How to Meal Prep – Chicken (7 Meals/Under $5) | How To Meal Prep | A Sweet Pea Chef

Cook once and eat all week! Check out my latest post where I share how to meal prep chicken for the entire week, including an easy chicken breast recipe, all for under $5 per meal! 



3 1/2 lbs. boneless/skinless chicken breasts
4 limes, juiced (approx. 1/4 cup)
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1 cup chopped fresh cilantro


6 medium sweet potatoes, diced into cubes
3 tbsp coconut oil, melted
3 tbsp raw honey
1 tsp sea salt
2 tsp ground cinnamon


8 cups broccoli florets
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp black pepper

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28 Replies to “How to Meal Prep – Chicken (7 Meals/Under $5) | How To Meal Prep | A Sweet Pea Chef”

  1. T H A N K G O D, i finally get to see someone marinated the chicken, i have watched the meals preparation videos for the a week times and everyone has been laying their chicken, beef, pork, vegetables and whatever they've go on the tray and started seasoning them on the tray tossed them and spilled them on the bench, picked them up and added them back to the tray LOL. Dont know why they dont, at least put them in a bowl, season them and make sure they have have evenly seasoned. Thanks again and i loved your video.

  2. thank you Lacey, I have sickle cell and are trying to do these meals myself also preparing for a hip replacement surgery so need to gain.

  3. Just discovered your channel, as I have started with IF. Love your tips and recipes. Can you please tell me the size of your meal prep containers and from where did you get them? ie the chicken and broccoli recipe? Thanks for all your help!

  4. The recipe calls for 3.5 lbs of chicken breast and you say the portion size is 5 oz. of chicken. That calculates to over 10 portions. Or are you accounting for shrinkage when cooked? Thank you.

  5. Hi I have questions please I have to have breakfast if I don’t have breakfast I can’t focus at work if I eat lunch and if I don’t eat until next day that’s the best way to lose weight please let me know thank you

  6. Thank you so much for your videos and blog! I was on a weight loss journey and lost a lot of weight just to get it back again. I ate things that said they were healthy but after a few of your videos I realize the mistakes that I made. I wish I could have known then but so thankful that I do now.

  7. Did you stop cooking? Where you dissappear to?? Come back!!???? your recipe weight loss video helped me alot, need more….!!!

  8. Any other options for a healthier potato? My husband really dislikes sweet potatoes and I am at a loss

  9. Good instructions, HOWEVER, these portions are grossly inadequate re: MACROS and sustainable calories. How many of these do you eat in a day?

  10. Thank you for all the meal preps. Hope you continue to show more in future. Thanks.

  11. For your wkly chicken meals, can l replace the sweet potatoes with another potatoe, maybe Russett, I’m not a fan of sweet potatoes Ty ❤️

  12. I’m new to meal prep. Question, do you meal prep just one meal at a time? I thought you meal prepped for the whole week? So the same thing every day?

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