Family Dock Work Party!

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I had a great time working on the dock tidying up loose ends with the family. Well actually, the pretty much swam and I worked… but we did get things done! Feels good to finally have some summer weather at the lake! Thankjs for following the journey!

20 Replies to “Family Dock Work Party!”

  1. The water looks cold but you got in without screaming!
    What a great place to live near. Here in the Netherlands everything is flat and overcrowded or way to expensive.

  2. so you stop refering to the chain as slack weight, and in terms of it's mechanical acion, one starts to refer refer to "Spring Lines".

  3. You got that. Now, to hell with that crap. Get a fish rod and take 'em all fishing… :o)

  4. Wow. The log boom as a wave break looks super effective in that last shot. Well done!

  5. one of the things that is missing is aluminum trap runners on the dock to keep the ramp from "roaming" and/or falling off as the lake lowers and raises and winds push it around just an idea that you might look into, could save you from ever having to lift it back on….

  6. This is going painfully slow lol. I didn’t expect a cabin built by now. But jeez why the rush to sell the house? This off grid cabin is going to take 15 years.

  7. Yep, I agree with Logan. Dads gone cuckoo. No one gets in that water without losing the ability to speak fluently.

  8. I'll bet you'll be happy when this phase is over. Good work and it's always nice to see the family around. Bravo samurai.

  9. That water looks great and Mrs Samurai you have a great voice and should do more voice overs.

  10. Yikes, would have left a safety rope attached to that chain till it was secured to the dock…

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