Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLALQuK1NDrg4r5CU64bLlSXNYwAV71UH
Watch more Skin Care 101 videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/146676-How-To-Get-Rid-of-and-Prevent-Blackheads
Step 1: Don’t pick them
Don’t try to remove blackheads either with your fingernails or with any kind of instrument. Both can lead to infection and scarring.
Step 2: Steam your face
Boil a medium pot of water, add a few drops of tea tree, eucalyptus, or lavender essential oil, and place it on a table. Sit with your face over the pot for five minutes, with a towel draped over your head to trap the steam. The combination of steam and those particular oils will loosen existing blackheads. Repeat weekly.
Keep your face at least 12 inches from the water to prevent burning.
Step 3: Wash your face
To prevent future blackheads, wash your face daily with warm water and a mild soap or cleanser that is color- and fragrance-free.
Replace your face cloth with a natural sea sponge, which exfoliates skin better.
Step 4: Moisturize
Slather on an over-the-counter moisturizer containing the collagen-booster retinol every night after you wash your face. If you have sensitive skin, only use it every other day.
Retinol increases skin’s sensitivity to the sun, so use a sunscreen with SPF 30 daily.
Step 5: Clean up your makeup act
Always use oil-free foundation, never put makeup on a sweaty face, remove makeup at night with a cleanser that contains glycolic acid, and clean makeup brushes and sponges with baby shampoo monthly.
Step 6: Put on a mask
Use a facial mask once a week. Clay masks are especially good for drawing impurities out of pores.
Step 7: Go to a pro
If new blackheads keep developing, consider going to a dermatologist for a medical facial.
Did You Know?
The ‘black’ in ‘blackheads’ isn’t dirt. Your skin’s natural oils turn black when they oxidize after getting trapped in clogged pores.
i have blackheads on my nose
Why is this women fully made up ???? makes no sense
You will need… Everything. And a dermatologist.
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Why does the smash package the fragile sand?
The story shows the behavior
The burn audits the famous walk
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I try not to pick my blackheads,because they'll lead to infection and scaring pimples and zits. I have a gentle facial cleanser called Cosmedix which smells like oranges.
She wasted water in that video, what a women. Didn't anyone teach her not to waste water? THIS IS AN OUTGRAGE!
BLOOD!!!!!!! 1:57
Just use biore pore strips they really work I used them tonight and all my black heads come out its also recommended to soak a cotton pad in hot water mixed wig baking soda then put that on your nose for 2 minutes then put on the strip it will not work if you do not have a wet surface!
Laura mercier sunscreen.. really?
That's to much stuff! I'll stick with squeezing them.
What blackhead? I DONT SEE ANYTHING!!!!
After seeing all the stuff I needed to have I said "Forget It" sigh
She doesnt have a blackhead