Exporting an EndNote Library to Excel

This video will show you how to export and EndNote Library to Excel. This works the same way for Access as well.

In EndNote X7, the Change Text feature is now called Find and Replace.

For more help with EndNote, check out our website: http://www3.mdanderson.org/library/education/endnote.html

26 Replies to “Exporting an EndNote Library to Excel”

  1. Your EndNote library says you have 20 references but in your excel spreadsheet, it says you have only 19. Is there a reason for this discrepancy? I'm having a similar issue where the count is off by one (EndNote says I have 704, Excel says I have 703).

  2. This is a short and clear video, which helped me sort out my problem. Thanks heaps.

  3. Thanks so much. This has been very helpful although I have newer versions of EndNote and Excel, I was able to follow and import my records cleanly.

  4. after 7 years your tutorial keeps helping to manage bibliography on excel, thank you

  5. followed and worked fine using endnote X8. Only difference was 'change text' is called 'find and replace' on my version. Everything else looked and acted the same though. Thanks!

    When i did the replacement, the semicolon replaced everything even in authors, how can i change it back to normal?


  7. Extremely helpful and detailed! Thank you for taking the time to make such a productive video!

  8. Great Video. What I don't get: She chooses "full name" at 3:30 but 2 sec later the preview shows only initials. I would like to have only last names and "et al" when there are more than 2 auhors and I cannot solve it by tinkering on author names and author lists….

  9. There are also updated instructions for doing this at the endnote knowledge base website. FYI, I couldn't use <tab> to delimit fields in the new output style. Had to use another character, i.e., "/" instead since <tab> was not recognized as a character by endnote in this edit function.

  10. Please, could you help me? I did not understand which symbol you placed in "change for text", was (; ) [semicolon with space]? Thanks a lot!

  11. Oh my gosh, thank you so much. This was such a great video with clear step by step instructions and IT WORKED! You saved my sanity!

  12. At least for me, I had to "save as" excel after bringing the text file into a blank workbook. I did all that work, sorted rearranged and added some stuff but forgot to save as excel workbook and when I went back to look for it, all that was there was the text file. I had to start all over again. Frustrating. So make sure to save it.

  13. thank you! this worked for endnoteX8 and was nice and clear especially the tip that now called find and replace – thanks for adding that! Hadn't used endnote for about 7 years and this was great~

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