WARNING! If you see a plastic bottle on your tire, call the police! The total value of all the cars that get stolen in the U.S. every single year is 4 billion dollars. Stealing cars is only becoming that much easier thanks to a new trick car thieves are using these days. How to protect your car and valuables from thieves?
It’s always better to be forewarned and take preventive measures to protect yourself. For example, why not walk around your car and briefly examine it before every drive? Not only that, there are tons of other ways you can protect yourself and your car from thieves.
How does the new criminal ploy work 1:18
Where criminals use this trick 2:40
How can you protect yourself 4:12
Take your steering wheel with you when you leave your car. 4:40
Buy a car with a manual transmission. 5:17
Keep the windshield clear. 6:07
Keep your car clean and tidy. 6:38
Take a look around. 7:13
Make sure your car faces your house. 7:51
Etch your car’s identification number on each window. 8:27
Use a tire lock. 8:49
Use a baby monitor. 9:20
Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core . Jingle Punks
-First of all, thieves find a car they like in a parking lot. After that, they place an empty plastic bottle on the front or rear passenger tire. You start the ignition, and just as you’re rolling out of your parking spot, you hear some weird crinkling sound. As you get out of the car to check it out, the criminals either steal the car or grab all the valuables inside and run off.
-The first cases of carjackers using this strategy were reported in Limpopo, South Africa. Another wave of car thefts committed this way swept through Mexico too.
-It’s always better to be forewarned and take preventive measures to protect yourself.
-Actually, you can install a quick-release steering wheel so that you can take it with you whenever you leave your car.
-There have been numerous reports from would-be victims explaining how thieves often run away in embarrassment after failing to drive away in a manual.
-Before you leave your car, you should always remove any wiring you may have.
-If there’s a bunch of random stuff lying around in your vehicle, thieves will assume that you’re unorganized.
-Before you leave your car alone, take a look around. Don’t try to be discreet about it either.
-Just pull in so that your car faces your house. You don’t really save that much time in the morning by backing in anyway.
-If you have your VIN etched on every window, replacing all the glass won’t be worth all the hassle for these criminals.
-You might not know that you can get hold of a tire lock yourself too and use it to prevent car theft.
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How does the new criminal ploy work 1:18
Where criminals use this trick 2:40
How can you protect yourself 4:12
Take your steering wheel with you when you leave your car. 4:40
Buy a car with a manual transmission. 5:17
Keep the windshield clear. 6:07
Keep your car clean and tidy. 6:38
Take a look around. 7:13
Make sure your car faces your house. 7:51
Etch your car's identification number on each window. 8:27
Use a tire lock. 8:49
Use a baby monitor. 9:20
I was checking my car today for a strange noise that I heard about 2 days ago when I was coming home from work.
I found it was caused by a variation of the bottle clip showed on this video, but instead they used a piece of wire. It seemed they drilled a small hole on the plastic body underneath the car and they bent the wire so it would.make contact with the Tire and make noise while I was driving.
It's a horrible feeling to know your car is being targeted to be stolen.
Really? TEN MINUTES to tell something simple. Waste of TEN MINUTES of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know this
If u see joe biden at your house call Donald Trump immediately
logicly speaking 1 way of preventing it is having a truck instead but criminals will find other ways to destract you and steal the car instead of gettinng out and looking whats wrong just drive away and leave the damaged bottle there or drive somewhere far from the location and take it off there
idk about you but every person i know turns off their car if they think somthing is wrong
This doesn't make sense…. I've had key fobs since 2012 so the key exits the car with me. Maybe this worked in the 90s?
I'm 9 years old I watch it for my parents.
My car is full of traps!
Bright side in 2040: if you ever see an outfit on your table RUN!
Huh? Of course I'd turn the car off when I get out. Who wouldn't?
Another tip to help you avoid something that has never happened. Utter nonsense.
i saw a bottle on my car and called the police
i got arrested for a false report they said someone is probasly being killed right now
How do you know these things
I being two body guards with me when I am out in the city. Smith & Wesson and about 9 of their friends .45ACP.
This is the most wacky and useless video I have ever seen on this channel
THIS IS GARBAGE. I searched for "put a bottle on your tire" because BOTH CNN and Fox News web sites have a link to something where they are RECOMMENDING YOU PUT THE BOTTLE ON YOUR CAR, not that it means you are "in danger."
Tip number 1 leaves you with no airbag
Me seeing an empty plastic bottle at someone else's car: 😳😳😳😳😳
My 94 Jeep Cherokee I installed a removable steering wheel , put it in my locker at gym. Locking metal cap goes over the shaft end.
wonder if I could lodge a gernade on my fender and have the pin attach to the tire…..so when the punk tries to drive off………ka BOOM!
I'm from south Africa Limpopo… never heard of such.