30 Replies to “Makka Fritter Manchurian: Fusion is a Dirty Word”

  1. Lol, if you really want to go og… All American food is fusion food. There's very few American dishes that weren't culturally appropriated and then adapted. Hot dogs, hamburgers, chili, french fries, pizza, spaghetti…. That's all foods of other cultures. Don't even get me started on wine, beer, and bourbon.

    This is what makes the US great. All of you from other places melting into the American cheese.

  2. What other better way to cook and eat various spices and ingredients than a fusion?? Fusion is the BEST!!
    If someone has a problem with fusion then they are missing something great !!

  3. I dont get it. The some of the best food in the world is fusion and most food is fusion anyway given how cultures have mingled throughout the last 4,000 years.

  4. Sooo you’re complaining about something that is meaningless?..ok you’re obviously in need of therapy if something as stupid as food triggers you.

  5. My own experience: first time I tried japanese food and it was like this asian fusion dish, didn't like it, lots of raw, lots of sugary flavors and odd textures and flavors but I wouldn't know the difference at the time. I try original traditional Japanese sashimi and sushi and I still didn't like it lol, but it was much more pleasant then the fusion. This is just my odd experience with many open ends

  6. As the God of cooking, the next mf to say the word fusion in any context, and I mean any fucking context, is getting smote with a vitamix blender moving at Mach 341,773

  7. Oh my gosh it’s food. Shut up and eat it. This is what happens when you have too much free time because you’re too privileged, you just start making up problems

  8. Just say fusion. Who gives a shit. I see a million Korean owned taco trucks selling bulgogi tacos. Or… Kung Pow chicken tacos. Oh lord they aren't Chinese OR Mexican. Annnddd.. they are still delicious.

  9. if its good, its good. wtf cares who cooked it or how it was cooked? it taste good

  10. It's not a dirty word. Yo ass just want to be s victim as usual.

  11. You have a very good way of simplifying things, boiling them down to their most basic level, sucking all the nuance out of them. Very digestible. Good for a video short.

  12. I don’t understand how food is deep and philosophical. If I’m hungry I just find something and eat it. Maybe I’m missing something but I literally don’t understand the profound perspectives on food

  13. Bro we are second generation immigrants and we incorporate things from the nations we have moved to. Fusion is just a word but what we do is the evolution of food.

  14. Idk I usually just eat the food. But I’m white so somehow this is my fault right

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