How many U.S. bills have cocaine on them? ????

That’s too many cocaines.

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#prank #stunt #educational

13 Replies to “How many U.S. bills have cocaine on them? ????”

  1. Yeah, money is nasty. Doesn't get washed and goes through EVERYONE'S hands

    and probably a strippers crack

  2. Video idea: See how much cocain you can get from bills and see who can snort the most ????

  3. I wonder how many bills you’d have to wash to get a legit dose of cocaine?

  4. Notice how he says, " when we think of cocaine, you think of snorting it up your nose with a rolled bil.." No, when I think of cocaine, I think of someone else snorting it up their nose with a rolled bill. It funny how quick you can go off a person, isn't it…

  5. Police utilize this fact to confiscate cash from law abiding citizens through civil asset forfeiture. I’ve seen them tell people “we just need to make sure this isn’t drug money before we let you go”, then they bring in a K9 to sniff the cash, which almost certainly has cocaine residue on it, then they tell the person that because of the reaction from the K9, they have suspicion of criminal wrongdoing, and need to confiscate the money. There is virtually no recourse to this.

  6. How many of us put our fingers in our mouths. Like eating fries. Licking batter off your could be getting a trace .

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