Draw a Manga Girl (Real Time)

watch more draw anime girl: http://youtu.be/JTNgs9MeqYs
Deviantart: http://angiewaiwai.deviantart.com/
anime slow tutorial, how to draw manga. I tried to draw with black color pencil and draw a sketch here. This video is real time.
so I hope this drawing video can show my my drawing process to all of you. hope it help you to draw anime girl step by step. This is a black and white drawing tutorial. You can simply use a pencil or color pencil.

Hope this drawing tutorial help you.
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Drawing Time: 7:02 mins (Speed up in the cloth part)


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Thanks for watching my comic tutorial. AngieARTManga.
Do you love comic? My Video will teach you how to draw manga.
Hope you like , comment & subscribe my channel.
Let draw together and try to create your own comic character!


28 Replies to “Draw a Manga Girl (Real Time)”

  1. I love your all drawing video 📸 it look so beautiful and cute ☺️🥺😍😘

  2. Hwo do you do that?! I feel like i will never be able to draw that :c

  3. Tried it there was many erased hair xD cause i tried making the body and looking at it makes it look fat so i erased it all and boom horrible

  4. Can I copy your drawing ..It's just for my practice drawing anime..😊

  5. You know my friend brought to school some pictures of anime girl drawings and me and my other friends were like “omg so cool,how do u even draw it” and I felt so motivated so at “ night time” i started watching these videos and I’m like it’s impossible but after a sec im like impossible means “ I’m possible” so I tried and the results were amazing no I’m addicted to these videos easy and cute!💝☺️😁

  6. Keren kak

    Btw mampir juga ke channelku ya aku juga seneng memggambar 😀

  7. you are very amazing… this is most beautiful …it is wonderful always

  8. I must say, u really have inspired me to draw with my heart, and to put expression into my drawing💋💗💖💝💞💓💗💋

  9. i was sick this weekend so you inspierd me to draw and on monday eeryone was shoocked at my drawing i toched it up a it myself

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