15 Replies to “I bet you don't know how Brussels sprouts grow…”

  1. No wonder that all of those veggies listed are similarly the most disgusting ????

  2. I just bought brussel sprout seeds two days ago, and I can't wait to get them into my garden! For anybody who has had a negative take on brussel sprouts and their flavour/texture, try steaming them. They become very soft and easy to eat, look like tiny cabbages and tastes similar to broccoli. ????

  3. Eh, I bet I did know how they grow. Been growing them for over 20 years.
    And yes, all the plants you listed (kale, broccli, cauliflower, etc) are all bred from mustard at one time. Selective breeding is a wonderful thing.

  4. My leaves grew and looks like the heads started but they didn’t grow. I just ripped them out this past weekend to make room for other stuff.

  5. One of my favorite leafy green varities. Wish me luck this year trying growing them from seed this year proper-ish.

  6. Looks like you don't remove the large leaves? Will they not keep producing if you harvest the Brussels and leave the plant?

  7. Is anybody else a little confused by our fella cutting these in half to cook them?
    Unless they're being shredded for stir-frying or to eat raw, in the UK it's traditional to make a small cut (usually two cuts in a cross) in the base, but otherwise leave them whole. This allows heat to penetrate the denser, stalkier part whilst preventing the leafer end from over-cooking.
    Bet the chickens loved those offcuts, though!

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