How to Be Happy: 4 Little Habits for Happiness

If you want to be happy, you must understand the habits that lead to happiness. It’s not something that always comes easily. You must work if you want to love your life.

How to Be Happy: Habits to Add to Your Routine
How to Be Happy — Well Guides
Ways to Be Happier Today

Chief Editor: Tristan Reed
Voice Over: Troy W. Hudson
For Troy:
Music from

14 Replies to “How to Be Happy: 4 Little Habits for Happiness”

  1. As some say joy is in being grateful for what you already have but having hope in your journey forward in life .

  2. Through both joy and pain,
    You transcend grow and gain…
    God can nourish life with rain , …
    To bless us with love again …
    A higher level of awareness you obtain ,
    Diamonds form under pressure and strain ,
    A simple truth , yet profound and plain …

  3. Very interesting and educational content everytime you post new video/s Mr. TopThink, you never fail us to amaze your inspiring and always applicable practical tips to our day-to-day undertakings. You helped us to grow & progress more even in our own little ways. Thank you & more power to your YT channel! 👊🙌
    ~Love & support from Asia-Pacific Region 🌏

  4. I love this. Great advice. Question, does anyone know if there is a Spanish version of this channel? Or any other channel that follow this format, but in Spanish???
    I have Spanish speaking friends that can benefit from this well of wisdom. Please advise. Thanks!

  5. Guy is a pro in making up recommendations about everything in this world

  6. Great tips! And speaking of “Being Happy…”

    Personal Development is one of the best things you can do for yourself – because, we as human beings, we’re supposed to embrace growth!

    So make sure you find your Purpose in life – whatever it might be, and work on it daily, and continue to make progress, because progress is – really the key to happiness.

    But don’t do it for any girl or guy, make sure you’re doing it for yourself – and just be happy!

    Anyway, that’s my two cents.
    -Carlos Verde – Dating Tips

  7. Ești un idol REIKOO.Uno mereu în inima mea 💋 frumos, dragoste, alegere, cultural. Sunt unul dintreg cele mai bune concerte….

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