17 Replies to “How to upsize jeans in the waist to fit you perfectly – a sewing trick!”

  1. Ужасно,неужели нельзя было из джинсы что то сделать?Белая ерунда,как заплатки ,совсем из другой оперы.

  2. Great idea! Certainly open to many variations. Only artists can see beyond an idea and make a multitude more! ????❤

  3. So now you have 2 huge patches advertising you’re weight gain…. Awesome…. ????????‍♂️

  4. Why the heck would you use Guipure lace? The idea is good but I wouldn’t want some weird white patch on the back of my jeans. How about cutting the bottom of the jeans to make them cropped and use the cut fabric instead?

  5. Bright idea! I will do this with other kind of color on the top for a more discrete look.

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