26 Replies to “How We Clean Our Butcher Shop! #shorts”

  1. When I butchered, I used the meat “saw dust” as an occasional snack for monitor lizards and they loved it and it had a lot of good bone content.

  2. Pops insisted cleanliness is next to Godliness. Great content and quite frankly the most important. We still had maple blocks and sawdust floors.

  3. You forgot the "Clean environment is a safe environment" ???????????????? I like that quote so much.

  4. The past butcher here in the town I live in, to keep costs down for locals, always had the customers help. From my own experiences, the clean-up is as much h work as the butchering.

  5. My small operation I made a tik Tok video just on cleaning. You can't get clean enough. Family friends will eat my sausages and jerkys. And steaks. Your selling. My my you cannot ever get clean enough so ultra hot water and cleansers that are not harmful or soaps. Yes I get it. Folks this is how it's done. Cleaning

  6. One of my favorite parts of working at a restaurant/food place to be honest. Cleaning just gives me therapy, but I’ve only worked at one restaurant and I was the dish washer like 6-7 years ago (feels like yesterday) but when I first got there they weren’t really that sanitary in some areas.. so I really made sure to keep everything as clean and sanitary as possible, because I just find it ignorant if you’re gonna work in that business and not give a fuck about having a clean environment and giving safe/clean food to people, so many people should NOT be working at those places…

  7. Now that I'm just cutting at home for us, I work in the kitchen with a commercial meat slicer being my only "luxury" so, I start clean as do you then at clean up it's pretty much the same, get any loose materials up, then hit the sink with a bleach-mix cleaner and wipe heavy spots on the counters but, to finish the counters and the slicer (after main disassembly/cleaning) I spray everything down with "food surface sanitizer" which is a safe, pink fluid that's available by the gallon at Home Depot. It's a great product that you also let sit for a while then can let air dry (best) or wipe down after 30+ minutes and you're good. I use it on anything that doesn't go in the dishwasher. Counters, sink, knives, anything that got used/exposed.

  8. Man whoever is your camera man or crew they are on point. I Swear im watching a vice special about the bearded butchers right now.

  9. You guys set the standard for high-quality meats and for being super clean. When I can, I will make a trip there to get my meat. You have set a high bar that not many shops are known for.

  10. Thanks as always, I do this everyday. Then I come home… and watch you guys…damn. LoL Learned a good bit watching.

  11. I worked at a creamery one summer. We worked 8:30am to 5pm. At around 3pm, we would wrap up production, and start the cleaning process. Every single day we would clean for 2+ hours until the production and packaging rooms were spotless.

  12. White vinegar and a pressure washer with a 1or 2 gallon water tank attachment seems to work too, if you don't mind the smell of vinegar lingering in the air for a few hours.

  13. This brings back memories from my time as a butcher. My favorite part of the day.

  14. Hiya guys. Im a Brit (old school butcher). I was wondering, do you ever use a wooden block for the prep, or is it nylon? Love all of your videos. Great to see how its done across the pond. All the best????

  15. would like to learn more about that. Hire me as a cleaner. I feel like i can be really good at learning every single process of that

  16. I remember this drill every day at my corner butcher shop in Junior High School! ????

    One of my first "real jobs" after a paper route and golf Caddy!

    If you gave time to kean you have time to clean! ????

  17. Working for a mom and pop deer processing place, we went through a lot of cleaner and bleach.

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