Sleep Disorders : How to Get The Best Night Sleep – VitaLife Show Episode 145

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How to get the best night sleep is a video documentary put together by Dr. Janine Bowring to help everyone who is having trouble sleeping due to numerous reason ranging from overstimulation of the nervous system from internal/external sources such as watching stressful TV shows, having heated conversation with someone, texting on mobile phone devices, to over exercising, to watching the news, violent shows etc. before bed time, consuming caffeinated substance after 2PM and stressing over events of the day ahead of us. Stress is a big factor that affects our sleep pattern and if this is you, maybe you are doing things to distress before bedtime. Dr. Bowring has put together a Stress and Sleep supplements to help in giving you that restful sleep without a druggy feeling or drowsiness. Vitatree Stress and Sleep contains natural ingredients, herbs for sleep such as valerian, scullcap, passionflower and lemon balm to help calm those over stimulated nerves and give you a good night sleep. These natural herbs for sleep have been used for centuries as natural cures for insomnia and are often included in sleep help protocols from natural doctors or practitioners.

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Please watch: “How To Do An Easy Full Body Detox – VitaLife Show Episode 265”


Toy Flicks says:

My husband is waking up at 2:003:00 am almost every night. He feels pretty rested & cannot get back to sleep to save his life. By 6 pm that night however, he's barely able to stay awake & it catches up with him. We are wondering why he cannot stay asleep anymore.

sabita rokaha says:

very nice video thank u.

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