Horror: The entire Russian Navy was destroyed overnight!

Video describes how the Ukrainian army successfully destroyed a number of Russian navy warships, including the Saratov, as well as the flagship cruiser Moskva, through missile attacks. These attacks resulted in heavy losses to the Russian navy, revealing a new reality that Ukraine will not stand still in the face of Russian aggression. Russia only acknowledged the loss of Saratov a year after the incident occurred, and the news has only recently been confirmed by a local news source in Crimea. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky gave a speech in which he stated that Russian ships already know what awaits them in Ukrainian waters and praised the Ukrainian navy for their success in defending the country against overwhelming enemy forces. The Ukrainian army’s success has not gone unnoticed by many military analysts, who have praised their tactics and achievements on land, in the air, and at sea.

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21 Replies to “Horror: The entire Russian Navy was destroyed overnight!”

  1. President zelensky is right what he's talkin about, so he could destroy the Russian fleets in the water in the air and on the ground as soon as possible ASAP

  2. Great job Ukraine keep up the good work keep fighting for your country and your land and democracy and freedom an America + Nikko got your back will always support you and you will become a member of NATO in the future

  3. Your headlines are obviously an April fool's joke or total crap!. If the entire Russian navy was destroyed overnight how come there are still 265 Russian Navy ships operating at this time 1st April 2023. Stick to the TRUTH and maintain any credibility you may have.

  4. Fake news, movie propaganda. Over the top wishful dream. Don`t push it over the reality. Russia have to get out of Ukraine altogether before any peace deal. If they do not want to do it by their own choice so be it by force. Putin and his cronies have to be charged for all those war crime the Russian military have done in Ukraine since the beginning of this illegal invasion.

  5. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  6. They pronounce the Russian man's name of Valery, as vah-LAR – ry. Like if you ignore the "val" then you get our name Larry. That's how it's pronounced. They just put the val before Larry. It comes from the Roman name Valerius. A friend has that name. (But he goes by Bill!)

  7. Brilliant Progress and Strategy as always by the Ukrainian Soldiers and President Zelensky. Putin (The Russian Warmongering Terrorist) is on a self-destruct mission with "His War" and he is selfishly taking Russia Down with him, whilst Murdering Innocent people along the way..God Bless Ukraine from the UK..xx


  9. Russia! It's time to get out of Ukraine. Ask Putin to see if he wants to go alone and fight for all of you people.

  10. Que Dios te bendiga ucrania todos poderoso debilitar aputler q saqué la nariz de ucrania putler no entiende como se le puede de sir solo Dios te puede doblegar

  11. So happy if it's true love it congrats Ukrainian soldiers and freedom lover countries for supporting Ukraine God bless all

  12. Excellent news . Putin is still sending troops to the frontline.He is so blinded by his uncontrollable ambition . Victory to Ukraine in the liberation of the motherland.????????????????????????????????????????

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