Online Dating Guide For Women (How to Land a Quality Man Online)

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Hey ladies, it’s your favourite dating coach here… of course as you guys know my name is Amy North, and dating advice videos like this one are what I do, so let’s dive straight into today’s topic, which is…. Drum roll please…. Online dating.

Yes, online dating is what this video is all about. More specifically, I’m going to talk about how to find great guys on internet dating sites like, eHarmony, etc.

Now, I can hear some of you ladies groaning already, so let me address you skeptics out there watching this right now… there really are awesome guys on dating websites. Lots of them. The key is to weed out all the weirdos and fake profiles, and hone in on the ones that are actually worth your time. Even if you’ve tried online dating in the past and it was a complete disaster, I encourage you to give it another try…. Except this time, employ all the tips and suggestions I’m about to talk about in this video.

Before I get into some of those little-know tips, let’s first quickly review the advantages of online dating:

1.) You can find and meet way more guys. Offline, you can meet guys at the bar, through mutual friends, at work, or through a random encounter at the grocery store, the gym, etc. But what if your Mr Perfect lives on the other side of town, doesn’t ever visit your gym or your favourite pub, and doesn’t have any friends in common? By going online, you’re able to access a whole lot more guys that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to meet or interact with.

*** More from Amy North: ***
How to Get A Man:
Love Learnings:

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Lawrence Smith says:

Umm… This is so backwards …. 🙁

Kristy Bates says:

Very helpful !!

Laurel Brookes says:

You seem like a sensible woman. That is why I am very surprised that you encourage women to post a few photos with good-looking men. Every other coach I listen to says never to do that.

mysixthsense says:

Have you tried Meet And Eat App.Com ? Liked the new concept of dining partner rather than the old style hook ups only.

Never Never says:

MTV goes r.s.v.p for SUPER SWEET 16 CASTING @nt they swear that shit is causing a guy to tell another always named "Joshia" with jumper inmate named "cash" as a elite couple because "Blank Check" didn't mean shit till Winnie the Pooh crossed the road first HONEY COCAINE 😊🤙👌👍🖕😅😀🤨🤔😕🙁😠☹ like seriously a used ZOO pass has caused another riot blackmail in the MIDDLE EAST hahahaha

Josa Mocoy says:

Look for my for ever hope I found from this video 😊😊😋

Dog of Dogs says:


Dog of Dogs says:


Dog of Dogs says:


CHeEEEeeeEEe says:

r u related to peter north?

Confidence and Self Worth Coach says:

Great video with some good tips! I’ve previously dated online and I agree that it’s better to choose a paid website and taking time to work on your profile 👍🏽

Black Beauty says:

Thanks Amy for this video. I am a single girl and I was slowly giving up on dating.
After many "wanna fuck" 😥 texts it seems like it's not all bad!!!
Also, because of where I am from many websites are not set up to work in my country so it makes online dating a little hard and frustrating.
I'll give it another try. I am just a girl looking to meet a guy.

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