How to Have HEALTHY Kidneys for LIFE

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How to Have HEALTHY Kidneys for LIFE

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How to Have HEALTHY Kidneys for LIFE

The reality is if you are one of the many Americans who adhere to the standard american diet/lifestyle of daily fast food runs, long stressful days at work, and usage of over the counter medications such as Tylenol, Aspirin, etc… than your kidneys are with out a doubt experiencing some sort of abnormal stress. Learn how to de-stress and cleanse your kidneys through a process of elimination, and a change in lifestyle patterns.

180 liters of blood are filtered through kidneys-

if we only have one kidney than the same amount of blood needs to be filtered! the body learns to compensate even if we have bad kidneys.

High blood pressure is an adaptation to kidney disease.

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EricaYE6 says:

He sounds like a conspiracy nut.

Carol Benson says:

I have learned so much from your videos…thanks so much!

Objective Spirituality says:

Dry fasting, baking soda, activated charcoal, apple cider vinegar, lemon, raw eggs

Patti says:

if the blood replenishes itself every 120 days how does a vaccine last a life time?

Dee Webb says:

Kidney specialist nearly killed me with Lisinopril. Seniors should not be used as guinea pigs!

CDW ED says:

Not eating was the time needed to rest your kidneys

PG DA! says:

If you really want to heal your whole body and mind then check out the snake diet on you tube. It's the only way to do it.

jksatte says:

What about diet. What's appropriate for someone with ckd? I already have this so how can I fix it. Janice

J Bell says:

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Longitude -93.42 degrees

00:06 LST

Arizona Sky says:

Amazing information here.. wow. I know he’s right about Tylenol. I had no idea it was ruining my kidneys until I stopped taking it completely. 🇺🇸

Juanita Lewis says:

Could cow's colostrum causes kidney damage?

GregStickels says:

This video is from 2014.
In 2018, For California, Mississippi, & West Virginia unless you have a medical exemption, signed by a doctor, you need immunization to get into school.
There is no religious or philosophical exemption in those states. Only 18 states are left with a philosophical exemption. The remainder of the states only have a religious or medical exemption.
Missouri's personal belief exemption does not apply to public schools, only child care centers.
In Virginia, parents can get a personal exemption only for the HPV vaccine.
In the future, states may take the medical exemption out of the hands of doctors and put it in the hands of state bureaucrats.
This is not the USA that I grew up in.

Linda king says:

thanks xxx .

AllForOneForAll says:

God bless you, Dr. Bergman.


Damn Illuminati !!!!

Kay Byrd says:

The Earth is flat? Yes or yes? 🌍💗

Gabriel Martínez says:

Okay, start the MEDICAL Debates…we need change.. how and when

Ken Bell says:

Sadly in Canada, people who question the state sponsored consensus are targeted as ignorant conspiracy nuts, who simply don't understand "Herd Immunity" .
Refusing to have children injected with these myriad experimental substances will have their right to live with their natural parents destroyed and their education disrupted.
Although some adults still have a choice, the state owns children. Those who may protest will see the true face of Herd Control.

Tom Shaw says:

earth is biblically flat.look!

rocio jurado says:

the worst is not the filthy goverment ,the fault is the people !!!! they deserve all this because they are numb ,mentally disfunctional !! allmost to the level of inhumanity ….

rocio jurado says:

dr Bergman you are a great great man God bless you in abundance !!

Dave Stambaugh says:

I kept having to go back and recheck my potassium levels which were over five. After the second check they would say , it checks lower today but your kidney function is still OK. So after this happened over five or six years, I decided to go on a low potassium diet. After three months on that diet my K was still four point eight.Was their plan to wait until my kidney function did not look so good to do any thing about it?

Rebecca Tillman says:

We need to shutdown Monsanto, arrest all the VIPS, board of directer members and major stockholders immediately!!! We also need to shut down all vaccine manufacturer's and arrest all the VIPS, Board of directer members and major stockholders. We also need to shutdown all abortion clinics and arrest all doctors that perform abortion and all politicians that vote pro choice to murder infants!!! Then we need to shut down all nuclear power plants and do likewise to all manufacturers of microwave ovens. And that is just to start….

gary Incremona says:

can you share that study of the vaccinated group compared to the unvaccinated?

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