29 Replies to “Induction and a Change in Fuel Sources”

  1. until there's people making buckets of money from fossil fuel, nothing will properly change. Thanks for bringing up this important subject to your content!

  2. There is no energy free lunch even solar and wind power have problems. My husband worked in a coal fired power plant with scrubbers to remove particulates going up the stacks it still put pollution in the air.

  3. I need that induction wok set up to be a little cheaper. I'm in love with it.

  4. Demonizing the use of an incredibly abundant and reliable source of energy, especially for low income and developing areas, is incredibly ignorant. Fossil fuels should and will always be used in some way. Demanding a fantasy utopia above all else is just incorrect.

  5. Said every undergrad dropout ever. Cmon man I’m a conservation biologist so I want to like this but just be realistic. These idealizations just expose ignorance. If you want change, come up with solutions instead of preaching from your virtual choir about what is wrong.

  6. My guy, I agree that we need to do a better job looking after our planet, however, electricity is not necessarily an alternative to fossil fuels due to it requiring the oil byproducts to create, charge and sustain electricity grids through carbon and other byproducts. Don’t take my word for it though look it up! On a second note, cooking induction with a wok is muy bien! ❤

  7. Nuclear, the solution been there for 70 years. They can make nuclear power plants that basically are a sealed container put in the ground. No nuclear waste, no melt downs, no problems but the lobbyists for solar or wind got their hands deep In pockets of the people making the decisions

  8. Wow – talk about literally whitewashing asian cuisine with the induction stove. Its honestly quite racist to describe asians as primative for using gas – and no, it doesnt matter if you are asian – its still racist

  9. You’re adorable. You think the representatives represent us!!! You think they aren’t paid by the gas companies?

  10. One word: Nuclear

    Nuclear is the safest option. Proof? Look at the number of deaths per disaster. Even with Chernobyl, which was ran incorrectly, it's still the safest and most efficient.

  11. You cant have induction stoves in south africa, load shedding is gonna get you

  12. Renovating the house, i really want to go with induction, at least for summer.
    In winter, i use what in my language is called a "putagè".
    I burn wood for both cooking and heat, because it's a renewable resource (my family has been cutting trees in the same lot for more than a century, and we cure it so that it regrows healthy) and because the new generation furnaces with double combustion limit greatly the amount of harmful gas released in nature.
    Plus, it's also easy on my wallet, and it's great exercise.

  13. "But gas isn't as reliable as electricity"

    Meanwhile every muncipal electric company in the country has been privatized and the new corporate owners don't care about bringing our electric infrastructure into the 21st century because that would impact their profits.

  14. Plumber here gas does not leak out of your gas range when it is not in use. That would be insanely dangerous. It also makes no sense at all. If gas is leaking from your gas range please do not think this is normal it is not and is an issue that needs to be addressed with extreme urgency. If you smell gas contact your local fire department they will give you a phone number for your local gas provider.

  15. Preach! This is completely accurate and I hope more people begin to understand that their frustrations are valid and we need CHANGE.

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