Don’t over salt your pasta water 🌊

Don’t salt your pasta water intel it tastes like the ocean. Your pasta will be over seasoned

#pasta #cooking #salt

25 Replies to “Don’t over salt your pasta water 🌊”

  1. I live in Kansas. I have no idea how salty the ocean is. I do know that salt water is corrosive. I'm not eating anything that has etched my stainless steel.

  2. I've never, maybe once, heard anyone say: salt or like the ocean. For a sec i thought he'd gone mad

  3. The only reason people add a few drops of oil is to prevent a boilover if you are busy or an easily distracted person lol

  4. To sum this video up: salt your pasta like an adult, not A MINORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 😂😂😂

  5. Am I the only one hearing not like us by Kendrick play on the background😭

  6. Not only does the oil float to the top, if it touches the pasta when draining it seals the surface and the Noods dont take up sauce anymore 🙁

  7. My dad once actually cooked pasta with actual sea water. He was on a sailing trip with friends, and they only had limited drinking water.

    They had to throw the pasta away. The sea is way to salty.

  8. Thanks Andy you’re gunna now save me bottles of extra virgin and shit loads of salt 😂

  9. OK…ANDY we all need to know! Doesn't using some oil keep your pasta from smashing topether?

  10. You didn't mention that with such a shallow pot and such a low amount of water that constant stirring is necessary otherwise clumping will happen.

  11. I used to do the oil thing because Gordon Ramsay said to do it, but i was thinking the same thing "it's just floating on the surface and not doing anything"
    So i stopped.

  12. I used to work in a restaurant where the chef put oil in the water so the pasta did not stick. I quit because that place was full of notsense

  13. Do not tell italian grandmothers the oil does nothing. I actually believe it does a tiny bit but only to cling on the noodles a tiny bit when you strain them nothing actually happens while it cooks

  14. The idea behind putting oil in it is to prevent it from over boiling, as the oil at the top will break the water bubbles.

  15. Yo you add the olive oil to prevent it from boiling over it stops bubbles from forming on the top

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