How To Look Confident When You’re Nervous

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Like it or not, we have all felt insecure. It’s something even world famous celebrities have to deal with.

Because worrying about what other people think of us is such a universal experience, in today’s video we’ll go over some easy ways you can look more confident, AND some techniques you can use to actually build more confidence.

We’ll do this by breaking down clips of Scarlett Johansson. She does a great job of coming off as confident and likable, even when she’s expressing feelings of insecurity.


0:00 – Intro
0:30 – #1: Adjust your body language
1:18 – #2: Show your palms
2:22 – #3: Use the echo technique
3:41 – #4: Learn to laugh at yourself
7:19 – #5: Use gradual exposure therapy
8:20 – #6: Reframe success and failure

#ScarlettJohansson #CharismaOnCommand

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12 Replies to “How To Look Confident When You’re Nervous”

  1. Key moments
    body language moment
    1:00 Show palms to show you have nothing to hide. Move your hands when expressing ideas

    feeling nervous moment
    2:35 echo technique = repeat back hence giving your brain time to ponder

    rejection positive reframing moment
    7:55 When you audition for so many parts, you get rejected all the time. I always thought it was their loss.

  2. I feel that it'd seem much more genuine "good advice" if you showed more 'realistic' or practical situations or examples of "embarrassing situations." These seemed to be very "softball" questions, and there's no examples that come even close to what virtually all people would consider an actual "embarrassing" moment.
    Really? A grown woman being asked if her first kiss was a "french" is an example of embarrassing? Wow, I don't know if she'll ever recover from that paralyzing embarrassment. Good thing I watched this video, because if I didn't, and anyone asked if I ever peed in a pool… wow. Game over. I'd be wrecked. No recovery.

  3. my friend, I want to ask you if I take your video and dubbing it to the Arabic language and post it in my YouTube channel, are you eccept this or not, and is that legal?

  4. The only time i do bigger gesture is when i'm mad so it's kinda problematic. I think i need to convey more passion in what i say without it coming from a negative place.

  5. “The meek shall inherit the Earth..”
    (With Jordan B Petersons definition of “meek”)

  6. This man can win any argument not gonna lie,he's literally knows how to read people

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