Neck Pain Release Technique levator scapulae in under 2min.

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Neck Pain Release Technique in under 2min

When pressed, trigger points feel like “knots” or tight bands in the muscle, and are usually very tender. Healthy muscles usually do not contain knots or tight bands, are not tender to pressure, and when relaxed, they feel soft and pliable to the touch, not hard and dense, even if you work-out.

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When trigger points are present, on the microscopic level, part of the muscle finer is contracted into a small thickened area, and the rest of the fiber is stretched thin. Several of these muscle fiber contractures in the same area are probably what we feel as a “knot” in the muscle. These muscle fibers are not available for use because they are already contracted, which is why you cannot condition (strengthen) a muscle that contains trigger points. The sustained contraction probably leads to the release of sensitizing chemicals, producing the pain that is felt when the trigger point is pressed.Eventually some of the structural changes may be irreversible if trigger points are left untreated for long enough. The contractile portions of the fiber in the middle of the knot may separate and retract to each end, leaving an empty portion of the cell in the middle.

Trigger points may refer pain both in the local area and/or to other areas of the body, and common patterns have been well-documented and diagramed. These are called “referral patterns.” Approximately 74% of the time trigger points are not located where you feel symptoms, and working on the area you feel symptoms does not give you relief. These referral patterns do not necessarily follow nerve pathways. Pain levels can vary depending on the stress placed on the muscle and any of other the perpetuating factors that keep trigger points activated. Tingling, numbness, or burning sensations are more likely due to nerve entrapments, which may be a result of trigger points entrapping the nerve.

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Ultimate Popping says:

thanks for sharing this, i am in need of relief so badly, i will be trying this soon!

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