Don't Mix 12 and 20 Gauge Ammunition | Firearm Safety & Hunter Safety | MidwayUSA

Firearms safety is your responsibility and that includes making sure that 12 and 20 gauge shotgun ammunition is not mixed when hunting or at the range. Watch along as Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of Midway USA demonstrates how to make sure that these two rounds are kept separated and what may happen if they are mixed up.

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23 Replies to “Don't Mix 12 and 20 Gauge Ammunition | Firearm Safety & Hunter Safety | MidwayUSA”

  1. TL:DW. If something seems wrong, don’t just shrug and think it will be fine, because it won’t.

  2. I don't even mix by different types of shells. I have cardboard dividers in my ammo cans to keep my target load and birdshot separate in one can, and buckshot separate from slugs in another.

  3. Drops wrong shell into shotgun and it gets lodged halfway down the barrel "Guess I'll just load another and shoot" Tbh if you do this you deserve whatever happens next

  4. If you need an explanation about something as obvious as this, you should never be allowed to touch a firearm or any ammo for that matter..

  5. I remember going to shooting range with my landlord's husband and he brought along some 1960s semi auto shotgun. We went and bought 16g shells for and he loaded it up and pulled the trigger nothing happened. He said he hasn't shot it in almost 30 years and may be broken. I asked him is he sure its a 16g shotgun. "I know for a fact its a 16g!" I took a look at it and noticed the shell was way too far down into the barrel. Had to prove him wrong and it was a 12g and not a 16g. Problem is the gun didn't have a caliber mark on it.

  6. I've been clearing barrel obstructions wrong this whole time….. I just figured running a hotter load would knock that sucker out real nice and quick. Kind of reminds me of the ole wine cork in the shmeckle trick lol.

  7. If you want to fire a 20 out of a 12, chamber adaptors are available, though accuracy will suffer,

  8. Ok, so you get stuff mixed up by accident, it happens… What I dont get is someone could see the shell drop down past the bore? If they load another shell on top its nothing but their stupidity for what happens next!

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