How to Teach Your Dog to Lie Down | Dog Training

How to Teach Your Dog to Lie Down | Dog Training

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Top Rated Products for any Dog Owner:
FURminator deShedding Tool for Dogs:
Bil-Jac Little Jacs Liver Training Treats:
Earthbath All Natural Grooming Wipes:
Premier Gentle Leader Head Dog Collar:
Earth Rated® Green Dispenser with Dog Waste Poop Bags:

Watch more How to Train Your Dog videos:

“Teaching your dog to lie down on cue is a great behavior to train your dog. To get started all you need is your dog, some really yummy treats to reward them with and a marker word that you’re going to use to communicate when they’ve done the behavior correctly. I’m going to us a nice sharp “”good”” to let Jack know when he’s got the behavior right.

You’re going to take a little tasty treat in your hand and bring it down towards the ground, sort of between the paws, good, the minute his butt hit the ground I said the word good to let him know that that’s what I wanted him to do and that’s what he was getting a treat for.

So from the seated position I’m just going to drop the treat down to the ground and then say good and deliver the treat. He’s following that treat down to the ground really easily so now I’m going to pretend there’s a treat in my hand and I’m going to see if he’ll do it without it there ,good, it looks the same as when I had the treat but now there’s no treat. The treat’s coming from the other hand, good.

Now I want to eventually be able to put this on a very visual cue. Dogs do really well with visual cues as opposed to verbal cues. They’re visual animals or body language based animals. So now I’m going to start opening up my hand a little bit, good. And this is called refining the visual cue, eventually I want to just be able to do this and have my dog get down, good, get down to the ground. That’s really great that he did that because that looked radically different than when we started. So palm down, good, and reward.

Once you feel your dog understands the visual cue, good, you can start installing your verbal cue. I like to tell people are you ready to bet your paycheck that when you give that visual cue your dog will go down? If so then you’re ready to install the verbal and then you’re going to say it first and then you’re going to show them what it means, down, good, if they happen to just do it you’re definitely going to reward them. But if they don’t, down, good, you follow up the verbal cue with the visual and that way you make sure your dog gets it right every time and that’s how you get your dog to lie down.

How to Turn an Old Book into a Secret Hiding Place

How to Turn an Old Book into a Secret Hiding Place

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Turn that dusty old tome into something you will actually use — a sneaky stash for your best stuff.

Step 1:
Select a hardcover book at least 1½ inches thick. Open the book and bind the first 10 or 20 pages with a paper clip.

Step 2:
Mix the white craft glue with water. Using a foam brush, apply the mixture to the edges of the non-clipped pages, holding them tightly together.

Step 3:
Use a spacer to separate the glued pages from the clipped pages and allow 30 minutes to dry. Add the weight to keep the pages flat.

Step 4:
Open the book to the first glued page and, using your straight edge, draw a rectangle, leaving a half- inch border around the edges.

Step 5:
Cut along the lines using your craft knife or box cutter. Cut the pages until you reach the back cover. This may take a while because you’ll need to remove pages in sections.

Glue felt to the bottom and edges of the compartment for a more finished look.

Step 6:
Apply the glue mixture to the inside edges of the cut pages and reapply to the outside edges to seal your secret compartment.

Did You Know?
The Bible is the bestselling book of all time.

Can Rabbits Be Litter Trained? | Pet Rabbits

Can Rabbits Be Litter Trained? | Pet Rabbits

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Pet Rabbit Essentials
Timothy Hay:
Comb to control shedding :
Clear Plastic Tubing – To protect the rabbit and the cords:
BOOK on Rabbit Care:
Bunny Harness:
Rabbit Food:

Check out Cool Pet Rabbit Toys
Beachcomber hat:
Mini Plastic Slinky:
Toy Plastic Keys:
Bunny Maze Haven:
Sunmaid Raisins :
Papaya Tablets:
Deluxe Rabbit Home:
Woven Grass Mat for Rabbits:
Bunny Chew Toy:
Roomba – To keep your home clean:

Watch more How to Take Care of a Pet Rabbit videos:

Amy: Mary, can my rabbit be litter box trained?

Mary: It’s probably too late. Your rabbit is 12 years old. Can rabbits be litter box trained? Yes. You don’t even have to train them. They’re immaculately clean animals by nature, and all you really have to do is help them find the litter box.

With cats, for example, you can fill the box with appropriate litter material and put the litter box down and the cat will find it. With rabbits it’s a little bit different. Rabbits have their own preferred corners for eliminating. And you have to find where the rabbit would enjoy eliminating and put the litter box there. The best way to attract a rabbit into a litter box is to have litter material on hand that rabbits love, such as, will you do the honors?

Amy: Hay. I mix hay. I use different hays because I spoil my rabbit. Sometimes I top a little of that hay on top, which I know, you don’t want to use just all oat hay or alfalfa hay, but I add a little bit of treat hay sometimes.

Mary: Now watch what’s going to happen here. It’s exactly what we want. If you fill a litter box with hay. We have a layer or two of newspaper on the bottom to line it, then we fill it up with hay, the rabbit will be attracted because the hay smells fresh and wonderful and the rabbit will sit in the litter box and pee and poop just the same way as a rabbit that’s wild will sit in your backyard and pee and poop, and you won’t have any litter box issues.

The big problem with rabbits and litter boxes, is usually that people give the rabbit too much freedom too soon in the home, and what you really should do, when you’re working with a new rabbit, is keep the rabbit in a pen or in a very generous size cage, with that litter box in one corner until the litter habits are really well established. Once you see the rabbit going regularly to pee and poop in the litter box, then you can open the cage and allow a little bit of territory. Maybe you want to add a few more litter boxes in corners of your house.

But you don’t want to give the rabbit a lot of freedom immediately because you will never be able to keep up, and once the rabbit urine marks different areas in your home, it’s very hard to keep them from going back to the same area.

Amy: And also they like to be under things so, like now, I have an awning, I had somebody make an awning for my rabbits, so the box is underneath something. So, underneath a table, or you can make a little house out of a cardboard box. They kind of like that kind of thing.

Mary: And there’s one other thing to know about litter box training too, and a lot of people ask this question. They say, “Well, my rabbit is urinating in the litter box perfectly, but I still find poops around the house. What’s up with that?” And the thing about it is, rabbit poops are not just excretion, they’re also territory markers. So you can expect that to happen, whether a rabbit litter box trained or not, you can expect a few stray poops left around.

Amy: They’re like peppercorns.

Mary: They are. Like large peppercorns. Don’t serve them to your guests on salads. But they are going to be around your house. Most people don’t mind because they’re dry and they’re virtually odorless. You can pick them up and throw them out, but don’t forget to wash your hands.

Amy: But wash your hands. That’s what I was going to say.

Mary: So, yes, they can be litter trained.

Amy: It’s easy. They train you where to put the box and then they use it. That’s the bottom line. Easy.

How to Make Candy Cane Bath Salts

How to Make Candy Cane Bath Salts

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Energize and uplift spirits with homemade candy cane bath salts, a fun and inexpensive gift to make that’s perfect for holiday giving.

Step 1: Put Epsom salts in bowls
Put 1/2 cup of Epsom salts into each of two separate bowls.

Use resealable plastic bags for mixing ingredients for less mess.

Step 2: Put in oil and glycerin
Put two drops of peppermint oil and two drops of glycerin into each bowl, stirring to distribute them evenly through the Epsom salts.

Step 3: Add red food coloring
Add two drops of red food coloring into one of the bowls, and then stir until the color is uniform.

Step 4: Layer salts in jar
Use a funnel to alternate layers of red and white salts in a glass jar to make a candy cane effect, tapping the jar to settle the material, and filling the jar to the top.

Tilt the jar as you add salts to create diagonal candy cane stripes.

Step 5: Tie on a ribbon
Tie a ribbon around the jar of bath salts and add a candy cane in place of a bow.

Step 6: Make a tag
Make a tag instructing the user to add 2 to 3 tablespoons of the mixture to bath water, and to look forward to enjoying a stimulating holiday-style hydro experience.

Did You Know?
During Shakespeare’s time, Epsom, England, was the site of one of the earliest discoveries of magnesium sulfate, known today as Epsom salts.

How to Eat Junk Food That’s Actually Healthy

How to Eat Junk Food That’s Actually Healthy

Treat yourself to these tasty treats that are actually healthy!

Flavorful Meat Snack for Lunches:
French Fry Cutter with Suction Feet:
Bacon Curls Microwave Pork Rinds:
Baby White Popcorn Kernels:
Coco Coconut Water, Pure Organic:

Watch more Healthy Recipes videos:

Not all snacks that you think are bad for you really are. Check out the health and nutrition benefits of these so-called junk foods.

Step 1: Chew some beef jerky
Chew on some beef jerky; it’s high in protein. Just choose low-sodium brands.

Step 2: Have some French fries
Nibble on some French fries — but make them at home so you can fry them in canola or safflower oil rather than the corn oil used in many eateries, which is full of saturated fat.

Oven fries are even healthier.

Step 3: Pig out on pork rinds
Pig out on pork rinds. Yes, they’re made from pigskin and they’re usually deep-fried. But they have no carbs, lots of protein, and nearly half the fat is unsaturated.

Buy microwave pork rinds; they’re better for you than deep-fried.

Step 4: Pop some popcorn
Pop some popcorn. It’s a whole grain, making it a great source of fiber — as long as you don’t pop it in oil or drown it in butter.

Step 5: Be a coco-nut
Indulge in some coconut. Even though it contains a lot of saturated fat — the kind that raises your bad cholesterol — researchers have found that it raises your good cholesterol even more, so in the end you come out ahead. Just be aware that it is high in calories.

Pair coconut with dark chocolate, which contains heart-healthy antioxidants.

Step 6: Order a pizza
Order a pizza without guilt: the cheese is chock full of calcium and the tomato sauce delivers the antioxidant lycopene. Add some vegetable toppings, request a thin crust, and enjoy!

Did You Know?
France has the fewest junk food junkies, with only 19 percent of French people agreeing with the statement, “I like the taste of fast food too much to give it up.”

How to Make Peanut Butter

How to Make Peanut Butter

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Sick of processed, mass-produced peanut butter? Follow this easy recipe, and kiss the generic store-bought stuff goodbye.

Step 1: Cook peanuts
Coat the peanuts in the oil, and bake them at 350 degrees for six to eight minutes.

Shake the nuts every two minutes so they don’t burn.

Step 2: Grind peanuts
Put the roasted peanuts into the food processor and grind them to a consistency of your liking.

Step 3: Store peanut butter
Store the peanut butter in an airtight container.

Step 4: Make a sandwich
Have some P B and J with your first batch of delicious peanut butter! Use it within 30 days.

Did You Know?
It takes about 540 peanuts to make one 12-ounce jar of peanut butter.

How to Survive Prison Life

How to Survive Prison Life

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Landed in the big house? Survive prison life by following these do’s and don’ts.

Step 1: Don’t be a snitch
Don’t rat anyone out. Ever. If you want to survive prison life, this is the number one rule.

Step 2: Don’t be a badass
Forget what you’ve seen on TV about swaggering into prison like a tough guy so you won’t get picked on. Acting like a badass is actually more likely to get you beaten up because the established thugs will feel obligated to reassert their dominance.

If you do get targeted for a smackdown, fight back to the best of your ability and try not to show fear.

Step 3: Resist favors
If an inmate offers to give you something or do you a favor, politely decline. This is a common trick inmates use on newbies to get them into their debt so they can extort a huge payback.

Step 4: Wait to be asked
Don’t join anything — a conversation, a mess hall table, a game of hoops — unless you’re invited. Refrain from asking personal questions unless the other person has broached the subject first.

Never ask an inmate what they’re “in for”; ask what they’ve been “accused of.”

Step 5: Brace yourself
Expect bad treatment from the guards if you’re in for financial misdeeds — especially if you could once afford $6,000 shower curtains. These inmates tend to be assigned the most degrading jobs.

Step 6: Make peace with your crime
Assuming you’re guilty, make peace with doing the time. Acceptance of your circumstances will help you survive prison life and plan for the future.

Did You Know?
If an inmate tries to sneak in contraband via his rectum, it’s known as “keistering.”

How to Survive a Nuclear Terrorist Attack

How to Survive a Nuclear Terrorist Attack

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You can increase your chances of staying alive if you know how to decrease your exposure to radiation.

Step 1: Get potassium iodide
Have potassium iodide on hand; you may need it to protect your thyroid from the radioactive iodine fallout of a nuclear event. It is available without a prescription; ask your pharmacist for an FDA-approved brand and dosage guidelines.

In the event of an attack, emergency officials may advise people over 40 not to take potassium iodide, since they have the lowest chance of developing thyroid cancer or thyroid injury after exposure to radioactive iodine.

Step 2: Go below
If an attack is imminent, get indoors and go as far below ground as you can. If that’s not possible, seek whatever shelter you can.

Step 3: Seal yourself in
Once indoors, close all windows and doors and turn off air conditioners, heaters, and other ventilation systems.

Step 4: Seal up your car
If you can’t get to a building, stay inside your car. Close the windows and vents, turn off the heat and A/C, and hold a cloth over your mouth and nose to avoid breathing in radioactive dust and smoke.

Step 5: Protect yourself outdoors
If you’re caught outdoors or very near the blast when it happens, don’t look at it or you risk temporary or even permanent blindness. Keep your mouth open so your eardrums don’t burst. Don’t touch objects thrown by an explosion; they might be radioactive.

Step 6: Stay put
If you are more than 10 miles from the epicenter of the blast, remain in the shelter for 48 to 72 hours after the blast.

Step 7: Get out of Dodge!
If you are closer than 10 miles to the epicenter after the explosion, get moving! You have 10 to 20 minutes to get at least a mile away from the mushroom cloud, or you risk lethal radiation poisoning.

Be sure to move downwind or perpendicular to the wind.

Step 8: Cover up
Keep your mouth, nose, and as much of your skin covered as you move away from the blast area.Once you’re at a safe distance, take off your clothes; this alone may get rid of up to 80 percent of radioactive dust. Then take a shower, which will further reduce your exposure.

Step 9: Get decontaminated
Rid your body of radioactive material as soon as possible by reporting to the nearest decontamination center set up in your area.

Did You Know?
In the film “Godzilla 1985,” a Soviet captain tries to launch a nuclear missile at Tokyo after learning that Godzilla is back.

How to Take Minutes at a Business Meeting

How to Take Minutes at a Business Meeting

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If you work in a business environment, the time is going to come when you will be asked to take minutes at a meeting. Impress your colleagues by already knowing how by following these steps.

Step 1: Bring a notebook
Bring a notebook to the meeting with you. If you will be writing minutes often, you may want to buy a good notebook to keep your minutes in rather than a cheap one.

If you have a laptop, you should use it to save time later.

Step 2: Send around a sign in sheet
Create a simple sign-in sheet that has columns for name and contact information and pass it around. You will be able to refer to this record in order to document attendance.

Find out who was supposed to be there and make sure you include the people who did not attend in the minutes under regrets.

Step 3: Begin note-taking
Begin note-taking by noting the date of the meeting and the time the meeting was called to order.

Step 4: Record old business
Record old business, which is anything that needed a follow up from the last meeting. Note anything that was done or not done and by whom.

Step 5: Record new business
Record new business. For example, when someone has an issue to address they will make a motion. Note exactly what they said along with who seconded the motion and whether or not the motion passed.

Step 6: Finish notes
Write down any action items or things specific participants agreed to do, but don’t transcribe word for word debates or discussions. End the notes with the time the meeting adjourned and the date of the next meeting.

Step 7: Type and distribute
Type up the minutes as soon as possible after the meeting so it’s fresh in your mind. Once you have typed them, distribute them to members for review and approval at the next meeting.

Did You Know?
During one day, there is an average of 17 million meetings in America.

How to Transform Hair from Frizzy to Smooth

How to Transform Hair from Frizzy to Smooth

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Say goodbye to frizz – and hello to luscious locks – by embracing the science of smooth.

Step 1: Start with the right shampoo
To achieve all-day smooth, start with a conditioning shampoo that penetrates hair to the core and helps protect each strand from breakage. A conditioning shampoo will also help align the strands, reducing the inter-fiber spaces that can make frizz seem even more unruly.

Step 2: Use a smooth conditioner
Apply a moisturizing conditioner; it’s important that your shampoo and conditioner work in unison. Conditioner lubricates the hair surface, providing a barrier between your hair and the environment — helping to lock in good moisture and keep out the humidity that causes frizz.

Step 3: Rinse and blot
Rinse your hair thoroughly. Then, gently blot excess water from your hair with a clean towel. Aggressive towel-drying can damage cuticles.

For a gentler option, try blotting hair with a cotton T-shirt.

Step 4: Repel moisture
Apply a leave-in cream with humidity protection. By repelling moisture in the air, it provides yet another barrier to the elements.

Step 5: Dry it
If you want to keep your curls, use a diffuser, scrunching the ends as you dry. If you want a straight look, blow-dry it until it’s 95 percent dry and then blow it out with a brush. With either texture, smooth just the ends with a curling iron or flatiron for a more finished look.

Make sure your hair is completely dry before you leave the house; if it’s still damp, it may absorb moisture from the air, resulting in frizz.

Step 6: Freeze it
Help lock in your smooth look with a hair spray formulated to keep out frizz; its fixative polymers will help keep each hair in place. Once sprayed, refrain from unnecessarily combing, brushing, and touching your hair.

Step 7: Show off
Enjoy those smooth tresses. You and your hair are ready for anything!

How to Make Fudge

How to Make Fudge

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Here’s an easy way to whip up this classic treat.

Step 1: Mix
Mix the sugar and cocoa together in the large saucepan. Then add the corn syrup and evaporated milk.

Step 2: Cook
Cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring until it reaches 234 to 240 degrees Fahrenheit on a candy thermometer. Remove from heat.

Test for doneness by dripping a small drop of the mixture into cold water. If it forms a soft ball, it’s done.

Step 3: Add butter
Stir the butter and vanilla into the fudge mixture and beat thoroughly.

You can also add chopped walnuts or pecans.

Step 4: Transfer to dish
Pour the fudge immediately into a buttered, rectangular glass dish – the mixture hardens quickly. Use a spatula to spread it evenly in the dish.

Step 5: Set, cut, and serve
Allow the fudge to set for a few hours, and then cut it into squares and serve. Fudge can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

Did You Know?
Composer and fudge enthusiast Cole Porter had a standing order for 9 pounds of fudge to be shipped to him monthly.

How to Make Gummy Candy

How to Make Gummy Candy

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If that salty tub of popcorn has lost its charm for movie night, this guide will give your homemade snacks a little more jiggle.

Step 1: Stir in gelatin
Mix your favorite flavor gelatin and the unflavored stuff with the cold water in the measuring cup, a little at a time, stirring constantly to prevent clumping.

Step 2: Rest
Allow the mixture to rest for at least 10 minutes so the gelatin has time to absorb the water.

Step 3: Melt gelatin mixture
Melt the gelatin mixture by placing the measuring cup in a pot of simmering water and stirring the mixture until it melts.

Add a pinch of powdered Vitamin C to make the gummies sour.

Step 4: Fill molds
Fill your silicone mold with the gelatin using a large syringe or a turkey baster for easy and even filling.

Step 5: Cool candy
Let your gummies cool to room temperature on a counter or table, or put them in the refrigerator if you’re in a hurry.

Step 6: Peel back mold
Peel back the mold to release your gummy candy. No oil or spray is needed. Enjoy immediately or pack them away for later.

Did You Know?
The gummy bear was invented in 1922.

How to Make Chocolate Ice Cream

How to Make Chocolate Ice Cream

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You needn’t visit the store to enjoy wonderful, creamy chocolate ice cream — anyone can make ice cream at home following these steps.

Step 1: Boil milk
Add the milk, cream, and vanilla extract to a pot and bring it just to a boil. Cover the pot and remove it from heat.

Step 2: Chop chocolate
Chop the chocolate into fine pieces and set it aside.

Step 3: Dissolve sugar
Stir together 1/2 cup sugar with water in a pot until the sugar dissolves and the mixture boils and turns to a deep caramel-colored syrup.

Wash off any sugar crystals on the side of the pot by swirling the liquid around in the pot.

Step 4: Whisk in cream
Whisk the warm cream mixture into the syrup over low heat until the liquid is smooth and any sugar crystals have dissolved.

Step 5: Beat yolks
Beat the egg yolks with the salt and remaining 3 tablespoons sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer at high speed. Continue beating the egg mixture until it increases three-fold in volume and thickens, about six to eight minutes with a hand mixer.

Start the mixer on low speed and work up to avoid splattering the counter top and your shirt with eggs.

Step 6: Mix eggs and syrup
Add the hot syrup mixture to the yolks in a slow stream, whisking, then transfer the custard to a saucepan.

Step 7: Cook the cream
Cook the creamy mixture over moderately low heat, stirring constantly, until the custard is slightly thickened.

Do not let the cream mixture boil, it may ruin the ice cream.

Step 8: Add chocolate
Force the warm custard through a fine-mesh sieve into a bowl with the chopped chocolate and let it stand one minute. Then, whisk the mixture until it is smooth.

Step 9: Let cool
Cool the custard to room temperature, stirring occasionally, for about 35 minutes.

Step 10: Freeze custard
Freeze the custard in an ice cream maker, and put it in the freezer in a covered container to harden for at least 1 hour. Then, scoop, serve, and enjoy!

Did You Know?
Ice cream soda was first served in both Chicago and Philadelphia in 1874.

How to Fold a Napkin into a Pinwheel | Napkin Folding

How to Fold a Napkin into a Pinwheel | Napkin Folding

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Learn how to fold a napkin into a pinwheel with the napkin folding instructions in this Howcast video.

Now we’re going to fold a pinwheel.

You’re going to take your napkin here. You’re going to create a diamond shape. And you’re going to fold up all the points to the center, so they all meet in the center here.

And then we’re going to fold halfway up, until you meet that center point. And then the top down, to meet it in the center as well. Then we’re going to do a 90 degree turn. We’re going to fold the bottom up halfway, and the top down halfway, so we have a nice square. We’re going to actually underneath here and lift it up a little. You’re going to see that point. You’re going to pull that out, to the right. You’re going to pull that triangle out.

And then you’re going to lift up, to the left corner that’s underneath, and you’re going to pull that one out and up. And so, for the remaining two, you’re going to take this one, this corner here, we’re going to pull that out, to the side, to the left. And our last one, we’re going to pull it towards us. We’re going to lift it up a little bit, pull it down towards us.

And you can see we created a pinwheel. Transfer it to our dishes.

And that’s how you fold a pinwheel napkin.

How to Make Mayonnaise

How to Make Mayonnaise

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Make your own mayonnaise; it’s mostly just eggs and oil, and homemade tastes better than store-bought.

Homemade mayonnaise contains raw egg. Don’t leave it at room temperature or you risk a salmonella infection.

Step 1: Blend ingredients
Put all the ingredients except the oil into a food processor and mix or whisk by hand until creamy.

Customize your mayo with fresh herbs, spices, horseradish, onions, garlic, capers, or anything else you’d like.

Step 2: Add the oil
Whisking continuously, or with the food processor running, begin incorporating oil, just a few drops or two at a time, waiting 30 seconds after the first couple of additions of oil, then pouring it in a very slow stream. As you get to the end of the oil, check the texture; you may not need to use all the oil.

If the mayo is too thick, thin it with a little lemon juice or cider vinegar.

Step 3: Finish and chill
Taste the mayo and adjust the seasoning if you need to. Transfer to a covered container and refrigerate. The mayo will stay good for three to five days.

Step 4: Fix it
If the mayonnaise begins to separate, which it often does while refrigerated, reconstitute it by putting an egg yolk in a bowl and slowly whisking the broken mayo into the new egg yolk, a little at a time.

Did You Know?
Hellmann’s mayonnaise began as a salad and sandwich dressing made by New York City deli owner Richard Hellmann’s wife in 1905.

How to Make Chocolate Fondue

How to Make Chocolate Fondue

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Dessert doesn’t always have to come in a slice or a square – mix up your menu with a mouthwatering chocolate fondue that your guests will dive into.

Step 1: Heat ingredients
Melt the chocolate chips with the milk and vanilla over low heat, stirring constantly.

Add peanut butter for a twist on the plain chocolate or get creative with options like marshmallow creme, caramel, or cherry sauce.

Step 2: Transfer the chocolate
Transfer the chocolate mixture to a fondue pot and set the burner on low.

If you don’t have a fondue pot, a crock pot on “warm” or “low” works well.

Step 3: Make fondue pot accessible
Put your fondue pot in an easy-to-reach location and surround it with apples, bananas, strawberries, pound cake, and marshmallows.

Step 4: Include utensils and napkins
Set out skewers, forks, and plenty of napkins. Remember – no double dipping.

Step 5: Refrigerate leftovers
Refrigerate leftover fondue and reheat it for a scrumptious snack the next day.

Did You Know?
Tradition dictates that, if a woman drops food into the fondue pot, she must kiss someone at the table.

How to Make Water Disappear | Science Projects

How to Make Water Disappear | Science Projects

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Want to try this project at home?
Satin Top Hat:
Plastic Cups:
Baby Care Powder:
Food Coloring:

Watch more How to Do Small Science Projects for Children videos:

You guys like magic? Well, I have a really, really cool magic trick, okay? But it really isn’t magic, we’ll call it the magic of science, right? One day I saw a magician, okay? I have three daughters and they love going to parties and there was a magician act at the party. And magician’s wear what? They wear a hat. So this magician took off his hat and he said to my daughter. He said, “Hey, Riley. Come here.”

And he said, “Do me a favor. I want you to pour this water into my hat.” Now think about it. Water is a liquid right? Liquids flow, you can touch the water, you can hold the water. Liquids change their shape. So she said, “Wait a minute. You want me to pour the liquid into your hat?” He said, “That’s right. Pour it into my hat.”

So my daughter took the liquid, she poured the entire cup of water into his hat. Now remember it’s a liquid, so if it was in the cup, it’s the shape of the cup. When it went into his hat, it was the shape of his hat. Two seconds later the magician took the hat and he put it on Riley’s head and she thought she was going to get wet so she screamed and said, “No.”

And all of a sudden, the water was gone. She’s the one that put it into the hat. She knows she did it, but it was gone. It was magic, right? Actually it wasn’t magic. Do you know what the magician used? See he had a trick up his sleeve. He had a special button in that hat and when he pressed the button, something shot out. Do you know what that was?

Well, I have it. Do you guys know what this is? Probably, hopefully you don’t wear these anymore, okay? But you see this diaper, believe it or not has something inside that is exactly the same powder that the magician had in his hat. It’s called diaper powder.

You see if I took a scissor and I actually cut this diaper open, you’re going to notice that there’s cotton and there are different types of materials, but if you went through it, you’re going to find inside of that diaper, there’s a powder. This powder does something so amazing that you just have to see it.

Now nobody was able to see what happened in that hat, because the hat was black. It’s opaque. You can’t see through things that are opaque. You can’t see my heart, because I’m opaque, right? But watch, what if I took a glass of water– check this out. We’re going to make the water disappear using cups that are clear. I like to rhyme.

Watch this. Pour half a cup of water, okay? We can make this water green, just so you can see it more clearly, okay? And I’m going to stir it around, and in this cup, that’s going to be our magician’s hat or the diaper or just in this case, the disappearing water cup.

Now you don’t want to use a giant heaping teaspoon and that’s not going to be in your diaper anyway. You probably could get about a teaspoon and we’re going to pour it in. Guys, you’re not allowed to take the powder and pour it into the water, because think about it.

When the baby goes to the bathroom are you sprinkling the powder when they go to the bathroom or are they going into the powder? They’re going into the powder. So I’m going to take this and I’m going to hold this, okay? I’m going to pour and I’m going to pour quickly. Think about it. When babies go to the bathroom, it’s pretty fast, okay?

You better get into the bathroom fast, quickly. I’m going to take this and I’m going to pour. Ready, set– uh, oh liquid, liquids flow. Liquids flow, all of a sudden, I’m going to take this cup. That liquid is in this cup. You saw it happen, right? Abbra-cadabra, alla-kazoo, the liquid spell is not on you and the water is gone.

You see that? It’s on top of my head. Boys and girls, I’m not a magician. This powder is known to be super-absorbent. When something is absorbent it means it’s being sucked up. My shirt could absorb water, okay? Think about a paper towel when you have a spill.

Mommy says get a towel. You place the paper towel, the towel will absorb and suck up the water. This powder sucked up the water to the point where it will never let it go. Check this out. I could actually squeeze the cup and look at this. I turned the water and it’s trapped and it will not come out.

And if you want to do a really cool second part to this experiment, but I’m not going to tell you what happens. Put this back in your cup, okay? And ask mom or dad or whoever you live with for salt. Salt that you put on french fries or salad. And take a teaspoon of salt, sprinkle it, one teaspo

How to Add Layers to a Tulip | Latte Art

How to Add Layers to a Tulip | Latte Art

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The cool thing about tulips is there are so many variations.In this next one, we’re just going to add another layer to it. Instead of doing one rippled base with a solid heart on top, we’ll do a rippled base with a rippled inside layer, with a solid heart on top. You can just keep doing this as much as you want, as long as you have room in the cup. So here’s the tulip with three layers. We’ll begin the first layer in the middle. Push the second one into it. Put a solid heart on top and draw through. That is the three-layered tulip.

The power of blending #shorts

The power of blending #shorts

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Stuffed Monkey Bread Recipe

Stuffed Monkey Bread Recipe


Despite not having a sweet tooth (and having food allergies) I love cooking and baking treats for my friends this time of year- so I thought I’d show you guys one of my favorite and EASY dishes I do for brunches/breakfasts during the holiday season! I sent this one along with my friend for her family’s Christmas morning!

If you guys make this (and I totally recommend that you do) tag me in your pictures on twitter & instagram @meghanrienks & #meghanrienks

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Canon EOS 7D – Built-in Wireless E-TTL Flash 5/8

Canon EOS 7D – Built-in Wireless E-TTL Flash 5/8

The EOS 7D is Canon’s latest DSLR, built for those seeking the convenience and affordability of the EOS 50D, inspired by the image quality and HD video potential of the EOS 5D Mark II, and eager for the high performance and durability of the EOS-1D series.
This is a totally new class of camera built from the ground-up to capitalize on advances in Canon’s AF system, EOS HD Video functionality, exposure performance, and other core technologies. Combined with the best existing features of the current EOS line, the EOS 7D goes beyond capturing amazing still images — it’s a complete media creation tool.

How to Make a Buttercream Wild Rose

How to Make a Buttercream Wild Rose

For this lesson in buttercream flowers you will learn how to make the Wild Rose. This buttercream flower is always in style and adds beauty to any cake or cupcake.

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You will need:
– Tip 104:
– Tip 1:
– Tip Organizer:
– Flower Nail:
– Decorating Bags:
– Pre-Cut Icing Flower Squares:
– Wave former:

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Weeding, Soil and Seeding – Lawn Care Tips Part 1

Weeding, Soil and Seeding – Lawn Care Tips Part 1

Spring is just around the corner! Use these lawn care tips to get started. Learn how to kill weeds, and aerate and seed your lawn. Learn more here:

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Replace the Cartridge | HP Photosmart 5520 e-All-in-One Printer | HP

Replace the Cartridge | HP Photosmart 5520 e-All-in-One Printer | HP

Learn how to replace a cartridge in the HP Photosmart 5520 e-All-in-One Printer.

Want to see what cartridges and supplies are available for your printer? Visit

The steps shown also apply to the HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5525 e-All-in-One Printer and the HP Photosmart 5522 e-All-in-One Printer.

For other helpful videos go to or More support options for your printer are available at

#HP #HPSupport #HPPhotosmart5520e-All-in-OnePrinter



About HP:
HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere — every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze.

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This video was produced by HP.

Replace the Cartridge | HP Photosmart 5520 e-All-in-One Printer | HP

Replace the Cartridge | HP Deskjet 2540 All-in-One Printer | HP

Replace the Cartridge | HP Deskjet 2540 All-in-One Printer | HP

Learn how to replace a cartridge in the HP Deskjet 2540 All-in-One printer.
00:00 Introduction
00:09 Turn on the printer
00:16 Load paper
00:31 Open the cartridge access door
00:39 Remove the cartridge
00:58 Open new cartridge
01:40 Install the replacement cartridge
01:57 Print alignment page
02:18 Scan alignment page

Want to see what cartridges and supplies are available for your printer? Visit

The steps shown also apply to these printers:
HP Deskjet 2542 All-in-One Printer
HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2545 All-in-One Printer
HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2546 All-in-One Printer
HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2548 All-in-One Printer

For other helpful videos go to or More support options for your printer are available at

#HP #HPSupport #HPDeskjet



About HP:
HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere — every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze.

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This video was produced by HP.

Replace the Cartridge | HP Deskjet 2540 All-in-One Printer | HP

Replace the Cartridge | HP Photosmart e-All-in-One Printer (D110a) | HP

Replace the Cartridge | HP Photosmart e-All-in-One Printer (D110a) | HP

Learn how to replace a cartridge in the HP Photosmart D110a or D110b e-All-in-One printer.

Want to see what cartridges and supplies are available for your printer? Visit

The model shown is the HP Photosmart e-All-in-One Printer (D110a).

The steps shown apply to these printers:
HP Photosmart e-All-in-One Printer (D110a)
HP Photosmart e-All-in-One Printer (D110b)

For other helpful videos go to or More support options for your printer are available at

#HP #HPSupport #HPPhotosmart



About HP:
HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere — every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze.

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This video was produced by HP.

Replace the Cartridge | HP Photosmart e-All-in-One Printer (D110a) | HP

Replacing the Toner Cartridge | HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M277dw | @HPSupport

Replacing the Toner Cartridge | HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M277dw | @HPSupport

In this video, we will see how to replace a toner cartridge in the HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M277dw printer. When your printer indicates that the toner cartridge is low, follow the steps in this video to replace the empty toner cartridge with a new one.

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About HP:
HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere – every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze.

This video was produced by HP.
Replacing the Toner Cartridge | HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M277dw | @HPSupport

Workout: Abs and core | Danielle Peazer

Workout: Abs and core | Danielle Peazer

Get rock hard abs and a slim toned core with Danielle Peazer’s help. You’ll blast away your winter padding and have an amazing bikini body in time for summer.

Need to tone your tummy and strengthen your core? Danielle has a workout that can help you achieve a flatter stomach and improved overall strength. Planking works the deep abdominal muscles that many abs exercises can’t reach, so get ready to feel the burn!

How long can you plank for? Let us know in the comments.

This video may not be suitable for beginners, so please read the advice below.

Fitness Advice by Lisa-Jane. Check out more from Lisa-Jane at

ICON UK is a brand new channel in the ICON network. It’s your ultimate lifestyle destination for fashion, beauty and wellness.


Not all exercises are suitable for everyone. The following exercise program may result in injury. Before attempting a new exercise, consider issues including your flexibility, strength and overall health. Consult a fitness expert before attempting the program. If at any point during the program you begin to feel physical discomfort, stop immediately and consult a physician. Endemol is not responsible for any injuries you sustain from participating in this exercise program.

Additional advice

Do not attempt this workout if you have any lower back issues, are pregnant or if you are less than 12 weeks post partum.

All planks can be modified by performing the move on the knees instead of the toes – for the full plank on the elbows and toes you can drop to your knees to place less pressure on the core and shoulders but ensure that your hips are in alignment with your spine and your bum is still low, bracing the abdominals throughout by imagining you are pulling your belly button in towards your spine. If your upper body or shoulders start to hurt, stop and reset the position, ensuring you are focusing on the mid section of the body. Elbows should be directly underneath the shoulders at all times – if your shoulders are too far forward you will put too much pressure onto your neck and upper back, try to keep this relaxed as much as possible. 

For the side planks, the option/modification would be to keep the bottom knee on the floor – keep the hips in alignment and bend the bottom knee so it is in line with the top knee and the bottom foot is behind you and still ensure you are pushing your hips up to the ceiling with as much distance between the mat and your hip as possible so that you are working into your waistline. Again ensure that your elbow and shoulders are in line so that you are not placing excess

ICON UK is a brand new channel in the ICON network. It’s your ultimate lifestyle destination for fashion, beauty and wellness.

All ICON UK talents’ opinions are their own.

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ICON is a lifestyle network by Michelle Phan.

ICON UK is a new channel in the ICON network, brought to you by a team of amazing YouTubers including Michelle Phan, Danielle Peazer, Sunbeams Jess, Kaushal Beauty and Melanie Murphy. It’s your ultimate lifestyle destination for fashion, beauty and wellness.

Our Icon girls will be sharing all their fashion secrets with get ready with me videos, lookbooks, style guides and more.
You can find amazing make up tutorials, hair tutorials and beauty trends videos.
But beauty also comes from within! You can watch our girls talk about well being, give motivational pep talks and chat about body confidence as well as healthy recipes and work out videos. Our girls have pretty much everything covered!

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Revitalift Pure Retinol Night Serum | Reduces Wrinkles, Even Deep Ones

Revitalift Pure Retinol Night Serum | Reduces Wrinkles, Even Deep Ones

After 40, we need anti-aging care that works. Try the new Revitalift Night Serum with Pure Retinol. In a clinical test, 100% of women showed reduction of wrinkles, even deep ones*.

*Results based on a 12-week clinical study of women aged 35-75 when used as directed.–pure-retinol-night-serum

How to Paint a Ceiling | Benjamin Moore

How to Paint a Ceiling | Benjamin Moore

Painting your ceiling can seem like a tough task. Learn the best way to paint a ceiling with our simple steps. Keep in mind that the ceiling should be done prior to painting the walls. You will need a two and a half inch angle sash brush, painters tape, a nine-inch roller sleeve, an extension pole, a pan, a ladder, and Benjamin Moore Waterborne Ceiling Paint.

Learn more about Benjamin Moore Waterborne Ceiling Paint:

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How To Get The Hot Date Look : Makeup Tips | Charlotte Tilbury

How To Get The Hot Date Look : Makeup Tips | Charlotte Tilbury

Professional makeup artist to the A-list stars, Charlotte Tilbury shows you how to get the Hot Date look. Follow these quick and easy steps to go from desk to date.

The Hot Date look features Charlotte’s brand new K.I.S.S.I.N.G lipstick shade, as chosen by you, called Kiss Chase. This look is all about seductive, elongated eyes, killer cheekbones, and full lips.

Replace the Cartridge | HP Photosmart C3180 All-in-One Printer | HP

Replace the Cartridge | HP Photosmart C3180 All-in-One Printer | HP

Learn how to replace a cartridge in the HP Photosmart C3180 All-in-One printer.

Want to see what cartridges and supplies are available for your printer? Visit

The model shown is the HP Photosmart C3180 All-in-One Printer.

The steps shown apply to these printers:
HP Photosmart C3100 Series All-in-One Printers
HP PSC 1507 All-in-One Printer
HP PSC 1508 All-in-One Printer
HP PSC 1510 Series All-in-One Printers

For other helpful videos go to or More support options for your printer are available at

#HP #HPSupport #HPPhotosmart



About HP:
HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere — every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze.

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This video was produced by HP.

Replace the Cartridge | HP Photosmart C3180 All-in-One Printer | HP

How To Discipline An Employee

How To Discipline An Employee

Discipline can be an effective tool to improve your team’s efficiency, productivity and morale. This VideoJug film will show you how to discipline an employee to its greatest effect.

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Moong Dal Halwa Recipe | Diwali Special – Indian Dessert Recipe | Masala Trails With Smita Deo

Moong Dal Halwa Recipe | Diwali Special – Indian Dessert Recipe | Masala Trails With Smita Deo

Learn how to make Moong Dal Halwa at home with chef Smita Deo only on Rajshri Food.

When it comes to Indian desserts,Moong Dal Halwa is one of the rich and divine dessert. So hop onto a guilt trip of enjoying sweet and delicious Rajasthani dessert at home with chef Smita Deo only on Rajshri Food.

1 cup moog dal (green gram dal)
1 cup sugar
1 tsp green cardamom powder
½ cup ghee
7-8 strands of saffron infused in 2 tbsp warm milk
1 cup milk
1 cup water
Few almonds soaked in water for 2 hours. Remove the skin and slice it thinly

– Heat ghee in a pan.
– Once ghee is melted add the moong dal (which is soaked for 4-5 hours and then grounded into a course paste).
– Saute it until it becomes nice golden brown.
– Add sugar, cardamom powder and stir it all very well.
– Boil one cup of water and one cup of milk together.
– Add the boiling combination into the halwa.
– Infuse saffron strands into warm milk.
– Add the saffron infused milk to the halwa.
– Cook it properly.
– Moong Dal Halwa is ready to be served!

Host : Smita Deo
Copyrights: Rajshri Entertainment Private Limited

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Learn How Now: How to Truss a Turkey

Learn How Now: How to Truss a Turkey

Not only does trussing make a turkey look more presentable, it also prepares for even roasting. TODAY food stylist Bianca Henry breaks down trussing with a step-by-step tying guide.

Check out turkey recipes from iVillage:
Turkey-Herb Meatballs

Roast Turkey 101

Turkey Gravy



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How to Make the Perfect Pound Cake

How to Make the Perfect Pound Cake

Learn how to make the perfect pound cake. Use this recipe for your next celebration, it will fit in perfectly.

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Step-by-Step Printable Instructions:
– 2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
– 2 teaspoons baking powder
– 1/2 teaspoon salt
– 2 cups (4 sticks) butter, softened
– 1 3/4 cups granulated sugar
– 6 eggs
– 1 1/2 teaspoon Wilton Pure Vanilla Extract –
– Confectioners’ sugar, for dusting
– vegetable pan spray
– Perfect Results Fluted Tube Pan –
– Measuring Spoons –
– Measuring Cup –
– Large bowl
– Spatula Easy-
– Toothpick
– Cooling Grid –

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Replace the Ink Cartridge | HP DeskJet 2600 All-in-One Printer Series | @HPSupport

Replace the Ink Cartridge | HP DeskJet 2600 All-in-One Printer Series | @HPSupport

00:00 Introduction
00:23 Open ink cartridge access door
00:29 Remove the cartridge
01:02 Install replacement cartridge
01:22 Print Alignment Page
01:44 Scan Alignment Page

Get HP ink at your doorstep! Click to learn more about HP Instant Ink:

In this video, we will learn how to replace cartridges in the HP DeskJet 2600 series printers. If you find that the printer cartridges are low or out of ink, follow the instructions in this video to easily replace them with genuine HP cartridges.

For other helpful videos go to
More support options for your HP device are available at
For step-by-step guidance, connect with our Virtual Agent:

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About HP:
HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere – every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze.

This video was produced by HP.
Replace the Ink Cartridge | HP DeskJet 2600 All-in-One Printer Series | @HPSupport