How to Use Aspirin in Unusual Ways

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Aspirin is not only used for health benefits, but can be used for all kinds of unusual remedies.

Step 1: Place aspirin in battery
Put two aspirin in your car’s battery if it’s dead. The acetylsalicylic acid and the battery’s sulfuric acid may produce a charge good for one more turn of the engine.

Step 2: Add to water
Add a crushed aspirin to water before adding fresh flowers to extend their life.

Step 3: Wet skin
Wet your skin with water and rub an aspirin on a mosquito bite or bee sting to reduce inflammation.

Apply aspirin dissolved in water to acne to dry out skin and get rid of pimples.

Step 4: Restore color-treated hair
Restore color-treated hair affected by a chlorinated pool by dissolving six to eight tablets of aspirin in a glass of warm water. Apply the solution to your hair and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing.

Step 5: Remove stains
Remove perspiration stains from shirts by soaking the stained part in a solution made by crushing two aspirin in ½ cup of warm water.

Did You Know?
Aspirin can lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

11 Replies to “How to Use Aspirin in Unusual Ways”

  1. I bet their parents must have been itching to upload "how insane idiots with crazy advice are produced at home" If your car boils over and loses all the water you can get it to the garage once more by urinating in the radiator(though I don't know how girls would go about it), and if your battery runs out of acid you can do the same as urine is acidic. These are brilliant ideas from our youtube graduated scientists.

  2. DO NOT PUT ASPIRIN IN YOUR CAR BATTERY. If your battery is dead, get a jump and charge it when you get home. It is not worth the 250 dollars for a new battery. They're is also a Chance of it ruining your cars electrical system. which will prevent it from ever starting again.

  3. Aspirine can be dangerous. When you give medical advice give them properly. For strokes and heart-attacks prevention, only pediatric doses should be used. Best is , ask your doctor

  4. If you have a wart…dip an aspirin in water,place it on top of the wart,put a bandaid over it,as many as you need.leave it for a week,periodically checking it.and you should be able to pull the wart off.the wart will become bright white.during the wait make sure to keep the aspirin might have to replace it,but usually not.

  5. Another unusual way to use Aspirin!
    What you will need. Aspirin, Vampire Blood and a large object.
    Step 1. Retrieve Aspirin
    Step 2. Crush the Aspirin with the large object
    Step 3. Apply Vampire blood to the crushed Aspirin
    Congratulations! You have just created V from True Blood. Enjoy snorting!

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