How to Keep an Indoor Plant Alive

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Do plants wilt at the sight of you? With these tips, anyone can keep a houseplant alive – even you!

Step 1:
Pick a plant that’s tough to kill. Hardy varieties include spider, rubber, and snake plants, and pothos, aloe vera, and peace lilies.

Step 2:
Choose a good location. Plants do best in the light and temperature of their native environment. For instance, tropical plants like their surroundings bright and humid, while cacti need sunlight but very little water.

Put houseplants that thrive on humidity in the bathroom – the dampest room in the house.

Step 3:
Find out your plant’s foot-candle requirement, which is how many candles it would take to light the plant from one foot away. A plant that needs 250 or fewer candles is a low-light plant; one that needs more than 1,000 requires very bright light. If your plant didn’t come with this information, search for it online.

Step 4:
Poke the soil with your finger before watering. If it’s moist, leave it alone. Overwatering is the no. 1 killer of houseplants.

Step 5:
Fertilize a few times between the spring and fall. Low-light plants only require fertilization once or twice a year. Slow-growing plants need less fertilizer, while faster growing varieties need more. Choose a fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Water the soil before fertilizing to prevent fertilizer burn.

Watering your plants with the water in which you boiled vegetables or water from your fish tank gives them nutrients that help them grow.

Step 6:
Talk or sing to your plants. Some research has indicated this can help them thrive, as does playing certain kinds of music. Indian sitar music works best, followed by classical music. Stay away from heavy metal: Plants exposed to loud rock music died after a few weeks in one famous experiment.

Did You Know?
British media famously lampooned Prince Charles in 1986 after he said in a T.V. interview that it was very important to talk to plants, and that they respond to the human voice.

21 Replies to “How to Keep an Indoor Plant Alive”

  1. If you want to cure your illness, you will find good CBD products on the Weedborn website.

  2. Okay I didn't let him listen to Pantera or Megadeth or motley Crue but I did put some led Zeppelin on for them

  3. I'm planning to sing some indoor ????s that my mom purchases at a nursery somewhere in our neighborhood. In June 2019, I sang "Summer ????" by Frank Sinatra to our ???? ???? that my uncle and aunt gave to us as a ????warming gift 24 years ago when we first moved into our ????. Luckily, no one complained about how well I sounded to keep the fruit ???? alive that day in the summer. Which songs do you ???? would appropriate to sing aloud to them as long as they're inside not outside? I had a great ???? about playing "Waltz of the ????s" from The Nutcracker, because it seems to be a perfect for them. There are plenty of ????s in the ballet that I saw 15 times with my maternal grandparents when I was a ????????.

  4. If heavy metal can influence kids to commit suicide, I'm sure it can do it to plants too

  5. I'll bet that when they did the rock and metal music experiment, they had the music BLASTING right next to the plant for a long time. That experiment is B.S.

  6. Btw, I play Quran for my birds and myself to listen, it makes them calm and happy. I feel the same. Try it, it's on YouTube.

  7. Wow really, I have to sing for my plant. It's not true. You just have give food, water and sun. Maybe I will play the word of God tape Quran, so see what happens????

  8. I have a small ivory home plant. it was mom who takes care of it but after mom passed away, the plant starts to die. her leaves have fallen down and I don't know what should I do for her ? could anyone help me with this ?

  9. That's why heavy metal is called heavy metal. Heavy metals are toxins, so is that type of music to all creation.

  10. hehe well I thought that am the only one that's talking to my plans, ,,, so I hide that my own little secret , but now I see its normal to talk to your plants ,

  11. Your plants look so unhealthy…. I believe talking to plants is alright but playing accordion seems to be annoying soft music would be fine… Anyhow it always depends on the plants care taker

  12. It's not your voice they like it's the carbon dioxide so a radio is not gonna help

  13. Indeed!!!??? I always suspected it, Tch,Tch,!!! Tsk,Tsk !! and all that. He has no one else to listen to him !!!

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