Stop Smoking

Factors to Quit Smoking 101 Funny & Not-so-Funny Incentives

” Give me a lever enough time and a fulcrum on which to position it, and I will move the world.”– Archimedes

Do you have a “enough time lever” in your life to stop smoking cigarettes? With long list of factors, you can do anything – even give up cigarette smoking.

( Ordered chronologically and by significance).

1. Losing cash on eliminating yourself.

2. Smelling like an ashtray.

3. Your dull palate.

4. The awkward smoking cigarettes odor of your.

5. Even coffee tastes worst.

6. Wondering if somebody is going to get ill from riding in your “cigarette smoker’s” vehicle.

7. Your home will not stink.

8. When you breathe, the zooming.

9. You alright get enough lung population by residing in the city.

10. You will not need to transfer to the nation to breath tidy air.

11. Poor flow.

12. Low energy.

13. Feeling gorse.

14. No quantity of gum covers your ashtray breath.

15. Yellow teeth.

16. Yellow Stained fingers.

17. Living an additional 7 years.

18. Achieving what just 3.5% of cigarette smokers do a year *: stopping for a year or longer (According to the Surgeon General’s Report, 1990).

19. Grayish dull skin triggered by smoking cigarettes.

20. Avoiding early aging without surgical treatment or expensive creams.

21. Scaly skin triggered by smoking cigarettes.

22. Needing to search for a cigarette.

23. Needing to request for a light.

24. Those countless ideas about smoking cigarettes.

25. Losing time preparing your smoke breaks.

Factors to Quit Smoking.

26. When you’re not able to have a cigarette, experiencing panic-attacks.

27. Freezing outside in bad weather condition.

28. Having cash to return to school, work less hours, or go a trip.

29. Money to acquire present’s for enjoyed ones.

30. Socializing with the cynical and primarily unhealthy “cigarette smokers” crowd.

31. No energy to workout.

32. 3 words “sex, impotence, loser”.

33. Not having the ability to a flight climb stairs without losing your breathe.

34. The “a cigarette smoker” unhealthy lifestyle.

35. Low self-esteem of being a cigarette smoker.

36. Individuals looking down on you for being a ‘cigarette smoker’.

37. Being declined for life insurance coverage.

38. Since you’re a cigarette smoker, possible company not employing you.

39. Since no one desires to lease to cigarette smokers, not being able to discover an apartment or condo.

40. concentration.

41. All the disturbances in your life.

42. Less running around.

43. The unfavorable drain of being addicted to something.

44.Non-smoker hate kissing cigarette smokers, and more than likely will NOT.

45. The idea of hurting your coming infant.

46.Second-hand smoke eliminates relative too.

Since their moms and dads do, 47.75% of kids who smoke.

48. Teenagers that smoke are 7 times most likely do generate drugs.

49. Journeys to the corner store in the middle of the night.

50.Waking-up in the middle of the night simply to have a smoke.

Factors to Quit Smoking.

51. If you do not get one, yearning for a cigarette and being inflamed.

52. Less time to invest with your household.

53. Less time breathing in poisonous toxins.

54. Less time breathing in other cigarette smokers used smoke.

55. Never ever needing to being in another smoke filled space.

56. Feeling and looking more youthful.

57. The odor smoke in your hair.

58. The odor smoke in your clothing.

59. A hazardous and cancer filled body.

60. Aching joints.

61. Muscle discomforts.

62. That continuous bothersome cough.

63. Getting a “colds” all the time.

64. A weak body immune system.

65. Just having the ability to date less-than-perfect cigarette smokers.

66. Burning holes your clothing.

67. Stressing over burning down your home.

68. Stressing over burning down some one else’s residential or commercial property or home.

69. Motivating your kids to play with fire.

70. Having cash to go on “date night” to supper and the motion pictures.

71. Time to begin a brand-new pastime.

72. Time to begin a workout program.

73. Time to clean your body out.

74. Tossing clothing with burn holes in them.

75. Cigarette smoking triggers infertility.

Factors to Quit Smoking.

76. Your infant will thank you.

77. Your breast milk will be safe to consume.

78. All of your member of the family will take pride in you.

79. All of your pals will take pride in you.

80. All of your colleagues will take pride in you.

81. Having lunch cash every day now.

82. You will not ever be called ‘a cigarette smoker’ once again.

83. Needing to bottom cigarettes from others.

84. Stress over choosing a very long time without a smoke like in a motion picture or on an airplane.

85. Sleepless nights.

86. The unfortunate reality your very first idea in your day has to do with “smoking cigarettes”.

87. You’ll quickly be sexier and more appealing to individuals even non-smokers.

88. No more reasons about not giving up.

89. Actually not having the ability to smell the roses.

90. Other individuals believing you’re dim-witted.

91. Since of your dumb practice, losing creditability as an expert or professional.

92. Your mother never ever asking you to stop once again.

93. Having the title of “ex-smoker”.

94. Giving up before you get cancer or pass away.

95. Showing all those individuals incorrect who stated “you’ll never ever give up”.

96. Passing away a tranquil death.

97. Providing the athletic efficiency benefit to the non-smokers.

98. Burning holes in your carpets.

99. Cleaning up ashtrays.

100. Tidying up spill tobacco in your handbag or desk.

101. Concealing the truth you still have not give up.

Now, please compose out your leading 10, print it them off, or email them to a good friend. I hope you discovered a long list of factors to stop cigarette smoking now, enough time to quickly stop cigarette smoking today.


1US Surgeon General’s Report, 1990, p. vi.

2According to the American Cancer Society, the typical financial expenses of cigarette smoking are approximated to be around $3,391 per cigarette smoker annually.

*** According for the typical inflation expense of Cigarettes.

**** U.S. Fire Administration. A Profile of Fire in the United States, 1989-1998.

5Smoking 25 cigarettes (one pack) a day for a typical 4 minutes (cigarette smoking and taking a trip to the designated smoking cigarettes area) equates to 608 hours and 20 minutes of mindful time each year.