How to Make Butter Chicken at Home

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Zainab Ahmed says:

When i made it the first time it turned out to be as delicious as you would have one in a restaurant! Love this recipe

Classified Information says:

I love how happy she is at the end that's awesome.

DekuDog says:

I'm makin this dish tonight

Rinku's Cooking Channel says:

Very nice recipe.
Plz watch and sub my channel

Lee Hall, VA says:

I am vegetarian, so what can I substitute the chicken for this particular dish?

Sam Stewart says:

did she say whipped cream?

Buddy Simpson says:


Selma Tidafi says:

I just made this dish , it's delicious but doesn'T taste like a butter chicken but it's good. I also made naan with your recipe ! Thank you for sharing !

melogardener says:

Thank you for sharing your recipe…appreciated.

SlimeyRiley says:

LOOKS AMAZING!!! there are so many steps in this I will try to keep up love my butter chicken and indian foods

Tahira Din says:

butter chicken yummy recipe

Shurfa Nazar says:

can I use sour cream instead of whip cream???? Please reply ma'am

Satanic Atheist says:

tomatoes? frick that


Did you record this on your potatoe 2550

PinkPanther says:

ابو هنود

Helgali says:

Learning how it's done while eating it is twice as wonderful. ❤

tomahawk piper says:

I shouldn't be watching this when I'm hungry… 🙁

Charlotte Love says:

Ur recipes are the best, thank you… my cooking makes my man so happy hehe.

Stranger 2017 says:

Please can you tell me how can I get this golden handles karahee I am looking for this golden handles karahee from many years

George K.J. says:

I tried. it turned out to be good

Eliza The cat says:

I have made this exact recipe over 20 times and my entire family loves it. Thank you for the terrific recipe , i look forward to more😊

anthony duvall says:

mmmmmmmmm looks lush ….

Saira Hina says:

You really don't know how to speek english

PaintMyStoryWhite says:

hands down the best recipe I have found online! thank you

Rash N says:

I have tried this recipes many times before and still keep coming back to it, it's easy and very tasty! thank you for sharing 🙂

anthony guada says:

nd also she used fresh cream.

HUH, whatcha mean? Fresh Cream, like from an animal?
All I know is from store bought cream, hardly fresh

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