Carpal Tunnel Exercises

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These exercises can loosen your wrist joint and may alleviate some of the symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. They include sensations in your hand and fingers like pain, tingling, weakness, numbness, burning, pins and needles, pricking, and soreness.

1. Place your right palm on the wall, spreading your fingers equally. Extend your elbow and press your palm fully into the wall. Wait a 10 seconds and then turn your head to the left, bringing the tip of your right shoulder blade in towards the front of your body. Hold and breathe for 20 seconds.

2. Bring both of your palms together in front of your chest in a prayer-like position, making sure to stretch all of your fingers fully. Relax your shoulders and slowly stretch the heel of your palms down until they are at the same the level of your wrists. If you can perform this stretch without pain or discomfort then you can increase the stretch by moving your hands over to the right and holding for 10 seconds. Repeat this to the left. Stretch slowly and carefully, observing the sensations of your wrist and forearm.

3. Make fists and put them on a table top with your thumb upward. Support your lower arm on the table top. Slowly stretch — fist to the right, without moving your lower arm, and then to the left. Lift your arms off the table top and make slow circles with your wrist, keeping your hands in closed fists. Circle both directions. Release your fingers and place them on the edge of your desk, with your fingertips up. Press into the table top with your fingers. Try this first with your fingers together and then spread apart.

4. Place your index finger on the edge of table top, keeping your wrists straight. Gently push into the table top and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat with all of your fingers, but not your thumb.

5. Place your right palm on a table top with your wrist straight. Relax all of your fingers. With your left hand, slowly stretch your right thumb away from your forefinger. Hold this for 10 seconds and then release. Then do the same on your other hand.

6. Extend and stretch both wrists and fingers acutely as if they are in a hand-stand position. Hold for 10 seconds. Straighten out both wrists and relax your fingers. Make a tight fist with both hands. Then bend both wrists down while keeping the fist. Hold for 10 seconds. Straighten out both wrists and relax your fingers for 10 seconds. This exercise should be repeated 10 times. Then allow your arms to hang loosely at their side and shake them out for about 10 seconds.


Therapists agree that if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, the best treatment is myofascial release massage by a qualified massage or physical therapist. They use their fingers to make kneading movements on your wrist and forearm. That drains fluids and reduces swelling inside your wrist joint. With repeated treatments that usually last about 30 days, the swelling subsides and symptoms like pain, numbness, pins and needles, pricking, weakness or tingling in your fingers and hand disappear.

But you don’t need to visit a therapist for this treatment every day because you can use the Myo Massager. Doctors created the Myo Massager to give you this identical therapy to perform at home, without having to go to a physiotherapist each day. In fact, it’s the only device used to successfully treat carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist tendonitis.

So get the Myo Massager, and get rid of symptoms for good.

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