20 Replies to “Commando Lock opened with Covert Instruments FNG (short hook / 0.040” 2in1 turner)”

  1. Ok but what the hickety heck did you actually do? Are those locks so shit you can zip them with a short hook?

  2. Mans really got to be the harshest critic in the industry and I like that

  3. Hello
    I love your vids.
    Would a two keys lock block you ?
    Not because you could not pin it but because usually you only have two hands

  4. Hi, what lock you recommend??? This one is for me and my house. I’m not just curious. I bought old Hause. Renovation is coming to end i 2-3 weeks. And I would like to have good very hard lock to pick. Hope you see this and unswer, sorry for my English it not my mother language

  5. Have any of the lock companies ever tried to take legal action against you for picking their locks so easily on camera?

  6. ???? I always wait for you to throw the lock hahha I love it so much. Dawg you pick shit so fast it's mind blowing.????

  7. Umm…. Are there any locks you recommend? Cause damn!????

  8. I love the way he just violently assaults the lock,Jams it in and pulls it out like bro I wish I could do that with a lock

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