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Watch more How to Do Yoga Poses videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/243-How-to-Do-the-Wind-Relieving-Pose
The Wind Relieving Pose stretches the lower back, sure, but as its delicate name suggests, it has one main goal. . . meaning you might want to think twice about practicing this one in the office.
Step 1: Lie on back
Lie in a comfortable position on your back.
Step 2: Wrap arms around knee
Exhale, bending your right knee up to your chest and wrapping your arms around your shin.
For an extra stretch in your back, have a brave friend gently push your shin into your chest.
Step 3: Press into mat
Press your back, shoulders, and the back of your neck into the mat, keeping your spine long.
Step 4: Bring forehead to knee
Exhale, and bring your forehead toward your knee.
Step 5: Breathe deeply
Breathe deeply for several breaths.
For a more “relieving” pose, place your hands on your knee and press them into your chest on each exhale, then straighten your arms to move your knee away from your chest on each inhale.
Step 6: Release pose
Release the pose by dropping your foot to the mat.
Step 7: Repeat pose
Repeat the pose with the left leg, holding for the same number of breaths as you did with the right leg.
Step 8: Release pose
Release the pose by dropping your feet to the mat. What a relief.
Did You Know?
Roman Emperor Claudius passed an edict that proclaimed ‘citizens shall be allowed to pass gas whenever necessary.’
Anyone know if this helps people with R-CPD aka the inability to burp? Normal things that help people who CAN burp usually make things worse for those with RCPD
I find that being on your back makes painful & stuck gas more painful. Better would be: get on you hands & knees, let the gut totally relax so that it is distended. To feel more comfortable cuz of the position, drape a sheet or blanket over your body, & just wait. It may take awhile, & numerous passing of gas to be relieved.
If necessary relax on pillows under the belly & forehead, w/the arms folded under or above the head; or just pillows under the forehead w/the arms under or above the head.
This makes it easier to relax for a longer period.
This relaxes the gut w/o having to push the gas out w/the visual position given.
Pavana Muktasana
Wind Relief
Somebody please help I watched every video to take out blasting and none worked
People in the videos and comments are children, it's a position used to help people with medical problems relieve pressure..
Thankkkks so much
hahaha, I wonder if she relieved any wind during filming? 😛 I imagine that would have been embarrassing. XD
They'd have to be brave with my guffy wind 😉
no they mean closeting
Her box has a bush hahaha
when they say wind relieving, do they mean farting.
i just pooped in my pants, thank you howcast
At first, I thought it said "revealing pose"
HAHA, very good, YOU DID THAT THING BRAVE FRIEND, THE FRIEND WHO WILL BE BRAVE TO INHALE YOUR ASS… nooot, for godsakes, do 1 good video a week