How to Discover Your Calling

So many of us ask, in different seasons of our lives, “What’s my calling? What is my purpose? What work would bring me meaning and joy?”

The answers to this question can help us make decisions about career changes, job searches, entrepreneurship, creative hobbies, and volunteer work.

In my life coaching work, I’ve had the opportunity to talk with thousands of individuals to help them discover their callings, and to see the patterns and themes.

In this video, you’ll learn seven simple ways to identify your calling – and we’ll also talk about resistance and self-doubt around our callings.

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You can check out Tara’s book, “Playing Big: Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Create and Lead” at:

Tara on Instagram: @tarasophiamohr

19 Replies to “How to Discover Your Calling”


  2. Omg! Synchronicity at best. Funny how this showed on my feed at the right time and place! I need to take action now! Thanks for this video lovely!❤

  3. Omg ???? I know my calling it has been calling me for many years it is so strong I’m ready for my calling in my life ????

  4. My calling is in Ministry. Iv known this since I was a kid. It never goes away.

  5. Is self punishment a form of calling?
    I don't think it is because Jesus paid the price for my sins but a second opinion would be appreciated.

  6. Tara, and this video – is spot on! I have experienced all 7 signs of my calling. The calling that is showing up in my heart right now is a ballet story. I have never taken a ballet class. I started going to ballets every Spring season for the past few years and after I got called to write a ballet I put it off for longer than I thought I did – 6 years. I started the story last September and I have spent my entire time during this pandemic working on the 3rd and 4th drafts of this ballet story. Everything she said is true for me. I'm in shock right now.

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  8. Great Video clip! Apologies for butting in, I would appreciate your opinion. Have you tried – Chiveard Discovering Potential Framework (do a google search)? It is a smashing exclusive product for getting fast success using this simple roulette system without the normal expense. Ive heard some super things about it and my friend got amazing results with it.

  9. this was fabulous! Thanks a bunch! greatest pep talk for pretty much anyone that has an idea of what they want to do or maybe have never realized they actually have dreams. I didnt know for years that i had dreams. just thought that was for evryone else. I look down on myself for everything so i thought those thoughts were lame, but turns out i guess their my calling lol!!! I cant let it go and when i do it always is there or sneaks through the back door! great vid!

  10. Nice Video clip! Excuse me for chiming in, I would love your thoughts. Have you heard the talk about – Chiveard Discovering Potential Framework (do a google search)? It is a smashing one off product for finding your true calling and achieving success without the headache. Ive heard some super things about it and my BF after many years got excellent results with it.

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