Ich nehme das billigste Fleisch und mache das beste Mittagessen!

Du wirst es nicht glauben! Ich zeige dir wie du das beste Mittagsessen aus dem billigsten Fleisch machst. So einfach geht das.
Das Fleisch nach diesem Rezept erweist sich als saftig, aromatisch und zergeht im Mund.
Ich werde in ein paar Tagen ein weiteres Video posten, vergesst nicht, mich wieder zu besuchen.

250 g Naturreis
1 rote Zwiebel
60 g Butter
1 TL Salz
3 Stück Hähnchenbrust
3 Eier
Eingelegte Gurke
1 Zwiebel
50 ml Wasser
1/2 EL Mehl

#Einfache_Rezepte #rezepte #Fleisch


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27 Replies to “Ich nehme das billigste Fleisch und mache das beste Mittagessen!”

  1. Hähnchenbrust is billig? Ich mein es ist nicht grad teuer, aber meiner Erfahrung nach ist Schwein IMMER billiger. Aber ich bin arm und kaufe im Discounter, villeicht ist es anders beim Fleischer.

  2. What is the song that you use? It is really pretty and I couldn’t find it by lyrics. ❤️

  3. Чтто за дешовое мясо,что ты дуру гонтшь?сказала бы где ты его берёшьь у теебя наверное блатной магазин есть,подпольный.

  4. Everything that happens has to pass by God !!!
    The prophetic – mathematical proof of the existence of GOD :
    The Bible contains more than 3,000 prophetic sayings (prophecies) which have already been fulfilled. An easy example to comprehend is the dispersion of the people of Israel announced by God (Deuteronomy 28:64–65), and the subsequent promise of returning to the land of Israel by the prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 16:14–15) which was realised by the founding of the state of Israel in 1948, almost 2,000 years later. No other book in world history can claim this kind of reliability and accuracy.
    This provides us with a unique criterion to validate the truth. Is it possible that people over a period of 1,500 years could foretell so many precise predictions? Did they come true just by chance or was it only possible because God was the author of the Bible, who alone in His omniscience can utter prophecies that can be veri-fied in the course of history?A simple analogy can help us evaluate the likelihood of a chance outcome. Imagine a huge anthill where among a mass of black ants we suppose just one red one. It is easy to comprehend that to locate that single red ant by chance (e.g. with covered eyes) will be almost impos-sible, and should the number of black ants rise even fur-ther, the likelihood of finding the only red one by chance will reduce even more. The question now is:What must be the number of ants in the anthill so that the likelihood of picking the red ant just by chance is equal to the probability that the 3,268 prophecies can be fulfilled by chance?We will begin with an estimation. Would the number of ants required be that that would fit in a bathtub (V = 0.4 m3) or do we need a volume the size of the amount of water in the Lake of Baikal (V = 23,600 km3) or even a volume the size of our planet Earth (V = 1.1 x 1012 km3) to contain them? The calculation shows it still wouldn’t suffice. What must we do? Must we even think about filling our huge universe (V = 1.2 x 1070 km3) densely with ants or even two or three of them; perhaps
    100 (102) or 1,000 (103)? Only the mathematical cal-culation will satisfy all our imaginations and tell us the actual number of universes; it is an unconceivable 10896(10 with the exponent 896). What does this immense number — a one followed by 896 zeroes — of universes completely filled by ants tell us?The likelihood of the fulfilment of more than 3,000 proph-ecies just by chance is practically void. The results of the numerical calculations show such gigantic numbers that it will overstrain and surpass all our thinking and imagi-nation and thereby prevent us from fairly evaluating or assessing this reality. The complete mathematical proof can be found in my book “So steht’s geschrieben” (ISBN (978-3-89397-982-0) [“So it is Written”). The amazing result can be summarized in short:By means of the “Prophetic–mathematical proof of the existence of God” the likelihood of an omni-scient and almighty God, which is identical with the God of the Bible, is proved.So three significant consequences arise from this proof:1. The Bible is from God and is true.
    1. The Bible is from God and is true.No group of human beings is able to express any proph-ecies that in total will come true. The true author of the Bible is the omniscient and almighty God (2 Timothy 3:16). Therefore the Bible is true. Jesus prays to His father in heaven: “Thy word is truth” (John 17:17) and the apostle Paul confesses: “I believe all things which are written” (Acts 24:14). He trusted God even without knowing the “Prophetic–mathematical proof of the exis-tence of God”.
    2. There is no other God than the God of the Bible.None of the ‘proofs of the existence of god’ provided in past times confirm a certain god. They are all presented to us in such a general way that each religion can make use of them for itself. Contrary wise, the “Prophetic–mathematical proof of the existence of God” explicitly refers to the God of the Bible and His Son Jesus Christ.
    No such confirmation can be provided by any other reli-gious cult. The Bible says that mankind has proclaimed an uncountable number of gods: “For though there be those called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) but to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him” (1 Corinthians 8:5–6). But in Psalm 96:5 the Bible discards all the idols in the various religious cults.To serve idols is not a matter of fact. In the story of Christ’s temptation (Mathew 4:10) Satan demanded that Jesus should worship him. With a word from God He chased him away: “You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve” (Mathew 4:10). According to the statements of the New Testament, in idolatry you will serve evil spirits, that is the demons (1 Corinthians 10:20), and by doing so are worshipping Satan, which Jesus so vehemently has condemned. Idolatry is a sin that excludes from heaven. (1 Corinthians 6:9f; Galatians 5:20–21; Revelation 21:8; 22:15)
    3. Atheism is disproved. Atheism can be disproved scientifically in two ways — by means of the ‘Natural law of information’ and by the ‘Prophetic–mathematical proof of the existence of God’. The Bible judges atheistic thinking in Psalm 14:1: “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” Also it is written: “But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days which are as shad-ows” (Ecclesiastes 8:13). Atheists not only clutch at a void but they are on their way to eternal perdition, too: “But he that disbelieves (in the Lord Jesus) shall be con-demned” (Mark 16:16).
    Salvation is possible !!!
    " Open your mouth to the dumb, to the rights of all weak " !!! Proverbs 31: 8
    YouTube , Dr.Roger Liebi , "Russland in der biblischen Prophetie" !!! Anhören !!!

  5. А давно ли ФИЛЕ грудки и ветчина – стали САМЫМ дешёвым мясом в мире??!! О_О

  6. Das genau ist das Problem…Qualität hat eben seinen Preis, und den zahlen wir selbst, wenn dann die Gesundheit fehlt

  7. Я часто готовлю так, но без яйца,обычно сыр,зелень, ветчина.Запекаю в духовке.Спасибо. Ростов-на-Дону.

  8. Sieht sehr gut aus, doch es ist für Naturreis viel zu wenig Sauce. Eventuell etwas Honig und Sahne in die Sauce rühren. Mit glg eure Angelika aus Österreich

  9. Лучше я возьму грудинку , разрежу , отобью , смажу специями , той же горчичкой, обваляю в сухарях и просто поджарю .И без танцев с бубнами .
    Да с картошечкой , маслицем , укропчиком , маринованным огурчиком .Самое то ! И , повторюсь , без танцев с бубнами .
    P.S. А мясцо то отнюдь не из дешевых .

  10. Спасибо за рецепт. Хочу сделать на 8 марта. Приглашу детей и угощу обедом. Жду рецептов. Можно с куриным мясом.

  11. Billiges Fleisch = Massentierhaltung und Tierleid. Man kann das ja auch aus Fleisch machen, das von Tieren stammt, die artgerecht gehalten wurden! Mit billigem Fleisch aus der Massentierhaltung esst ihr die ganzen Stresshormone und Medikamente mit, die diese Tiere bekommen, damit sie diese Qualbedingungen aushalten.

  12. oje, das billigste Fleisch? Ein Lebewesen ist wertvoll. Hinter Billigfleisch steckt leider großes Tierleid.


  14. Beograd uvek lajk od baka Dudine kuhinje ❤️ i meni lajk ❤️❤️❤️

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