14 Replies to “I could eat this everyday πŸ˜… #fruit #shorts”

  1. I am poor as hell and I could do it last week! I ate 31 different plants, even though I usually repeat a lot of items because it's cheaper. I didn't count seasoning as I think it's not enough to make a difference, but it was fun like a challenge. Thank you for the inspiration πŸ™‚

  2. I don’t think you should mix all these fruits. Yes, it looks beautiful. But citruses should be eaten with citruses. Gut health is the most important. That looks like a recipe for disaster.

  3. Last time I mixed pineapple and kiwi I burnt my tongue and throat πŸ˜…

  4. Look at all these people who love being negative and listing reasons why they "cant". Yall are chronic complainers πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Just do your best and stop bitching πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ ONE smoothie and ONE salad does this in almost 1 day

  5. I live in Alberta and wish I could eat this everyday . The prices of fruits are high and they are not even fresh at times, especially for what they are sold for . I understand seasonal eating, but even then, it's expensive these days, and it's not even a meal. Where are you from?

  6. Do you have any cheap hacks? I can do chia + plant based yoghurt and oats, then use some frozen strawberries. I wanna eat more fruit but plain banana is so boring 😭

  7. I was talking to my hubby about this study the other day. He said it would be difficult to eat 30 different plant foods in a week. I replied that he had already eaten 24 that day (before dinner). πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Some processed food, but limited to frozen/dried fruit, canned chickpeas and store bought tahini.

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