You can’t beat a steak cooked on the barbecue – watch Heston Blumenthal’s masterclass on the perfet method, and find out how to make two of his favourite South American sauces. See the full recipe |
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I think this guy is trolling everyone thes no way
That's not chimichurri. Probably taste great, but looks more like a pesto sauce. Never olive oil. And never coriander. Key element is Aji molido, which, a.k.a. ground red pepper.
Load of idiots commenting
C'mon Heston!!!! Cool that you mentioned that Chimichurri is Argentinian but you failed to mention that Guasacaca is a Venezuelan sauce!. For a killer meal you should add some "yuca frita" . There is nothing better in this world that some yuca frita dipped in guasacaca!
Love these but someone really has to have a chat about the music selections.
Love you Heston, but that is not proper guasacaca
Anyone know what blender Heston is using?
Heston: Don't put pepper on your steak/burger before cooking, the pepper will burn
Also Heston: I like charred pepper flavour
What a cock, can’t even keep his stupidly big glasses on.
Where was the nutty butter?
Watch a few expert steak videos and everyone does it so differently. Don't cook rare, cook rare, don't oil steak beforehand, oil steal beforehand, don't add salt initially, add salt initially, don't move steak, move steak every 30 secs.So confusing!!!
Loves the way he slips the Waitrose branded goods into this video.
Confused. Where is the part where he leaves the meat in the fridge for a fucking week?
Wank hankie
Me: "Oh ok barbeque, finally Heston is doing something that traditionally is cooked for crazy long amounts of time at low heat, he's right in his element"
Heston: "Be generous with the coal, you want them to be white hot"
Me: "Heston you fucking madman"
Just love Heston's motorcycle goggles – speed cooking?
I'm Argentinian and that has nothing to do with chimichurri…
good god he' s ugly
looks boiled
Sorry for saying so, but this is me in the kitchen. If I click on a Heston video I expect to be blown away or learn something new. I mean, I understand that the basics are good to know, but Heston is a 3 star chef! No reference to meat quality, how it should be prepared or maybe marinated, no spark, really. I don't want to sound negative, but Heston has blown me away before with his videos. This looks like a guy with an phone has taken the video and done the editing. Quality is important for interest and interest gains views.
Dear Heston, I have watched your "how to cook like Heston's" video on how to cook a steak, and there you mention to only put salt on the meat, and add pepper only at the end. What do you reckon is the best way now? Also, table salt vs coarse salt, which is the winner? Last question; if the steak is thick (like an in-bone ribeye), should we use the oven? In the oven, should we go for high temperature short amount of time or very low temperature for long amount of time? Thanks a lot!
did heston get fatter?