How to Have True Heart Health

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How to Have True Heart Health
Cholesterol does not cause heart attacks. There is no such thing as good or bad cholesterol. If an artery is “blocked” then why is there blood flow on the other side of the blockage?
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Zofia Cairns says:

Hi Dr Bergman… just listened to the lecture on heart ,great delivery what a brain you have,you not only educate but also entertain!My husband just had a heart atack… currently in hospital awaiting all sorts of tests.He thought he had the worst angina pain ever .I'd like to find out if there is an emergency procedure that can bring parasympathetic system back to balance quickly How to help angina pain any suggestions?Blessings from the UK.

Spencer Wassam says:

holy crap what a treasure trove of wisdom this channel is. Thank you thank you thank you sir

Calvin Edwards says:

I hear a lot of criticism of the medical profession but as I watch the video I never actually heard the doctor's actual for suggestions 4 keep your heart help

Enrique Martinez says:

Doing a coronary calcium score test pertaining to your heart

Enrique Martinez says: Doctor Michael Johnson talks about " PREGNENOLONE " relating to your overall health

Bristol Girl says:

so a friend of mine just got out of hospital, congestive heart failure.He's overweight, takes statins, blood pressure meds, not sure what else. Heavy drinker as well. He's one of those people that think since he's taking pills he can abuse his body, like the pill will fix it, So I want to make him & his family a meal. Now he's telling me it has to be "heart healthy" but in my good conscience I can't justify feeding him margarine, lowfat cheese, sugar etc.I don't want to make him sicker, Should I go with my gut? or boil a chicken breast?

Glicia Linden says:

I take aspirin prevent. Is it Bette than chewable? I was told that it is absorbed at the intestine.

Brett Ballard says:

Soooooooooo – if one of my cardiac arteries IS blocked – blood doesn't flow. If blood doesn't flow to muscle it dies, correct? It has to be fixed one way or another. My cardiologist fixed my immediate problem caused by my genetics (family history) and poor diet (eating out, no exercise). Then he recommended a change in lifestyle (diet and exercise) PLUS medications PLUS meditation and prayer. What is wrong with that? If I have a blocked coronary artery I'm not going to a chiropractor for a neck adjustment. BTW – my right coronary artery is 100% occluded and my cardiologist did NOT recommend angioplasty or stenting because of collateral artery development. He recommended compliance with medications and diet and exercise. What am I missing here? Seems like we need both. Ideally we should all eat and conduct ourselves in a healthy manner. But if we don't or don't have the proper genetics, when the blockage occurs we need stenting and / or bypass to keep us alive. Right?

Victoria Taylor says:

Thanks for your truthful videos. The regular mainstream Drs.& Clinics are there for the K ching factor. They order all these tests, preform all these procedures, and prescribe all these dangerous drugs, because they cant give up the rich lifestyle they have been accustom too living. The fine homes cars ,ect ect. In the meantime who suffers? All the patients that go to these materialistic quacks! Your one in a million who tells it like it really is! And about salt, why do cows get salt blocks, because we all need salt, sodium to live. Even animals need a certain amount of salt! It's the oils and all the chemicals in the food that's the problem ! Our God And prayer is the answer, to not only our medical problems but the answer to all our problems.

Laura Croft says:

It's so scary they want to cut our heart open!!!!

Bart BWD says:

Would like to know how to handle this situation… 1) I have extreme high BP for 20 years (since age 30) that measures up to 180/115 mmHg. 2) 2013 they found RAS (Renal Artery Stenosis) and an atrophied left kidney (25% atrophy). A stent was placed to open a blocked vessel to the upper pole of my kidney. Blood now flows there where it didn't before. From your videos, learning the increased pressure is from resistance of flow through my atrophied kidney. End Results/Current Condition: My kidneys also over-store water if my carbs are above 40g /day. I eat non-gmo, play tennis, etc. My BP still goes very high without meds, but when I take ARB BP meds, it balances, but goes too low during tennis (as low as 90/40) to the point i can't get my breath or continue playing. Question: How do I get off these meds that are depriving me of oxygen. Should I ignore the high resting BP even if it is approaching 180 systolic/115 diastolic? Will chronic high BP from my atrophied kidney cause problems? If so, do I have to accept one of two bad options? (Extreme BP vs. BP Meds)

11/26/2018: Update from a few weeks later off meds…
I decided (on my own merit) to come off all my meds (Olmesartan-ARB & HCTZ & aspirin) for a sustained time now (3 weeks). Here's what happened to me… While purging my meds, I had severe chills for two days (no fever), my body then purged water (I urinated 16 times in one day, then the next day I perspired profusely). After this, my skin went extremely dry for a few days (color in my face was fine, but skin felt scaly and mouth had severe xerostomia). I was thinking some of those symptoms were diabetic-type symptoms… but they went away quickly. I followed Dr. Bergman's instructions & got more sleep, drank a lot more water… I already pray/meditate & exercise). Took about a week for the dry skin to depart.

They amazing thing is that my blood pressure dropped from a resting 180/115 to around 140/90 on it's own. I went and played tennis and did NOT experience the HYPO-tension I commonly experience (had great energy). Occasionally I spike on my resting BP, but my typical reading lately is around 140/90 (ish), and this is without meds. Now I'm using the GAPS diet (which I've done before) to reduce my gut & vascular inflammation to see if that helps even more. I was able to cure 40 years of severe GERD (no more meds) by removing processed foods & following a gut-friendly way of eating. Glad I accidentally ran across Dr. Bergman's videos when I was searching information about blood pressure and kidneys and was fascinated by his views on high blood pressure… I also have listened to Jack & Mary Stockwell, since they speak the same language. Seems they are both believers on teaching the body to heal itself. I'll keep you posted.

Rex II ForSure says:

Good the video. I’m envyius of
My wife, we’re both 50 but I eat better than her and just a little overweight, she is way overweight. But but her blood pressure and cloresterol are better than mine!

Zeledo Health says:

It's very nice!

iamdoin46 says:


Zinette Ghaemmaghami says:

You’re a genius

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