The 5 Secrets to Kidney Health

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The 5 secrets to Kidney Health
Do you know that drinking too much water at once can damage your kidney health?
Lack of hydration is a danger for kidney health – there are people actively suggesting to drink a huge quantity of water every day. Here is why this can be bad for your kidneys.

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Tags: renal Health, Kidney function, Improve Kidney Health, kidney health, hydration, drink water, sodium balance, hyponatremia, kidney damage, NSAID, ibuprofen, aspirin, renal adverse drug reactions, risk factors, high blood pressure, diabetes

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michael wright says:

I want to say thanks to all of our subscribers for the great support!
This is my video about how I got out of kidney dialysis:
Please watch and share it! Thanks!

gman says:

Thank you Sweetheart

Laulala Toa says:

Keep your mouth shut where you come from you are really stupid for your idea

Nimai debroy says:

Thanks for your kind advise

Frank Gambrah says:

Hi ! How is apple cider vinegar and baking soda good for kidney repair? Thank you.

The Underdog says:

I'd like to know how many people and what situation bring people to OVER hydrate. Most people seem to dehydrate rather than OVER hydrate. Please answer. Thanks

Shay Yeager says:

Sorry but all I really drink is water and apple juice

Rizalina Maiorana says:

Oh shut up lady. My doctor told me to drink water for my kidney.

Insult •the comic• inc says:

My doctor sat me down and told me that :👨‍⚕️💭Drinking 💦 water will make you stop being thirsty

Chonden Doma says:

Are you reading it from a board or something? The way u are moving your eye… And the way u are telling is so boring… I better skip or sleep 😒


Thank you for ur valuable information.

im12run2trouble says:

THANKYOU!(I don't care what spell check says thats the way I spell thankyou and always will)! I know they told me to drink all that water a day and i just couldn't do it. I'd force it down and the only thing i got was a head ache.And having to pee more. What really helped was switching to lemon-aid instead of pop all the time. Eating more chicken then red meat.Making healthier shakes with frozen yogurt instead of reg. ice cream. Eating more salads with red cider i mean apple cider vinegar and olive oil.And a lot of watermelon. Feeling good these days and now i'm going to start exercising and quit smoking.I never was a big water drinker and usually always had pop and and milk with dinner didn't drink a whole lot of anything every day . I guess thats my next thing to which for me will be the hardest, cutting down the sugar and salt! never was a big salt fan so that won't be to hard but i am a sugarholic. thanks for info! I completely agree about to much water I'm 60 years old by the way Hope I make it to 70.

Minerva Santos says:

It’s like a declamation😀

Jane Juntilla says:

This only one video said water is bad for kidney.hahaha

Jane Juntilla says:

Bnbsa mlng kya pra kng umay my slita.

R haresh says:

I drink 4 to 5 cups of water first thing in the morning it keeps me energies the whole day. Try not to move your eye balls while reading from a computer screen. Rharesh a medical college boy from Malaysia. LOL.

emenike onyeka says:

Shut up 🤐

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