I Cooked A Whole Alligator ft. Guga

A true culinary adventure.

Gugas Channel: https://bit.ly/ourboyguga

Gugas Cookbook: https://amzn.to/3O6Ov9z

Rob (our Gator Expert): https://bit.ly/ourboyrob

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshuaweissman
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@flakeysalt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/therealweissman
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20 Replies to “I Cooked A Whole Alligator ft. Guga”

  1. I would shoot such a gator and give it to the dog. It surely makes a excellent dog food.

  2. You guys sync well together. I'd love to see you together on a regular basis…perhaps Food Network show? Or GugaWeiss Adventures on Youtube!

  3. I had alligator jerky before.
    Not bad. I was at a gun show years ago and they had other exotic jerky.

  4. You do know there's an entire leather industry that just throws the meat out if you don't eat it, right?

  5. okay but having 3 of my top youtubers all making a video together? what is this christmakwanzahanukkah?

  6. this is hilarious , you Americans think alligators are the shit . try a crocodile from South Africa that thing will swallow you whole

  7. Men: I’m about to marry the most beautiful woman in the world. Tell her I want to spend my whole life with her

    Also men: but first let’s wrestle some 9ft alligator

    Women: Men ????

  8. I totally forgot your gonna get married congratulations that girl baddd af

  9. as someone who loves gator tail, im honestly curious as to what josh's cooking tastes like this time

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