10 Replies to “DIY natural skincare #shorts”

  1. Skincare treatment are expensive and full of chemicals. You can use aloe Vera to make your own fully natural skincare cream!


    * 3/4 cup aloe gel
    * 100 ml olive oil
    * 20-30 g beeswax
    1. It’s very important to soak the aloe leaves in water for around 3-4 hours, changing the water 2 to 3 times during soaking, to get rid of the latex, which is the yellow liquid that comes out when the leaves are cut.
    2. After soaking, use a knife to cut off the sides of the leaves and remove the rest of the skin, then scoop out the gel.
    3. Blend the gel until smooth in consistency.
    4. In a glass jar, double-boil the olive oil and beeswax until completely melted.
    5. Let it cool for around 10-15 minutes, then incorporate the aloe vera gel.
    6. Store in the fridge up to a month


    It helps to moisturise the skin, get rid of spot marks, soothe irritated skin, healing wounds and anti aging.

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