Single Best Treatment for Mid-Back or Thoracic Pain (Do-It-Yourself)

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Famous Physical Therapist’s Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck describe what they believe is the single best treatment for Mid-Back or Thoracic Pain. You can do this treatment yourself.

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Their book “Three Simple Steps To Treat Back Pain” is available on Kindle

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TYLRbass says:

Thanks guys

The Yoker says:

Is there any danger if I do this stuff with a similar Trigger Point foam roller? Because I have not a smooth one…

Lovely Jess says:

T-6-T-9, 2 herniated disc from bad car wreck. Midback hurts everday.
Sore, nerve pain, cramping, burning, sharp pain, pinch nerves, knife feeling. Cant barely ever wear a bra only on a good day.
Midback/thorasic pain is relentless and the worst. Hard to lift anything. About ready to ask for surgery. Midback pain affects my quality of life a lot : (
Thanks for vids.
Currently only doing chiro.
Gonna look into ESI next.
Just gets worse each yr u get older.

Autumn Enlow says:

I use a foam roller that I got for $5 in the exercise section of a store called Five Below

dawn ella27 says:

Can u just use a foam roller from the store or would it be too hard?

VallerO 760 says:

But when this happens and your in Pain u dont got time for making that damn towel roll..This is really painfull it hurts bad u cant even breath..

Adult Daze says:

Omg you saved my life. I’ve been locked into this back spasm since 6am this morning. I made my husband tape up a towel and he slid it under my back and POP! Thank you thank you THANK YOU

MR Panos says:

After this video I finally slept after 7 days !!

Patrick Santiago says:

Comentários desse vídeo que gostei:

A melhor opção é um quiroprático, para remover a *subluxação*.
O rolo de espuma é uma ótima ferramenta, mas não específica e pode ferir como indicado.
Fisioterapia com tratamento para fortalecer os músculos e isso irá manter os ossos alinhados.
Você possivelmente está experimentando uma resposta "reflexo de endireitamento" devido ao seu problema lombar. O corpo tenta compensar os problemas, "deslocando o seu trabalho" para outros músculos. Mais tarde, se o problema não for resolvido, você continuará a sentir a dor compensada.
Chiropractors e Fisioterapeutas são uma grande ajuda aqui. .

Patrick Santiago says:

Em resumo, este vídeo sugere o uso do Foam Roll para o tratamento da dor. Pode ser usada uma toalha enrolada caso não possua o rolo.

Joseph Bianca says:

Hey thanks, that really felt nice.

JJ Jnks says:


rakshana rajkumar Rajkumar says:

I have this soreness on my thoracic spine for like over two months now. It's not a sharp pain but just feels sore and this happens when I'm standing. Any suggestions except for this because I don't have a foam roller right now.

Juan Pinochet says:

Holy smokes. It worked. I feel a lot better.

MasterVSolo says:

I rewinded it to hear the crack

Joel Bondurant says:

"A towel is junk compared to this."

Tim Jansen says:

You guys are the best physical therapists on the internet. That is just my opinion, of course. Anyway, I have been having mid-back spasms every couple of days for a few weeks. They come out of nowhere and last about 15 seconds. There is mild, residual soreness. The location is just left of my spine by a couple of inches and slightly above elbow level. I'm not sure if the video's therapy addresses that kind of problem or if it is more for spine/disk problems.

Dylan Morrison says:

Jiu jitsu people holler

Rudi Tartaglia says:

Pain went straight away. That's crazy. Thanks guys…

Slaine Saxon says:

Thank you guys, that's the only relief I've been able to have in two years, your the best!!

Noah Stroud says:

can I double like this?

XYZ .XYZ says:

My god, this helps a lot. Too much thanks to you.

Mehrdad Manoochehri says:

i'm 22 . I got a question if u don't mind …. I had a fracture on my thoracic spine T6, T7, T8, the doctors say that i'm fine after 8 months but every time i go out and then come home I should rest on my back at least for 3 hours to relief the pain … what should I do ?? I did water treatments but ….. please help me out <3

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