really cold water, which can stimulate your appetite.

Did You Know?
Approximately 70 percent of an adult’s body is made up of water.

How to Make Red Velvet Cake

How to Make Red Velvet Cake

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Bake a red velvet cake whenever you want to serve a dessert that’s as beautiful as it is delicious.

Step 1: Preheat oven
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour the cake pans.

Step 2: Combine flour
Combine the sifted flour and salt in a bowl.

Step 3: Color the cocoa
Pour the cocoa powder into a small bowl, add the red food coloring, and whisk until smooth.

You can use the juice from one 15-oz. can of beets in place of the food coloring.

Step 4: Cream the butter and sugar
In a large bowl, beat one stick of butter and sugar by hand or with a mixer at medium speed until fluffy. Then beat in the eggs, one at a time.

Step 5: Add the flour
Switch your mixer speed to low and add the flour a few tablespoons at a time. Alternate mixing flour with adding the buttermilk, vanilla extract, and dyed cocoa paste. Mix the ingredients until all the batter is the same red color, but do not overbeat.

Step 6: Mix in the vinegar
In a small bowl, stir the baking soda into the vinegar, and then fold it into the batter with a wooden spoon.

Step 7: Bake the cake
Divide the batter evenly between the cake pans and bake until a toothpick comes out clean, about 30 minutes. Let the cake cool for 10 minutes; then invert the layers onto a rack to cool completely.

Step 8: Make the frosting
Make the frosting by beating the cream cheese with one stick of butter until creamy. Beat in 1 tablespoon of vanilla. Gradually beat in the powdered sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy.

Step 9: Apply a crumb coating
When the cake has cooled, place the first layer on your cake plate or stand, spread frosting on top with a spatula, add the next layer, frost the top of that, and so on. Once you’ve added the final cake layer, spread a thin coating of frosting over the entire cake to contain crumbs, and then refrigerate it for 15 minutes.

Step 10: Finish frosting
Finish frosting the cake by spreading the frosting on top and on the sides. Decorate the top with pecan halves if you like.

Did You Know?
Tradition has it that a chef at New York City’s Waldorf-Astoria hotel invented red velvet cake in the 1950s. But it is also rumored to be a southern, Civil War-era invention.

How to Make Tomato Sauce

How to Make Tomato Sauce

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No store-bought tomato sauce can hold a candle to homemade sauce seasoned to your taste.

Step 1: Cut garlic and tomatoes
Slice the garlic cloves and cut the tomatoes, making sure not to discard the seeds or the inner pulp.

If you can’t find fresh tomatoes, you can use canned tomatoes.

Step 2: Heat olive oil
Heat the olive oil in a pot at medium-low heat until it begins to simmer. If the oil begins to smoke, throw it away and start over.

Step 3: Add garlic and tomatoes
Add the garlic to the oil and saute it for 2 to 3 minutes, being careful not to let it brown. Then add the tomatoes and mash them with a potato masher.

Step 4: Cook sauce
Raise the heat to high and cook for 10 minutes. If the tomatoes start to splatter, cover the pot.

If the sauce is too thin, you can add tomato paste to make it thicker.

Step 5: Add basil, salt, and pepper
Add the basil and sprinkle in the salt and pepper to taste, and then stir the sauce until everything is blended thoroughly.

Step 6: Blend sauce
Allow the sauce to cool and put it in a blender in small batches, blending until the sauce turns bright red-orange.

Step 7: Eat
Enjoy your sauce over pasta, fish, or use it for dipping bread!

Did You Know?
Tomatoes originated in South America, where people of the Andes treated them as a weed.

How to Make Chocolate Brownies

How to Make Chocolate Brownies

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If you find your sweet tooth begging for something chocolate, this easy guide will satisfy your craving in just a few easy steps.

Step 1: Grease baking dish
Grease the baking dish with the cooking spray and set aside.

Line the greased baking dish with foil and then grease the foil. This will allow you to easily remove the whole brownie cake from the dish.

Step 2: Melt chocolate and butter
Melt the chocolate and butter together in the saucepan over low heat and stir until smooth. Then transfer to the mixing bowl

Step 3: Mix in sugar and eggs
Mix in the sugar and then slowly fold in the eggs.

Step 4: Add flour and vanilla extract
Add the flour a little bit at a time until it’s fully incorporated. Finally, add the vanilla extract. Mix well.

Step 5: Pour into baking dish
Pour the batter into the baking dish and spread it evenly. Add your favorite kind of chopped nuts.

Step 6: Bake in preheated oven
Bake your brownies in an oven preheated to 350 degrees until the middle sets and a toothpick can be inserted and removed cleanly.

If you like soft brownies, remove the baking dish from the oven just as the center sets.

Step 7: Cool, remove, and cut
Allow the brownies to cool before removing them from the dish. Then cut, serve, and enjoy.

Did You Know?
Did you know? In October 2007, the largest chocolate bar ever made weighed in 7,892 pounds.

How to Legally Change Your Name

How to Legally Change Your Name

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Marriage, divorce, or just dislike of the name your parents gave you – all are reasons to follow these steps toward a new name.

Step 1: Choose a new name
Decide what you want your new name to be. Be sure that the name meets your state’s guidelines for allowed changes.

Avoid choosing a new name that is deliberately confusing, or that might be considered offensive or obscene.

Step 2: Contact your county government
Contact your county government offices to determine which court handles name change requests. It varies by state and county, but typically it is the probate or family law court.

Step 3: Learn about required documents and fees
Learn about what documents and fees are required for you to change your name in your home county. A birth certificate and social security card are usually required.

Get a certified copy of your marriage license if you are legally changing your last name to your spouse’s.

Step 4: Fill out a petition for name change form
Fill out a petition for name change form, have it notarized, and file it with the appropriate court office.

Step 5: Appear before the court
Schedule an official hearing, where the judge will either grant or deny your request for a name change.

Be prepared to affirm the information on your petition for a name change under oath during your court hearing.

Step 6: Change your name on all other official government documents
Change your name on all other official government documents, such as your driver’s license and passport. Contact each government agency to make the change.

Step 7: Use your new name
Use your new name consistently – at home and at work. Soon everyone will know the new you.

Did You Know?
John Wayne’s given name was Marion Morrison.

How to Cure Corner Lip Cracks

How to Cure Corner Lip Cracks

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Cracks at the corners of your lips are unsightly, not to mention painful. Cure corner lip cracks rapidly with these proven therapies.

Step 1: Stay clean and dry
Keep your lips clean and dry in order to keep fungus, a common cause of corner lip cracks, at bay. Brush your teeth after eating and drinking anything but water.

Step 2: Avoid irritations
Avoid licking your lips or biting the corners of your mouth, which can cause cracks and make them worsen.

Encourage babies and toddlers with corner lip cracks to stop sucking their thumbs.

Step 3: Apply medicated ointment
Apply an over-the-counter medicated lip ointment (not a balm) frequently throughout the day.

Ask a doctor or pharmacist about a topical antifungal cream or an antibiotic medication if you have a particularly bad, or recurring, case.

Step 4: Drink milk
Drink cow’s milk to benefit from enzymes in the milk that can help ward off crack-causing bacteria.

Step 5: Increase vitamin B intake
Bump up your vitamin B1 and B12 intake, which helps prevent corner lip cracks and helps your immune system fight off the bacteria faster when you do get cracks.

Step 6: Disinfect dentures
Soak dentures in a 10-to-one part solution of water to household bleach to disinfect them.

Step 7: Repair skin with vitamin E
Break vitamin E gel capsules open with a sterilized needle and apply the liquid to the lesions. This will help the lesions heal more quickly and have you looking like new in no time.

Did You Know?
Kevin Crossman, founder of Lip Balm Anonymous, started the support group for sufferers of lip balm addiction in the mid-1990s.

How to Make Carrot Cake

How to Make Carrot Cake

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This moist cake will be perfect for your next get-together.

Step 1: Prepare pans
Line the bottom of the pans with parchment paper. Then grease the paper and dust it with flour. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Step 2: Mix
Use a hand mixer to combine the sugar, flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt in a mixing bowl.

Step 3: Add ingredients
Mix in the vegetable oil and eggs until blended, and then add the carrots.

Add 1½ cups chopped pecans to give flavor and crunch to the cake.

Step 4: Pour batter
Pour the batter into the pans and bake for 40 minutes. Then remove the pans from the oven and let the cake cool before frosting.

Step 5: Make frosting
Mix together the cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla in the other mixing bowl to make the frosting.

Step 6: Frost the cake
Frost each layer of cake using the spatula. Carefully stack the cakes on the cake stand. Smooth the frosting on the top and sides of the cake, cut with the cake knife, and serve.

Did You Know?
Carrots are a good source of vitamin B6, potassium, iron, and contain beta-carotene which helps reduce heart disease and cancer.

How to Prank Someone's Food for April Fool's Day

How to Prank Someone's Food for April Fool's Day

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Watch what you eat – this is a day people play pranks on their family and friends.

Step 1: Make chocolate-covered garlic
Prepare chocolate-covered garlic cloves and pass them off as chocolate-covered peanuts.

Try not to laugh or look suspicious before a prank.

Step 2: Make caramel onions
Make caramel onions instead of caramel apples. Insert a popsicle stick and add a few nuts on top.

Step 3: Sew a chicken
Sew extra chicken legs on a whole chicken before serving.

Step 4: Give someone saltwater
Put salt in someone’s water; then sit back and watch their face.

Step 5: Stuff raisins in a toothpaste tube
Stuff raisins into a toothpaste tube and watch people’s reaction when they squeeze the tube.

Step 6: Switch cereal bags
Switch the bags in your family’s cereal boxes for a breakfast surprise.

Step 7: Add food coloring to milk
Add a few drops of purple or blue food coloring to someone’s milk and serve it with a cookie.

Did You Know?
Anthropologists have suggested that practical jokes often function as an effort to bring an outsider into a group.

How to Make a Fruit Smoothie

How to Make a Fruit Smoothie

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While we can’t recommend asparagus or cheddar-flavored drinks, we encourage you to experiment, using this road map to the ultimate healthy blended beverage.

Step 1: Choose fruit and juice
Choose your fruit and fruit juice.

A variety of flavors mixed together can make for the most satisfying smoothie—a few dashes of cranberry juice or a squeeze of lime may be just what that O.J. and banana combo needs.

Step 2: Peel, pit, or de-seed fruit
Peel, pit, or de-seed your fruit if necessary.

Step 3: Put in fruit, add juice
Put the fruit in the blender, and add the juice.

For a sweet smoothie, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey. For a cold one, add 6 to 8 ice cubes. And for an extra health kick, throw in protein powder, wheat germ, bee pollen, or flaxseed.

Step 4: Add milk, cream, or yogurt
Add the milk, light cream, or yogurt to give the smoothie a rich and silky texture.

Step 5: Blend
Put the lid on the blender, and blend at a medium speed until smooth.

Running your blender too high will turn your creation into glorified fruit juice. Running it too slow will leave behind large chunks of unblended fruit.

Step 6: Taste
Stop the blender and do a taste test, then make any necessary adjustments, adding yogurt or ice to thicken, honey to sweeten.

Step 7: Pour and serve
Pour your smoothie into the glass, and serve.

Did You Know?
The South American variant of the smoothie is called a ‘licuado,’ as in ‘liquefied’ or ‘blended.’

How to Decorate Your Home with Good Luck Symbols

How to Decorate Your Home with Good Luck Symbols

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Do you get the feeling that luck is not on your side? Help luck find your house by using some good-luck charms in your decorating scheme.

Step 1: Start a piggy bank
Start a piggy bank. Pigs are a symbol of good luck in German culture. They bring wealth and prosperity.

Step 2: Hang a horseshoe
Hang a horseshoe above your doorway. It is said to protect from evil entering the household. A horseshoe’s shape is also said to hold in luck.

The number 7 is thought to bring good fortune, so try incorporating that into your home arrangements. Put seven flowers in a vase, for example.

Step 3: Have a good-luck plant
Have a good-luck plant around the house. Bamboo and four-leaf clover plants are both perfect for this.

Step 4: Decorate with bugs
Decorate with bugs, or bug designs. Find something with a bug print, such as plates or place mats. Ladybugs and dragonflies are both said to bring luck.

Step 5: Remember color
Remember color in your design. Rainbows represent good luck, so try to bring as many colors of the rainbow as you can to your home. Enjoy all the luck that will come your way.

Did You Know?
Lucky Charms cereal first hit shelves in 1964.

How to Make Great Barbecue Sauce

How to Make Great Barbecue Sauce

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Some say the sauce makes the barbecue. Whip up your own distinctive batch with these tips.

Step 1: Make the base
Make a basic sauce to use as a foundation. Mix the ketchup, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, molasses, mustard, hot sauce, and black pepper in a saucepan.

Add a teaspoon of your favorite barbecue rub for a more complex flavor.

Step 2: Simmer
Bring to a boil and simmer 10 to 15 minutes until it’s dark and thick.

Step 3: Experiment with additional ingredients
Experiment with additional ingredients to give the sauce your own distinctive flair. Add sautéed onions to give it a fuller flavor, pineapple juice for sweetness, or chili peppers in adobo sauce for a spicy kick.

Add a splash of liquid smoke to give your sauce a smoky flavor.

Step 4: Use it
Field-test your sauce at a barbecue. Slather it on meat while it’s still on the grill, or use it as a dip for meat that’s already been cooked.

Step 5: Store the excess
Store any extra sauce in a sealed container in a refrigerator. It will keep for several months, but sauce this good is bound to disappear in no time!

Did You Know?
The Oxford English Dictionary claims the first recorded use of the word “barbecue” in the English language occurred in the 1690s.

How to Make Tofu Taste like Meat

How to Make Tofu Taste like Meat

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If you miss meat, use these simple tips to trick your carnivorous side.

Step 1: Choose a firm tofu
Choose tofu marked firm or extra firm. This will give you a more meat-like texture.

Freezing tofu will give it a firmer but chewier texture.

Step 2: Press and drain tofu
Press the tofu and drain it of excess water by wrapping it in a towel and placing a heavy weight on top of it. This will allow it to crumble more easily.

Step 3: Season or marinate
Season the tofu with your favorite spice blend, or marinate it in your favorite dressing or barbecue sauce.

Tofu is naturally bland and will absorb any added flavoring from seasoning and sauces.

Step 4: Use in sauces or stews
Replace the meat in spaghetti sauce, stroganoff, tacos, or stews with crumbled tofu.

Step 5: Grill or pan-fry
Grill or pan-fry the tofu for a great charred flavor and crunchy texture – your family will never know the difference.

Did You Know?
Did you know? The world consumes about 280 million tons of meat per year.

How to Make Banana Bread

How to Make Banana Bread

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Baking this loaf is a tasty way to use up those overly ripe bananas.

Step 1: Preheat oven
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease and flour the loaf pan.

Step 2: Sift ingredients
Sift the flour, baking soda, and salt into a bowl.

Add a pinch of cinnamon if you like.

Step 3: Beat the eggs
Beat the eggs and sugar with an electric mixer or whisk on medium until well blended, about six minutes.

Step 4: Add the oil
Gradually mix in the oil, and then the bananas and vanilla.

Step 5: Fold in flour
Fold in the sifted flour mixture with a wooden spoon.

Add walnuts or chocolate chips, or a combination of both, if you like.

Step 6: Bake
Pour into the loaf pan and bake until a toothpick stuck in the center comes out clean, an hour to an hour and 15 minutes.

Step 7: Let it cool
Let it cool for 10 minutes before removing from pan and cooling completely on a rack.

Did You Know?
A cluster of bananas is called a hand, and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are known as fingers.

How to Make a Chocolate Soufflé

How to Make a Chocolate Soufflé

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Your friends and family will not stop talking about this chocolate soufflé. It has a rich creamy center that nobody will forget.

Step 1: Preheat the oven
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees with the rack positioned in the center.

Step 2: Spray ramekins
Spray the ramekins with cooking spray and dust them each with 1½ teaspoons of granulated sugar. Then place them on a rimmed baking sheet and set aside.

Dusting the ramekins with sugar will give the souffles a surface to adhere to while they rise.

Step 3: Microwave chocolate
Put the chocolate in the microwave-safe bowl. Set the microwave to medium and cook the chocolate, stirring every 20 minutes until it is melted.

Step 4: Whisk ingredients
Whisk the cream and egg yolk together in a mixing bowl. Gradually whisk in the chocolate until smooth. Then whisk in the cinnamon and flour.

Step 5: Mix egg whites
Use the hand mixer to beat the egg whites and salt in the other mixing bowl. Mix on high speed until soft peaks form, and then add the remaining sugar in four additions, until a stiff peak forms.

Step 6: Fold in egg
Fold half the beaten egg whites into the chocolate, using a spatula. Then fold in the remaining egg whites.

Step 7: Pour batter
Pour the batter into each ramekin, filling them to just below the rims. Place them in the oven for 18 to 22 minutes, until set.

Step 8: Dust with sugar
Remove the ramekins from the oven, quickly dust with confectioners’ sugar, and serve.

Did You Know?
Brown eggs are more expensive than white eggs because the breed of hens that lay them is larger and requires more food.

How to Poach Eggs with Plastic Wrap

How to Poach Eggs with Plastic Wrap

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Learn the chef’s secret to perfect, poached eggs every time.

Step 1: Boil water
Bring a large pan of water to boil.

Step 2: Line ramekin with plastic wrap
Line the ramekin with plastic wrap. Spray the plastic wrap with cooking spray, and crack an egg into the center.

If you don’t have cooking spray, use butter

Step 3: Tie a knot above the egg
Gather the 4 corners of the plastic wrap together in the center. Pinch the wrap just above the egg and twist the wrap ends into a rope. Tie a knot just above the egg.

Step 4: Cook egg for five minutes
Place the egg in the plastic wrap into the boiling water. Cook the egg for 5 minutes.

Step 5: Remove egg from water and enjoy
Remove the egg with a slotted spoon. Cut the wrap just below the knot and put your beautifully poached egg into a serving bowl, and enjoy.

Did You Know?
The Lung Association of Brockville, Ontario, set the world record for the largest omelet, making one that weighed 6,510 pounds in 2002.

How to Speed Up Your Metabolism

How to Speed Up Your Metabolism

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Burn more calories without even trying with these metabolism boosters.

Step 1: Take cold showers
Give yourself occasional blasts of cold water when you shower; it improves circulation, according to research, which can in turn speed up metabolism.

Step 2: Don’t skip meals
Don’t go longer than five hours without eating, except when you’re sleeping. Skipping meals slows down metabolism.

Always eat breakfast to kick-start your metabolism in the morning.

Step 3: Eat lean protein
Eat lean protein, like skinless chicken or egg whites, at every meal, and aim to make lean protein 30 percent of your daily food intake. A Dutch study found that people who did increased their metabolism all day long, even while they slept!

Step 4: Choose the right carbs
Choose complex carbohydrates, whole-wheat bread instead of white, and steel-cut oatmeal rather than sugary cereals. They boost metabolism because they are harder to digest than refined carbs are.

Spice up your food with red chili pepper, black pepper, and ginger – your body may burn more calories immediately after the meal.

Step 5: Get intense bursts of exercise
Get short, intense bursts of aerobic exercise for a few minutes every day, whether it’s sprinting for a few blocks or pedaling on a stationary bicycle at the most difficult setting you can handle. A study indicated this kind of exercise can speed your metabolism in just two weeks.

Step 6: Lift weights
Take up weight training. Building muscle increases your resting metabolic rate, the number of calories your body burns when it’s doing nothing at all. Some research has shown that weight training can raise a person’s resting metabolic rate by 15 percent in 12 weeks.

Lifting free weights builds muscles more efficiently than lifting on weight machines.

Step 7: Fidget!
Move around more during the day, even if it’s just small movements while sitting. Studies show that naturally thin people fidget more than heavier people. And fidgeting is a lot easier than working out!

Did You Know?
Metabolism slows down by about 5 percent for each decade after 40 because of muscle loss and body-fat gain.

How to Make Corn Dogs

How to Make Corn Dogs

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Make corn dogs just like the ones at the county fair by following these simple steps.

Step 1: Heat oil
Heat the oil in a deep saucepan to 365 degrees.

Step 2: Combine ingredients
Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Stir the ingredients until the mixture is smooth; then transfer some of it to a tall glass or mason jar.

Step 3: Insert skewers
Insert the wooden skewers into the ends of the hot dogs.

Dry the hot dogs with paper towels so the batter will stick.

Step 4: Dip the hot dogs
Dip the hot dogs in the batter in the glass or jar, shaking off the excess. Refill the glass as you go.

Step 5: Fry hot dogs
Deep-fry two to three hot dogs at a time until they are golden brown, about 10 minutes. Remove them with tongs and place them on paper towels to drain. Serve them warm, but don’t eat too many before you go on the rides.

Did You Know?
According to Guinness World Records, as of 2008, the longest hot dog on record was 375 feet.

How to Do Big Hair Right

How to Do Big Hair Right

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Get the height and volume that you want with these styling tips.

Step 1:
Wash and towel-dry your hair. If it’s thick, rub some styling gel in at the roots. If it’s fine, use a root lifter instead, and just put a little mousse on the ends.

Step 2:
Flip your hair upside down and blow it dry using a large, round brush.

Step 3:
Add volume by putting your hair in small Velcro rollers, wrapping them away from your face on top and underneath on the sides. Aim a hot blow dryer at each roller for about 10 seconds. For thick hair, use large hot rollers.

Use Velcro rollers with metal inside; they conduct heat better.

Step 4:
Remove the rollers after 20 to 30 minutes. If you used hot rollers, let your hair cool for 10 minutes before gently fluffing it with your fingers.

Step 5:
For extra volume, tease the hair on the crown of your head in sections at the roots. Spritz a section with hairspray; then backcomb it using a comb with small teeth or a boar-bristle brush. Gently comb the hair from the top of your hair over the teased hair with a wide-toothed comb.

Step 6:
Once you have your hair the way you want it, hold the style with a lot of hair spray.

Did You Know?
When 1,400 people were asked if they’d rather have more friends, more money, or more hair, 60 percent chose more hair.

Color Handbook Sheen | Benjamin Moore

Color Handbook Sheen | Benjamin Moore

Add a subtle design element to your space by giving some thought to paint finishes. Learn more about different levels of sheen and how this will impact color selection.

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How to Make Homemade Oatmeal for Babies | Baby Food

How to Make Homemade Oatmeal for Babies | Baby Food

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So, now we’re talking about making your own homemade baby cereal using oats. Oats are one of my favorite whole grains because no matter how you buy them at the supermarket, wheather it’s a steal cut oat, a quick oat, or a rolled oat. They have all been very, very minimally processed. So, of all the whole grains out there they are going to retain the most amount of vitamins and nutrients for your child. Again it’s very, very simple to make your own baby cereal at home. Right now I have about a half a cup off quick oats measured out. I’m just pouring it into my spice grinder.

This is a little bit more, portion wise, than what you’ll need per serving but I tend to make more. and store the extra in my refrigerator or freezer in an airtight container to save time, going forward. So, now processing about 20 to 30 seconds, until it comes to a dust consistency. Alright, so, that was about 30 seconds. And, as you can see it’s came out to a really nice dust consistency. It’s basically what you see in any packaged store bought baby cereal off the shelf. But, the good thing is that you don’t have any other stabilizers or added chemicals.

So, now what we’ll do is measure out a quarter cup serving. Which for a young baby would yield about two meals. For an older child eight months plus will be perfect for a single serving. And, will come over we have a half a cup of water boiling. And, we’ll add in the processed oats. And you want to stir, stir, stir immediately when the oats go into the pan, to prevent any sort of clumping, which could pose a choking hazard to your baby. And then will stir continuously for about 3 to 4 minutes until all the water cooks out and we bring it down to an oatmeal consistency. So, now we’re right at a perfect oatmeal consistency, for our little one. And you’ll scoop off your portion size into the serving dish. And, sense cereals whether It’s store bought or homemade tend to come out a little bit gummy when prepared. I prefer to add in a purée. So, this is a Kiwi purée. And, you just want to mix it in and stir, stir, stir.

Though I’m using the Kiwi purée here but any other purée a sweet potato, apple, pear, all work very very nicely. So long as you can add a little extra moisture to take the clumpiness out and prevent any sort of choking hazard. And, of course to add more flavor for your little ones expanding palette then you’re all set with your homemade baby out cereal.

How to Get a Secret Out of Someone

How to Get a Secret Out of Someone

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Get anyone to spill the beans with these sneaky strategies.

Step 1: Ask them outright
Look them directly in the eye, ask them outright –and then don’t say another word. Stare at someone long enough, and they’ll say almost anything to fill the silence.

Step 2: Ask for a hint
Still not talking? Ask for a hint. If you can get them to take that first step, you might be able to ease them into telling you everything.

Act duly impressed by the little hint they drop – it will encourage them to divulge more.

Step 3: Take a guess
Say, “let me guess,” and then give it your best shot. If they think that you already have some of the information, they’ll feel less guilty about spilling the rest of the beans.

Carefully monitor their reaction to your guess so you’ll know if you’re on the right track.

Step 4: Tell them a secret
No dice? Tell them a secret – and make it juicy. This kind of offer often makes people feel obligated to return the favor.

Step 5: Act uninterested
Are they still holding back? Change the subject. Now that they’ve lost your attention, they may feel that revealing the secret is worth keeping you in their thrall.

Did You Know?
Research shows that people who have been hiding a painful secret show improvements in physical and mental health when they unburden themselves.

How to Make Elegant No-Bake Cheesecake

How to Make Elegant No-Bake Cheesecake

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Impress your friends with a fancy dessert. Just don’t let them know how simple it was to make this beautiful and delicious cheesecake.

Step 1: Mix crumbs, butter, and sugar
Mix the graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, and sugar in the ungreased springform pan. Press the mixture firmly into the bottom of the pan to form the cheesecake crust.

You can use two 9-inch graham cracker crusts instead of the springform crust.

Step 2: Melt the gelatin in water over low heat
Combine the gelatin and water in a small saucepan, and let it sit for 1 minute. Then place it over low heat, stirring constantly until the gelatin melts completely. Then remove it from the heat.

You can also substitute orange juice for the water and garnish with grated orange peel for a twist on the traditional cheesecake.

Step 3: Melt chocolate chips
Melt the chocolate chips in a small saucepan, stirring constantly.

Step 4: Mix cream cheese, chocolate, and milk
Mix the melted chocolate with the cream cheese in a large bowl until it’s fluffy. Then add the condensed milk and beat until the mixture is smooth.

Step 5: Stir in gelatin and whipping cream
Stir the gelatin into your cream cheese mixture and fold in the whipping cream.

Step 6: Pour into pan and refrigerate
Pour the mixture into the graham cracker crust and refrigerate your cheesecake for 3 hours.

Step 7: Run knife around edge, and remove from pan
Run a knife around the edge of your cheesecake to loosen it. Remove the side of the springform pan, garnish the cake with chocolate shavings, and serve.

Did You Know?
Cheesecake was a popular treat in ancient Greece. Small cheesecakes were served to athletes at the first Olympic games in 776 B.C.E.

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[바카라 실시간] 아미가 알려주는 이기는 바카라 시드관리가 중요 #바카라 #바카라실시간 #온라인카지노

안녕하세요 아미 라이브tv 입니다!
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정식으로 인증 받은 에볼루션 카지노입니다!
예쁘고 실력까지 좋은 아미와 함께 수익길만 걷자구요 ~!

가족방은 365일 열려있습니다! 함께해요!
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항상 열심히 하는 아미가 되겠습니다!
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How to Stretch Your Calves

How to Stretch Your Calves

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Language specialists say the calf muscle may have gotten its name because its shape resembles a young bull. Minus the horns, we assume.

If you have been inactive for a length of time, or if you’ve had any recent surgery or physical problems, particularly of the muscles and joints, please consult your doctor before you start a stretching or exercise program.

Step 1: Face wall
Face the wall, standing a few feet away from it.

Step 2: Touch toes to wall
Step your right foot forward so its toes are touching the wall. Your left leg should remain straight, toes pointing forward.

Step 3: Stretch left calf
Lean against the wall with your forearms and slowly shift your hips forward, keeping your lower back flat, until you feel an easy stretch in your left calf. Be sure to keep the left heel planted on the ground.

Step 4: Hold pose
Hold this pose for 10-30 seconds, making sure not to bounce or push to the point of pain.

Bend the back of your back knee slightly to ease the stretch.

Step 5: Repeat on right calf
Switch your legs and repeat the stretch on your right calf.

Step 6: Repeat on left calf
Switch your legs again and repeat the stretch on your left calf. This time go a bit further into the stretch until you feel a comfortable tension. Hold for up to 30 seconds.

Step 7: Repeat on right calf
Switch your legs again and repeat the stretch on your right calf. This time go a bit further into the stretch until you feel a comfortable tension. Hold for up to 30 seconds.

Step 8: Release stretch
Release the stretch. Your legs might be a little sleeker than a baby bull, but we like them anyway.

Did You Know?
Cattle average about 80 pounds at birth, but their horns don’t grow until later.

How to Survive in the Desert without Water

How to Survive in the Desert without Water

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Don’t trust mirages; if you need to survive in the desert without water, these tips could save your life.

Step 1: Don’t eat
Avoid eating as much as possible. You can survive longer without food than without water, and the digestive process uses water.

Step 2: Try not to sweat
Minimize perspiration by relegating physical activity to nighttime. And keep your clothing on — it helps slow the evaporation of your sweat. Wrap a piece of fabric around your head if you don’t have a hat. Using your urine to dampen your clothes will further reduce sweating.

Don’t drink your urine; your body will use more water to remove the waste material than it will gain.

Step 3: Dig for water
If you spot any green plants or dry lake beds, dig there until the soil becomes moist, and wait for water to seep into the hole. It may provide enough water to survive in the desert until you get out or are rescued.

Step 4: Forget about cactus
Forget the myth about getting water from a cactus: You’ll probably lose more hydration from the ensuing vomiting than you’ll gain from the few drops you manage to drink.

Step 5: Follow bees
Look for flies or mosquitoes, which means water is nearby. If you see a bee, follow it; bees fly in a straight line to and from water, so it will lead you right to a source.

Did You Know?
An Austrian teenager survived a record 18 days without food or water in 1979, when police forgot they’d put him in a holding cell.

How to Improve Your Memory with the Memory Palace Technique

How to Improve Your Memory with the Memory Palace Technique

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Memory can fade with age – stay sharp by using the Memory Palace technique to recall information.

Step 1: Choose your palace
Select a place with many rooms that you can vividly picture in your mind’s eye, such as your home or workplace.

Step 2: Chart a path
Chart a specific route through every nook and cranny of your “palace.” Always start in the same place, follow the same path, and end in the same place.

Step 3: Create “memory slots”
Create a system for traveling through each room, such as always going from left to right. Note all of the features of each room, such as a desk, lamp, trash bin, dresser, and a painting – see each item as a “memory slot” where you can store information.

Step 4: Place objects along your path
Associate objects or ideas you want to remember with features in your memory palace. Locate them on your route in the order that you want to remember them.

Exaggerate images to aid in the recall process. For instance, imagine tons of huge apples dangling from one of your houseplants to remind yourself to buy apples.

Step 5: Recall information
Start at the beginning of your route and visit each feature in turn to readily recall the information you have stored. Soon people will comment on your excellent memory.

Did You Know?
Memory recall dramatically drops within the first 20 minutes of learning something.

Spicy चिकन 65 रेसीपी – Chicken 65 – Restaurant Style Chicken 65 Recipe – Starter Recipes – Seema

Spicy चिकन 65 रेसीपी – Chicken 65 – Restaurant Style Chicken 65 Recipe – Starter Recipes – Seema

Learn how to make Chicken 65 a starter recipe at home with Chef Seema on Swaad Anusaar.

If you are a Chicken lover, and you don’t want to rush to the restaurant for any recipes then you should try our recipe of Chicken 65 Restaurant Style at home. A perfect party appetizer.

Chicken 65 is one of the most popular snacks and a starter recipe all across India… It is made using boneless chicken pieces marinated with some spices and deep-fried and other chicken starters on the blog to try are Chicken Tikka and tandoori chicken.

Watch our video to learn how to make Chicken 65 / चिकेन 65 at home, and don’t forget to share your feedback in the comments section below.
Do watch the video to know more about Chicken 65 / चिकेन 65! Don’t forget to Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe and press the BELL ICON for instant updates

#चिकन65 #Chicken65 #StarterRecipes #RestaurantStyleChicken #SwaadAnusaar

Bergner web link:

For Marination
500 gms Boneless Chicken
1/2 cup Curd
2 tbsp Ginger Garlic Paste
1 tsp Chilli Flakes
1 tsp Black Pepper Powder
Coriander Seed Powder
1/2 tsp Red Chilli Powder
1 tsp Cumin Seed Powder
1/2 tsp Garam Masala Powder
1 tsp Chilli Sauce
1 Lemon Juice
2 tbsp Cornflour
2 tbsp Rice Flour
Coriander Leaves (chopped)


For Tempering
1 1/2 Mustard Seeds
Curry Leaves (chopped)
2 tbsp Garlic (chopped)
Red Chillies
3-4 Green Chillies (chopped)
Schezwan Sauce
1/2 tsp Black Pepper Powder
Coriander Leaves (chopped)

Method: Let’s start with having the Boneless chicken in the bowl in which add Curd, Ginger Garlic Paste, Salt (as per the taste), Chilli Flakes, Black Pepper Powder, Coriander Seed Powder, Red Chilli Powder, Cumin Seed Powder, Garam Masala Powder, Chilli Sauce, Lemon Juice, Cornflour, Rice Flour, Coriander Leaves (chopped).
Next, mix it all together properly and let it marinate for 2 Hours. After 2 hours fry the Chicken in the hot Oil for 5 Minutes.
Next, let’s make the Tempering for which heat up the Oil in the Pan and add Mustard Seeds, Curry Leaves (chopped), Garlic (chopped), Red Chillies, Green Chillies (chopped) saute all this on low flame then add Schezwan Sauce, Salt, Black Pepper Powder, Coriander Leaves (chopped) mix it all together then add the Fried Chicken and mix it again properly. Switch Off the gas and your Chicken 65 is ready to be served.

Serve: 2 People

#Chicken65 #Murg65 #SwaadAnusaarWithSeema

Host: Seema Gadh
Copyrights: REPL

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How to Make Risotto

How to Make Risotto

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It’s not hard to make this decadent, creamy Italian rice dish.

Step 1: Heat the broth
Bring the chicken broth to a simmer in a medium saucepan.

Step 2: Saute the onion and garlic
Add the onion and garlic to the olive oil in a separate pot, and saute over medium-low heat until it is fragrant and translucent.

Use a roomy, heavy pot that distributes heat evenly, such as a stock pot or Dutch oven.

Step 3: Add the rice
Add the rice to the onion and garlic. Lightly toast it, stirring constantly over medium heat for about three minutes.

Do not brown the rice. It should become translucent around the edges but remain white in the center.

Step 4: Add the wine
Add the wine, and stir and cook until nearly all of it is absorbed by the rice.

Step 5: Add the broth
Add a ladleful of the hot broth to the rice, stir and cook until the broth is absorbed, and then add more stock. Repeat, one ladleful at a time, until the broth is nearly gone or the rice stops absorbing it.

Add more ingredients for flavor: herbs, vegetables, seafood, poultry, or meat.

Step 6: Cook until tender
Continue stirring and cooking until the rice is tender. Add more stock or water if the risotto begins to dry out.

Step 7: Add butter and serve
Remove from the heat, and stir in the butter and parmesan cheese for added creaminess. Now dig in!

Did You Know?
Did you know? For two-thirds of the world’s people, rice is the foundation of home cooking.

How to Whiten Teeth with a Strawberry

How to Whiten Teeth with a Strawberry

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Strawberries contain malic acid, which is great for removing stains on your teeth.

Step 1:
Mash the strawberry with a fork and mix it with the baking soda. The baking soda buffs away stains from coffee, tea, and blueberries that penetrate your enamel over time.

Step 2:
Using a soft toothbrush, apply the mixture to the teeth you want to whiten.

Step 3:
Let the mixture set for five minutes.

Step 4:
Brush your teeth with toothpaste as usual. Floss to get out any seeds from the strawberry.

Rinsing with a little hydrogen peroxide mixed with water after brushing kills bacteria and whitens teeth.

Step 5:
Rinse your mouth with mouthwash to wash away residual acid. Your teeth will be gleaming and stain-free.

Did You Know?
In the Middle Ages barbers also practiced dentistry.